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Tomato Salad with Cucumber, Physalis, and Gooseberries

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Loaded with heirloom tomatoes, baby cucumbers and berries, this farmers' market inspired salad is delicious served with grilled kebabs / kabobs or salmon fillets. This simple salad definitely brings colour and vibrance to the dinner table.
The orange coloured physalis, aka golden berries or ground cherries, are sweet yet citrusy, creating a tangy flavour. They are perfect for eating raw and are great in salads.
Gooseberries are extremely low in calories and fat, yet packed with nutrients. They come in a variety of coluors. The darker the colour, the sweeter the berry.

  • 200 g Physalis
  • 4-6 Heirloom tomatoes, thinly sliced
  • 6 Baby cucumbers, sliced
  • 1 Shallot, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 tbsp Flat parsley, chopped
  • 100 g Gooseberries
  • 2 tbsp Balsamic vinegar
  • 3-4 tbsp Extra-virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt
  • Freshly milled black pepper
  1. Remove the inedible paper-like husk off the physalis, wash and pat dry. Slice the large one in half and leave the small one whole.
  2. Slice the heirloom tomatoes. Slice the shallots thinly. Slice cucumbers crosswise. Finely chop the parsley.
  3. In a small mixing bowl or glass jar, add balsamic and olive oil. Mix until well combined. Season with salt and pepper.
  4. In a large mixing bowl, add the physalis, shallot, cucumber, gooseberries, chopped parsley and half of the dressing. Gently toss until well combined. Taste and season.
  5. Place the slices of heirloom tomatoes on a large serving platter. Drizzle a tablespoon of the dressing. Place the tossed salad on top of the tomatoes. Serve with the remaining dressing aside.

© 2024 |

© 2024 |


Tom 17/6/24 12:30

...yummy, it looks garden fresh.

DEZMOND 17/6/24 13:46

I just had a gooseberry expression in the novel I am currently translating. When Irish people say I am like a gooseberry, or feel like a gooseberry, it means feeling like a fugly friend who acts like a third wheel to a romantic couple.

speedy70 17/6/24 14:00

Perfetta e bellissima insalata per la stagione!!!

Javier 17/6/24 14:20

Great salad! Colorful and tasty!

Margaret D 17/6/24 14:21

That really looks great Angie.

Lola Martínez 17/6/24 14:36

Que ensalada más vistosa, y esa mezcla de sabores, salados, ácidos, dulzones,... me encantan. Las ensaladas son las reinas del verano.

eileeninmd 17/6/24 15:04

Looks delicious, I love tomatoes. Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week!

Brian's Home Blog 17/6/24 15:41

That looks really, really great, yum!

[Reply] 17/6/24 15:42

Wow Angie, what a masterpiece of a salad! It is a feast for the eyes too!

Anne in the kitchen 17/6/24 16:37

What a gorgeous dish. We would have that with just a hunk of lovely bread and call it dinner.
I have tried to grow ground cherries here several times, but the damn groundhog makes sure I never get any. I have never been able to find them in a market here.

Granny Sue 17/6/24 18:51

This sounds so delicious. Unfortunately I have no access to gooseberries or ground cherries here. I used to grow the latter, and maybe I need to do so again. They actually used to be wild here and came up in all my gardens, but faded away over time and I had to grow them. I had forgotten about them until I read your recipe! I wonder if white grapes could substitute?

David 17/6/24 19:12

Hi Angie, Beautiful salad! I could work my way around the greens and eat the cucumbers if I peeled them first. I'd comment on your asparagus recipes except that since they are off my menu and I love asparagus, it would be torture to look at all the asparagus options! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Judee 17/6/24 19:40

Such a beautiful and colorful interesting salad. Not sure we have the gooseberries here.

Cooking Julia 17/6/24 19:42

Both of us propose a cucumber salad today!

Angie's Recipes 17/6/24 19:46

@Granny Sue Grapes sound like a great substitute, Sue.

LoveT. 17/6/24 20:06

I like the fruity component in the salad.

Bill 17/6/24 20:29

A delicious salad to enjoy.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station 17/6/24 22:51

I love heirloom tomatoes - this salad is gorgeous!

roentare 18/6/24 00:21

So much natural goodness!

citu 18/6/24 03:14

Siempre es bueno comer ensalada. Te mando un beso.

Ben | Havocinthekitchen 18/6/24 22:22

As always, beautiful salad packed with great flavours and colours! Loving the addition of physalis and gooseberries.

Lowcarb team member 18/6/24 23:27

Now ... that does look delicious :)
Many thanks for the recipe suggestion.

All the best Jan

Raymund | 20/6/24 04:23

So colourful, very nice presentation as usual

The Velvet Runway 20/6/24 16:04

I love how colorful this dish is and so much natural goodness too!
Julia x


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