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Asparagus with Goji Berries

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A simple, delicious and healthy dish with green, white asparagus and goji berries served with a homemade broth. It's naturally gluten-free, keto-friendly, and low calorie.
The sweet, slightly tart goji berries, aka wolfberries or Berry of Happiness , are among the healthiest fruits in the world as they are bursting with vitamins, anti-oxidants, minerals and relatively low on sugar. They are considered mood-lifting and support the work of the kidneys and liver.
Asparagus, the king vegetable of the Spring, is a good source of the dietary fiber, vitamin C and folate. This low-calorie green superfood may help fight cancer and slim you down.

  • 1-2 tbsp Goji berries
  • 400 g White asparagus, trimmed
  • 300 g Green asparagus, trimmed
  • 1 tsp Sea salt
  • 1 tsp Butter
  • 300 ml Homemade broth (I used chicken broth)
  • 1/2 tsp Potato starch or cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp Water
  • 1 tbsp Flat parsley, chopped
  1. Soak the goji berries in some water for 10 minutes. Drain and set aside. Wash the asparagus, pat dry and cut off the ends. Peel the white asparagus completely, the green only in the lower third.
  2. Fill a large skillet or saucepan with some water. Bring it to a boil. Add in salt and butter. Lower the trimmed white asparagus into the water and cook for 5 minutes. Add in the green asparagus and cook for 3-5 more minutes. Drain well and place them on a serving platter or bowl.
  3. Bring the homemade broth to a simmer. Add in softened goji berries and cook briefly. Dissolve the potato starch in 2 tablespoons of water. Add the starch solution to the broth and cook until it thickens a bit. Turn off the heat and pour the broth over the asparagus. Sprinkle some chopped parsley over. Enjoy!

© 2023 |

© 2023 |


Cooking Julia 1/4/23 22:55

What an original idea! I love asparagus and just bought some this afternoon. But I don't have Goji berries on hand...

DEZMOND 1/4/23 23:27

Not a fan of asparagus, but I love goji berries in my Dove shower gel!

Bill 1/4/23 23:30

Goji berries are new to me but I love asparagus.

Tom 1/4/23 23:38

...I'm looking forward to cutting asparagus from our garden this year!

roentare 1/4/23 23:51

As long as the asparagus is young and fresh, I am all for it. Eating it reminds me of food prepared at home.

Brian's Home Blog 2/4/23 01:48

That looks terrific, I really like asparagus.

Balvinder 2/4/23 03:26

Love asparagus. What a great looking salad!

J.P. Alexander 2/4/23 03:26

Es una forma diferente de hacer espárragos. Tomó nota. Te mando un beso.

Eha 2/4/23 08:27

Probably my favourite vegetable, rather seasonal in eastern Australia and hard to get iin its white variety! Beautifully simple way of presenting . . . cannot wait for winter to come and be gone . . .

Lola Martínez 2/4/23 09:10

Yo prefiero los espárragos trigueros a los blancos, pero probaría tu receta tal cual la presentas porque tampoco tiene desperdicio y con esa buena mano que tienes en la cocina, seguro que me sorprende.
Un beso.

Margaret D 2/4/23 09:18

Looking good, love asparagus.


Hola Angie. Estos espárragos blancos frescos son deliciosos. Precioso post. Besos.

jesus alvarez 2/4/23 12:01

una receta excelente receta de esparragos, hoy precisamente he salido al campo y he cogido muchos, saludos.

Rose world 2/4/23 12:31

I love asparagus but not cheap. I never see a white asparagus been sold here.

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 2/4/23 17:00

I am always looking for new aspargus ways to prepare it this is perfect!

Mbul Kecil 2/4/23 18:53

goji berry like dates...

i really like asparagus too and want to cook them soon...thanks for the great recipe...

Muriel de Petites Marmites et Cie 2/4/23 23:50

Voile de belles assiettes festives et printanières. Belle fin de soirée

foodtravelandwine 3/4/23 01:29

I love asparagus...this is a great idea and delicious too!!........Abrazotes, Marcela

Anonymous 3/4/23 02:49

Oh, my goodness, that looks so healthy and good!

Anonymous 3/4/23 04:18

Judee from Gluten Free A-Z: So lovely - love the white and red color combination. I don't think I've ever made white asparagus...

Rainbow Evening 3/4/23 12:07

Asparagus is one of my favorites...
healthy and tasteful....,

Carol @Comfort Spring Station 3/4/23 21:18

An unusual combination and I'm dying to taste it!

My name is Erika. 4/4/23 01:08

I've heard of white asparagus, but have never tasted it. Is it very different from green asparagus, which is so yummy. hugs-Erika

Laura. M 4/4/23 11:02

Me encantán los esparragos. Hoy los tengo de menú.
Un abrazo.

Sherry's Pickings 5/4/23 08:36

this is intriguing Angie. such an interesting combo of flavours.

Sherry's Pickings 5/4/23 08:37

Oops my comment vanished. Just saying this is intriguing and a great combo of flavours.

Pam 5/4/23 19:55

YUM! Such a great combination of flavors!

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness 7/4/23 13:53

This sounds healthy and delicious. Yum!

tigerfish 12/4/23 01:46

White asparagus always sold as "premium" here. Some seasons ago, we had a chance to try purple asparagus too.


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