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Nutella Bread with Tangzhong Starter

A Tangzhong starter / Water roux starter is a mixture of flour and water. That is to combine together one portion of bread flour and five portions of water by weight in a pot. Heat up the mixture to bring out the gelatinization of starch in flour. What makes the bread baked with this kind of starter difference is Starch Gelatinization, which helps to engage more water, namely more water will be absorbed, to provide a characteristic softer, more elastic-textured bread. Moreover, the bread will have long-lasting freshness.

  • 285 g German #550 flour
  • 42 g Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 6 g Instant dry yeast
  • 30 g Whole Egg
  • 85 ml Warm milk
  • 84 g Tangzhong Starter
  • 22 g Butter
  • 180 g Nutella
  • Some almond slices
  1. Place flour, sugar, salt and instant yeast in the mixing bowl, add in milk, and the starter. Mix with dough hook at slow speed for 1 minute. Increase the speed to medium, and continue to mix for 3 minutes on medium speed until a dough forms. Add butter gradually and mix for approx. 5 minutes on medium speed until gluten is fully developed, i. e. elastic, smooth, non-sticky and leave from sides of the mixing bowl.
  2. Proof the dough in a lightly greased plastic bag for 1 hour. Leave in a warm place until dough is double in volume. Punch the dough down to release gases produced in the fermenting process. Divide dough into 9 portions, each about 60 grams. Round up and rest for about 10 minutes.

  3. Press the small dough, with the sealing side down, to release the gas. Turn the sealing side up and place 20 grams of nutella in the middle of the dough. Seal the edges of the round to make a bun shape. Place the sealing side down and roll out each into an oval shape. Fold into half and slice the folding part 4 times to obtain a hand pattern. Place them in a baking tray lined with baking paper. Turn each cutting edge over and let rise for about 60 minutes. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle with almond slices. Bake in a preheated 175C/350F oven for about 15 minutes.


Donna-FFW 9/8/09 14:26

Its 830 in the morning here, I have a nice hot cup of coffee in my hand, now all I need is ome of this and Id be as happy as can be. I love all your recipes with nutella!!

My Little Space 9/8/09 14:52

Awesome goodness! We all love bread.

Cookin' Canuck 9/8/09 16:33

What an interesting process to make this bread. And these are so pretty! Plus, they have Nutella! This bread certainly has a lot going for it.

♥peachkins♥ 9/8/09 16:41

I love the shape of this bread! and yuo can't go wrong with Nutella..

chow and chatter 9/8/09 17:17

this is a masterpiece Angie love it

Andrea@WellnessNotes 9/8/09 17:22

This recipe sounds great. I would like some right now... :)

Christo Gonzales 9/8/09 18:27

very interesting process but the results are first rate -

Ingrid_3Bs 9/8/09 19:25

Angie! That looks insanely good! I don't like nutella staright out of the jar but love what happens when it's baked.

Pavithra Elangovan 9/8/09 19:37

Wow thats wonderful bread ur doing wonderful job .. wish to have one now..Will get class from u if I live near you.

pigpigscorner 9/8/09 20:58

THey look so pretty! Love your bread recipes.

Angie's Recipes 9/8/09 21:12

@Donna-FFW: I am glad to know that your shoulders are getting better.
@My Little Space: oh, yes, I am a BIG fan of bread.
@Cookin' Canuck: Thanks! I did put lots of nutella in it!
@♥peachkins♥: You are right! Nutella makes everything taste better!
@Rebecca: Thank you!
@Andrea: If there were still left!
@doggybloggy: I am flattered.
@Ingrid: I like to use nutella to bake, to make mousse cakes.
@Pavithra: We could then exchange some cooking tips!
@pigpigscorner: I love your recipes and restaurant reviews!

KennyT 9/8/09 21:53

Angie, you're my star!

nora@ffr 9/8/09 22:33

hey angie.. this is very creative!! you have got talent in cooking angie!! vat a perfectly baked one for the breakfast!! love the table mat you have usd here :)

Katy ~ 10/8/09 01:52

Positively gorgeous!! And with Nutella, oh my stars!!

Reeni 10/8/09 03:27

These are so beautiful, Angie! Delicious works of art!

Anonymous 10/8/09 03:46

Wow that looks perfect, even better than the ones they sell in the stores! I adore Nutella, so what a perfect addition!

Chef E 10/8/09 05:35

Gorgeous...I saw this earlier and got distracted with my own kitchen endeavors...I would so love to try a piece of do not need flattery, you are a perfectionist in your work!

Fearless Kitchen 10/8/09 08:37

This looks great! This would be a wonderful breakfast or snack.

Parita 10/8/09 09:51

That looks fantastic, loved the perfect shape Angie!

Jackie at 10/8/09 11:06

Looks awesome. It reminds me of the French croissant aux amandes et chocolat that I would get for breakfast, back then. Yum!

Cooking Gallery 10/8/09 11:29

You breads look so pretty...!! Great job! I am still learning how to make breads here :).

Anonymous 10/8/09 14:10

It has the ultimate WOW factor!

Vrinda 10/8/09 15:15

Something new to me and looks fabulous Angie..

Heather S-G 10/8/09 16:24

OH MY!!! This are fabulous...please ship some to me in the States!!! I'm drooling!

Joie de vivre 10/8/09 17:49

How adventurous! These are beautiful! Thank you so much for visiting Angie!

Tuty 10/8/09 20:20

My daughter and I are drooling over these...
Thanks for the inspiration and recipe sharing.

Anonymous 10/8/09 22:48
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lisaiscooking 10/8/09 22:49

Interesting! And, beautiful bread. It looks so delicious with the swirled nutella.

Anonymous 11/8/09 03:51

What a gorgeous and delicious bread! I love the shape of it and the almond slices too!

Heather S-G 11/8/09 06:13

ps...I have an award for you over at my place!

Angie's Recipes 11/8/09 07:44

@KennyT, Katy ~, Reeni♥:: Thanks!
@nora: That's a sushi sheet. :-)
@burpandslurp: WOW! Better than the bakery?
@Chef E: When will you travel to Europe again?
@Fearless Kitchen: Had them as afternoon snacks, not enough to keep until the next morning!LOL
@Parita: Perfect shape? Bread or Angie's? :-)
@Jackie: I would love to try some of those French croissant aux amandes et chocolate!
@Cooking-Gallery, Lisa, 5 Star Foodie: Thank you!
@Ellie, Mythreyi Dilip: That's very kind of you!
@Tuty: Thanks! I tried to check your blog, but it still didn't work. :-%^$
@girlichef: THANK YOU! I will pick it up and announce it soon! :-)

Elin 11/8/09 11:52

Hi Angie,
this is something different...the starch gelatinzation is something new. Will want to try it out coz it looks soft and delicious. Thanks for sharing and congrats you are on Today's Top 9. Well done!

Danielle 11/8/09 13:48

You might as well call this "My bread is WAY better than your bread!!" AMAZING!

Anonymous 11/8/09 19:30

u have me drooling big did u manage to make that shape?

Olga 14/8/09 20:06

This looks incredible! I've tried making challah with nutella before, but it did not turn out as great as yours.

Angie's Recipes 16/8/09 11:53

@Elin: It helps keeping the bread from getting stale, allowing it to be kept longer than the ones prepared with straight dough.
@Danielle, Sophie: Thank you :-))
@munchcrunchandsuch: Stop by and then I can show you. :-)
@Olga: I would love to try some challah made with nutella. I bet those eggy bread taste wonderful with nutella.

Sophie 21/8/09 22:02

Not only does this sound delicious, it is beautiful! I can't imagine a better ingredient to enhance bread than Nutella :).

Unknown 11/9/09 17:02

Looks so lovely, very nice and delicious one.

tasteofbeirut 7/11/09 02:48

Wow! This looks like a master recipe to me. Is it necessary to use Greman flour? WHAT ABOUT THE ITALIAN OO FLOUR? Looks great!

Angie's Recipes 7/11/09 07:12

@tasteofbeirut:You can use All purpose flour or similar wheat flour with 10-11% protein content.

CarinE 7/11/10 14:50

Hey Angie, I saw all your bakes and I'm falling for them ! You're so good at this, are you a professional baker? Do you own a bake shop??

Angie's Recipes 7/11/10 17:57

Carin, thanks for your kind and encouraging words. I am not a professional baker, nor do I own a bakery.

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