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Featured Recipe: 37 Cucumber Recipes to keep you cool in hot Summer

Halloumi Muffins with Basil and Nigella Seeds

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A simple savoury muffin recipe made with spelt, nigella seeds, basil and Halloumi cheese. They are fantastic picnic food and perfect as a healthy lunch box treat, delicious eaten alongside a soup or a stew, or make a very tasty addition to a brunch table.
They are best eaten on the day they're baked – ideally fresh from the oven, but they will keep for up to 3 days in an airtight container, or freeze for up to a month. As muffins need to be worked as little as possible so that the texture stays light and tender, keep the amount of stirring you do to a minimum.

  • 1 block / 300 g Halloumi, coarsely grated
  • 240 g White spelt flour
  • 1 tsp Baking powder
  • 1 tsp Baking soda
  • 1 tbsp Nigella seeds
  • 2 tsp Dried basil
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Black pepper
  • 100 g Olive oil
  • 2 Duck eggs (or 3 medium chicken eggs)
  • 150 g Full fat Greek yoghurt
  • 2 tbsp Pine nuts
  1. Mix together the fresh goat cheese, sour cream, chopped dill and lemon zest, then season with a little salt and plenty of black pepper.
  2. Place the flatbread of your choice in a serving platter. Spread the cheese mix all over it. Drape the salmon on top and scatter with sprouts, capers and arugula. Season again and serve cut into squares with the lemon wedges to squeeze over.

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eileeninmd 30/1/24 17:14

Hello Angie,
Your muffins do look tasty! Take care, have a great day!

Eva Taylor 30/1/24 17:49

I bet those duck eggs make these muffins outstanding! We have a few stores in our neighbourhood that sell duck eggs but I've always been a little intimated by them, so huge! But this recipe seems doable and tasty too.

Tom 30/1/24 18:19

...Angie, you used so many ingredients that are new to me.

Anonymous 30/1/24 19:57

Wonderful! -Christine

Lola Martínez 30/1/24 20:03

Estos muffins tienen el problema de no poder comer solo uno, son tan sabrosos que apetecen un montón. Y quedan muy bonitos.

DEZMOND 30/1/24 20:09

Looks uber lecker, I could probably eat the whole pan! I've been planning what to cook this week today and I have absolutely no idea how to fill all week long with dishes, it always wrecks my nerves, wish I had a cook, and a butler too as cooking three meals a day is very tiring especially if you have a career.

Pam 30/1/24 22:14

Those toasted pine nuts on top make these muffins extra special.

Cooking Julia 30/1/24 23:38

I have halloumi cheese in my fridge that I don't know how to use, this could be a fantastic idea!

Margaret D 31/1/24 05:59

They certainly look lovely and would taste delicious.

David M. Gascoigne, 31/1/24 12:32

Nigella seeds are new to me, but Nigella Lawson I know well!

JoAnna 31/1/24 15:08

I like this recipe and will probably use it soon.


Hola Angie. Estos muffins tienen una pinta estupenda. Me encanta tu receta. Un saludo.

Raymund | 1/2/24 22:42

Thanks for sharing this delightful and versatile recipe, I think it just earned a permanent spot in my kitchen!

Granny Sue 2/2/24 01:49

Spelt and halloumi are new to me!

tigerfish 2/2/24 02:31

Savory always calls my name! Love these muffins

Rainbow Evening 3/2/24 07:39

new for me to have basil in the muffin....
I'll try your recipe.... thank you for sharing

Carol @Comfort Spring Station 3/2/24 08:14

Few people bake with spelt flour; I like it myself. I have never heard of the cheese or the seeds, but the muffins look incredible!

Anonymous 9/2/24 06:09

I love a savoury muffin and i love pine nuts. I remember a friend telling us a story about collecting pine nuts on the roadside as they drove around in Europe when they were children. Sounds marvellous.

Anonymous 18/2/24 06:19

I much prefer savory muffins — and these are gorgeous! I have not used haloumi much, but I have always enjoyed it. David (C&L)


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