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Fancy Steamed Eggs

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Just if you some time to kill, or you want to try something different for your kids, then this might be the one for you. It's fun to play with food, sometimes.

  • 2 Eggs
  • Pinch of salt
  • Pinch of chicken bouillon
  • 50 g Mix of finely chopped carrots, green onions, black fungus
  1. Make a small hole in the eggs with a knife, pour out the egg whites and egg yolks in a bowl, add in other ingredients, season and mix well. Refill the egg shells, about 3/5 full, with the prepared mixture. Remember not to overfill, otherwise will be crowned all over while steaming. Steam the rest of the mixture in a small bowl or you could try save some extra egg shells for doing this steamed egg. The mixture shall be enough for 5 egg shells.
  2. Place them in egg cups and steam for about 10-12 minutes. Allow the eggs to cool a bit, then peel and enjoy !

© 2022 |


Anonymous 5/8/09 21:46

How neat! I'll be definitely making these for my daughter!

KennyT 5/8/09 22:48

I have never seen beautiful steamed eggs like these!!! Angie, how did you come up with such a wicked idea? This is so cool!

Katy ~ 5/8/09 22:58

Oh my stars, this is amazing!!!

Anonymous 5/8/09 23:10

This looks fascinating. They are so pretty!

Christo Gonzales 5/8/09 23:37

angie you are a genius - this will be in my egg rotation starting immediately - wow this is the coolest egg idea I have ever seen!

Heather S-G 5/8/09 23:55

This is too cool!!! I am definitely going to try this...the kids will flip :D Plus, I think they're awesome and so will the hubby.

Pavithra Elangovan 6/8/09 00:00

Wow angie thats wonderful idea i will try it out immediately

Anonymous 6/8/09 01:40

This is so cool!!!!

theUngourmet 6/8/09 02:08

This is really nifty! I don't think I've ever seen it done before!

My Little Space 6/8/09 02:16

Wow Angie, nice job! What an amazing creation! Sure, the kids will love them. he he!

Anonymous 6/8/09 03:06

Angie! Only you can elevate the humble egg into such an honorary status! This is SUCH a creative way to enjoy eggs...So freaking COOL!

Reeni 6/8/09 03:26

What a neat idea, Angie! I love these!!

Cookin' Canuck 6/8/09 05:43

That is so cool! I have never seen eggs like this before. My kids would love these.

nora@ffr 6/8/09 11:08

hey angie.. this is awesome!! :) perfect way to feed my kids.. you r a genius :) sure gonna prep this for tmrws breakfast :)

♥peachkins♥ 6/8/09 12:04

fancy looking indeed..great idea!

pigpigscorner 6/8/09 14:18

Wow, that's some fancy eggs! Very creative!

Vrinda 6/8/09 15:28

Wow..great idea,looks really cute and fancy indeed...

Angie's Recipes 6/8/09 17:18

@5 Star Foodie: oh yeah, I bet your daughter would love them.
@Kenny: mum said that I should not have played with food.
@Katy, Christo, Heavenly Housewife, girlichef, Pavithra, Christelle, Ellie, the ungourmet, Kristy, burpandslurp, Reeni, Cookin' Canuck,Cooking Canuck, ♥peachkins♥, Nora, pigpigscorner, Vrinda: Thank you!

Mythreyi Dilip 6/8/09 18:10

Wow Thats a very nice idea! will try it soon.

Rachel J 6/8/09 18:12

what a great trick to try! I'm not the best with eggs but I would love to give this a whirl!

foodcreate 6/8/09 19:27

What grand idea! I will making these for my son!

Thanks for sharing your recipe:)

Have a great Day ~~~

Tuty 6/8/09 22:50

What an ingenious idea! Thanks for sharing...

Anonymous 7/8/09 00:47

omg! now thats some idea gal! u rock

Ju (The Little Teochew) 7/8/09 17:30

Hi Angie, my first time here and I love it! Fantastic recipe which I will definitely try for my kids! Thanks!

Palidor 8/8/09 15:48

Oooh, those are so cute! How clever to use the egg shell to steam them.

BTW, you're gonna laugh at this. Last year, I found your other site, Angie's Recipes and absolutely loved it. But it wasn't until just a few days ago that I realized you and that Angie are one and the same! :-P

Food For Tots 9/8/09 18:08

What a brilliant idea to steam eggs! I will try to make it for my son soon. Tks for sharing. ;)

Lauren 11/3/11 12:14

I'm such an egg person, this is intriguing and we have to play with our food!

Anonymous 9/6/16 02:44
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Anonymous 28/8/16 09:14
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Anonymous 16/10/16 13:53
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Anonymous 10/12/16 10:45
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