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Honey Rose Tea
Tuesday, February 24, 2009The tea has a natural rosy taste and aroma, as I infuse the Earl-Grey with real dried rose buds, which makes the tea very refreshing and enjoyable. According to the TCM, rosebuds help aiding circulation and reducing tension.
- Place tea bag and rose petals in a tea pot. Pour in some boiled water and let steep for 3-5 minutes. Sweeten the tea with some honey.
Banana Grapefruit Milkshake / 香蕉西柚奶昔
Saturday, July 07, 2007
- In a blender container, place milk, banana and grapefruit juice. Cover and blend on medium speed for 30 seconds or until smooth.
- Pour into a long glass, garnishing with a banana and serve.
Strawberry Milkshake / 草莓奶昔
Saturday, July 07, 2007
- 草莓洗净后切对半放到碗里,加入香草糖静置几分钟。
Wash the strawberries and cut each into half. Add in vanilla sugar and let stand for a few minutes.
- 草莓放到搅拌器里,加入牛奶和香草粉搅拌浓稠即可。
Place the strawberries in a blender together with vanilla powder and milk and blend until thick.
Caipirinha Brazilian National Cocktail / 巴西卡皮利亚鸡尾酒
Tuesday, July 03, 2007Caipirinha / kai-pee-reen-yah is a Brazilian lime cocktail. Rum-like cachaca liqueur blend together with fresh limes and sugar together with lots of crushed ice. A wonderful summer BBQ drink!
The spirit used to make this cocktail is a colourless liquor made from sugar cane juice, called Cachaça,(pronounced as kuh-sha-suh kuh-sha-suh) and also known as Aguardente de cana-Sugarcane alcohol.
- Wash the lime and roll it on the board to loosen the juices. Cut the lime into pieces and place them in an old-fashion glass.
将洗净青柠放在桌面上,用手掌按住青柠来回揉动使其出汁。青柠切块入古典杯内。 - Gently mash the lime pulp with a wooden pestle. Add sugar and muddle until dissolved into lime juice. Add enough ice cubes and pour in cachaca. Stir to mix and enjoy!