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Roasted Pumpkin with Muhammara and Zhoug

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The combination of ingredients in this easy roasted pumpkin dish is a perfect balance of sweet, sour nutty and spicy. It's an absolute crowd-pleaser and I'm sure you guys will love it. Pair it with any protein you enjoy.
Muhammara is a Middle Eastern walnut and roasted red pepper dip that's nutty, tangy, and lightly spicy. Zhoug (aka zhug or skhug) is a hot green sauce originating in Yemeni cuisine. It's similar to chimichurri, chermoula, and salsa verde.

  • 1 x 800 g - 1 kg Butternut pumpkin, quartered lengthways, seeds removed
  • 1 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
  • Muhammara
  • Zhoug
  • Walnuts, toasted and roughly chopped
  • Cilantro leaves, roughly chopped
  1. Preheat oven to 210C/410F. Using a sharp knife, cut the butternut pumpkin into quarters lengthwise. Use a spoon to scoop out the seeds. Set aside to roast for later use or discard them.
  2. Place pumpkin on a tray and brush with oliveoil. Roast for 1 hour or until tender.
  3. Spread some muhammara on a serving platter, arrange the pumpkin quarters on top, then drizzle with a little zhoug. Sprinkle with extra walnut and cilantro. Serve with remaining muhammara and zhoug alongside.

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eileeninmd 26/1/24 12:04

Roasted Pumpkin, sounds yummy! Thanks for another great recipe.
Take care, have a great day and happy weekend.

Javier 26/1/24 12:32

I always ask myself, how is possible that every recipe that you made looks so fantastic! Each one better!

Judee 26/1/24 12:39

I love the combination of flavors here and it looks so beautiful and colorful too.

Tom 26/1/24 14:28

...Angie, I often have to do a search on your ingredients and today I once again did.

Julie 26/1/24 14:57

Wow !! Looks delicious, never tried roasting pumpkins..will try !

The Velvet Runway 26/1/24 15:52

It looks so delicious. Julia x

[Reply] 26/1/24 16:16

So beautifully presented, I love roasted vegetables, so much flavor~

Jeff the Chef 26/1/24 16:45

I just so admire your cooking! You always highlight such simple and wholesome items, and dress them up in the most exquisite way. I'm sure roasted pumpkin never tasted so good! And I lament how seldom I roast one! Very inspiring.

DEZMOND 26/1/24 17:45

Muhamwhata? LOL Looks lovely, nice colours and full of spices.

David 26/1/24 18:46

Angie, This roasted pumpkin dish looks great. We've been eating a lot of squash related vegetables as I can't eat greens so this fits our current menu. FYI, we're not into cruises either but a short ferry boat ride is enjoyable. Trains aren't an option here in the USA unless you're in a big city and many of them don't have rail service either. In the state of Tennessee only Memphis has any passenger rail service. That church is an Episcopalian church...affiliated with and a spin off of the Anglican church in England. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

JoAnna 26/1/24 18:48

I love such delicious, colorful food. Yummy!

DUTA 26/1/24 23:22

Never heard these names, but the roasted pumpkin dish looks yummi with these ingredients!

Brian's Home Blog 27/1/24 00:15

Very colorful and it looks great!

Citu 27/1/24 03:20

Gracias por la receta. Me gusta la calabaza. Tomó nota. Te mando un beso.

Margaret D 27/1/24 05:29

It does look lovely and know doubt tastes as good as it looks.

David M. Gascoigne, 27/1/24 13:00

It’s not often that I look at a recipe and am ignorant of two of the three ingredient listed. This is one of those cases!

Rose world 27/1/24 14:23

Used not to take pumpkins in the past but now I grow to love it. Stir fry, in soup, in dessert. But never had it roasted.

Cooking Julia 27/1/24 19:08

The sauces look so great and full of colors!

Anonymous 27/1/24 22:17

What An unusual combination of flavors! I love it. Muhammara has been a favorite of ours for years, though I’ve never thought of it paired with pumpkin. The zhoug sounds incredible, too — I’ve never heard of it before. David (C&L)

Rainbow Evening 28/1/24 06:54

We will try to roast pumpkin with Muhammara and Zhoug...
Thank you for sharing recipe...

Anonymous 28/1/24 11:49

Muhmarra is my new favourite romesco alternative! I just love the walnut flavour! I never thought to pair it with roasted pumpkin, really clever.
Sorry for not commenting or being around, just getting over a horrid stomach flu I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.

foodtravelandwine 29/1/24 02:11

What a great combination!.....I love the idea of muhammara with pumpkin!........Abrazotes, Marcela

sherry 30/1/24 07:03

this sounds really fabulous angie. I love all those strong flavours!

Pam 30/1/24 22:16

Yum. I have a feeling both sauces make the pumpkin extra flavorful.

Raymund | 1/2/24 22:44

This has a potential to be a crowd-pleaser, thanks for sharing this pumpkin dish


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