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Stir-fried Mushrooms With Satay Sauce

This thick creamy Satay sauce is widely used in Indonesian, Malaysian, Thai, Vietnamese and Chinese cuisines. It is a peanut-coconut based sauce, a balance of hot (from chilli), salty (soya sauce), sour (fish sauce), and sweet (brown sugar). if you love peanut butter, then don't miss the satay sauce.
Satay sauce is typically paired with grilled chicken, pork or beef skewers. This rich creamy sauce is just for the meat dish, but also perfect for making tofu, and vegetable dishes.

  • 200 g Fresh mushrooms
  • 10 Chinese black mushrooms
  • 1 tbsp Satay powder
  • 1/2 tsp Jiafan rice wine
  • 1/2 tsp Chicken bouillon
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1 stalk Spring onion chunks
  • 2 Garlic cloves
  1. Clean the mushrooms and slice. Soak the dried mushrooms in water. Drain and cut into small pieces.

  2. Heat up a skillet with some oil. Add in garlic, onion and dried mushrooms and stir until fragrant. Add in sliced mushrooms. Stir briefly. Sprinkle rice wine, satay, salt and chicken powder. Stir until the mushrooms are coated with the sauce. Serve immediately.


为食主义者 18/8/09 21:13


nora@ffr 18/8/09 21:21

angie, this mushroom with satay sauce sounds brilliant!! so simple and looks delish :)
also angie, i love the new change you have brought to ye blog by adding the publication bar. i dnt have ne other words to say after seeing all ye publications angie! all are just beyond impressive!! keep it up!!

KennyT 18/8/09 23:19

I love both satay sauce and mushrooms, this combination is a killer!

lisaiscooking 18/8/09 23:39

The sauce sounds great for mushrooms. Wish this were my dinner tonight!

Cookin' Canuck 19/8/09 00:12

This sauce sounds delicious! I love that you used it to douse mushrooms, but it sounds as though it would work well with many dishes.

Claudia 19/8/09 00:19

This looks luscious. Love the sauce and adore my funghi!

Christo Gonzales 19/8/09 01:04

beautiful as usual - I would love to taste your dishes one day....

Katy ~ 19/8/09 01:19

I love the flavors of this. Alas, I am allergic to fish sauce. I wish I could eat this! It looks very good!

Anonymous 19/8/09 01:29

I love the satay sauce which is not the type that is thick and creamy. I have never seen satay powder! Very curious how it tastes!

Heather S-G 19/8/09 01:39

Delicious! SEriously, the pictures are making me so hungry and after I just finished dinner, too! Great flavors :D

Reeni 19/8/09 02:50

This is so funny, Angie!! I have satay sauce today too! I love it - this looks so delicious with mushrooms! And I've never heard of a Satay powder. I don't think we have that available here.

chow and chatter 19/8/09 04:48

yummy great flavors i am sure

chow and chatter 19/8/09 04:49

this looks wonderful great flavors and I love mushrooms

Parita 19/8/09 09:23

Looks very saucy and flavorful

Ju (The Little Teochew) 19/8/09 14:22

Satay sauce rocks! Great recipe idea!

Anonymous 19/8/09 15:09

Love your pairing mushrooms with satay sauce - delicious!

Angie's Recipes 19/8/09 15:29

@为食主义者: 有空常来踩踩哦.

@nora: Thank you, for the encouragement and the friendship. :-)

@Kenny, lisa, Claudia, doggybloggy, girlichef, Pavithra, Rebecca, TasteHongKong, Parita, The Little Teochew, 5 Star Foodie: you guys are so kind!!!!

@Cookin' Canuck: yes, I think the satay could go with almost all the ingredients. :-)

@Katy: oh really? So does that mean that you can't eat seafood at all?

@ Ellie, Reeni♥: I actually don't see them here either. I brought them from China.

Mythreyi Dilip 19/8/09 20:15

Fantastic recipe looks saucy and yummy. And its easy to prepare!

Hornsfan 20/8/09 02:17

Delicious looking dish Angie - I love satay sauce, I'm sure this is as tasty in person :)

Erica 20/8/09 04:32

That looks simply delicious!!My husband will be very happy if I made that recipe for him :)

theUngourmet 20/8/09 07:07

It really doesn't get any better than mushrooms and satay sauce! Yummy!

Your comment about my roof tiles made me laugh! ;0)

♥peachkins♥ 20/8/09 08:11

WOW, this looks awesome! mushroom with satay sauce? I may not eat this as a main dish but I'll have it as a side dish to,say, chicken or beef..

Chats the Comfy Cook 20/8/09 11:36

I learn a lot reading your blog. It is chock full of interesting facts.

Donna-FFW 20/8/09 13:07

A creamy satay sauce sounds delightful to me with mushrooms. Phenomenal picture.

petite nyonya 20/8/09 19:23

Can always count on you for interestingly delicious food that stretches the imagination! I love mushrooms. This is really a unique dish.

homeladychef 21/8/09 04:51

I never thought of that! Using satay sauce for mushroom, nice try!!

My Asian Kitchen 21/8/09 07:30

what an interesting combination!!

Palidor 21/8/09 19:59

That looks really yummy. I'm a big fan of stir-fried mushrooms.

And thank you for telling me a bit about your cats! They sound very cute.

Melissa 1/9/09 15:11

That sounds sooo good. I love mushrooms!

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