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Featured Recipe: 15 Low Carb Keto Bread

Cassis Biscuit Roulade

Before starting the recipe, I want to address my appreciation to Heather aka girlichef for giving me this special award. Thank you! Heather, for your support, your hard work and your friendship! (p.s. the drawings on the stamp means "Thank You" in Chinese.)
A Biscuit Roulade, or Jelly Roll, is a type of form cake, which baked in a sheet pan and then rolled around a filling, like whipped cream, jam, peanut butter, nutella, or ganache.

  • 4 Eggs, large
  • 4 tbsp Water, cool
  • 125 g Sugar
  • 1/3 tsp White vinegar / or lemon juice
  • 90 g German #405 flour
  1. Line a 40 x 30 cm rectangular baking tray with baking paper and lightly butter the paper. In the large bowl of the standing mixer, whip the egg whites and water at medium speed until frothy. Add the white vinegar, increase the speed to high, and continue beating until the whites form soft peaks. Add sugar, 1 tablespoon at a time, whip until they form stiff peaks.
  2. Fold in egg yolks, one by one, until blended. Gradually sift in the cake flour, cornstarch, baking powder and vanilla powder. Quickly but gently fold to combine. Pour into the prepared pan and bake at 200C /400F for about 14 minutes until golden on top.

  3. Let the cake rest in the tray for 1 minute. Flip it out onto a clean tea towel that was sprinkled with powdered sugar. Brush the paper lining with water and let soak 1 minute before peeling it off the cake. Trim dry edges from the cake if needed. Roll the cake up tightly with the towel, rolling away from you and cool on a rack 30 minutes or more.
  4. Carefully unroll the cake and spread it with a thin layer of black currant jam and tightly re-roll the cake and chill for at least 1 hour or up to 2 hours before slicing. With a wire cake leveler, gently slice the cake roll and serve.


Sweta (My Indian Dietitian) 12/8/09 21:12

Wow Angie-I'd love to be able to make such wonderful food instead of buying them from the bakery!!

chow and chatter 12/8/09 21:22

this is beautiful I think another top 9 lol

Anonymous 12/8/09 21:25

You are an amazing baker and thats for sure. I wish you start your own bakery.

Chef E 12/8/09 22:00

I agree you should open a boutique bakery! I would make it a destination foodie stop on my way through your town! This reminds me of my brother who loves jelly rolls, always did, but my mom would not try and make it for him...I will send him also to your bakery!

Cookin' Canuck 12/8/09 23:31

Great idea to the roulade with black currant jam!

KennyT 12/8/09 23:34

Angie, do you have a bakery? Btw, pls lemme steal ur stamp! hahahaha.

Donna-FFW 13/8/09 01:18

What an absolutely gorgeous cake! Currant maramalade sounds delicious!

Heather S-G 13/8/09 03:05 currant marmelade sounds great! And you are more than welcome...that's so awesome (the chinese words) it! :D

Pavithra Elangovan 13/8/09 03:36

Wow thats really interestin recipe angie.. ur doing wonderful job..

Reeni 13/8/09 03:39

What a sweet, tender cake. Truly delicious with the currant marmalade!

My Little Space 13/8/09 05:58

Black currant swiss roll! Who can ever resist this kind of sweet treat! I love it.

Beachlover's Kitchen 13/8/09 08:05

love this roll,lovely!!In fact just bought the baking sheet,thinking to make this swiss roll..Thanks for sharing the recipe:)

Elin Chia 13/8/09 08:19

I am sure this roulade with black currant jam will be a looks moist and soft. Thanks for sharing with us , Angie :)

Angie's Recipes 13/8/09 09:46

@Sweta: I really like foam cakes, chiffon, sponge, or angel food cake......they are light and tasty. They are not difficult to make at all.
@Chow and Chatter: I hope so! :-))
@munchcrunchandsuch: I am not that good yet. :-)
@Chef E: Not a problem if I ever open a bakery!
@Cookin' Canuck, Donna-FFW: Thank you!
@KennyT: Feel free to use it!
@girlichef: They are more like a drawing than words.
@Pavithra, Reeni♥, My Little Space: Thank you!
@Beachlover's Kitchen: I know you like those light foam cakes too, because I noticed that you have baked chiffon very often.
@Elin: You are welcome!

Anonymous 13/8/09 14:01

Delicious roulade! My grandmother used to make one like this when I was young and I really loved it!

nora@ffr 13/8/09 14:24

wow!! vat a delicious cake angie.. perfect!! another must make for the weekends. my kids will adore! congrats on ye award! all the foods m sure will taste heavenly.. you rili deserve :)

Fearless Kitchen 13/8/09 16:40

This is a really interesting roulade! I haven't tried making a roulade of my own yet - it's on the list:)

Parita 13/8/09 17:48

This is very interesting recipe Angie, thanks for sharing! will def make someday :)

Cooking Gallery 13/8/09 20:52

Wow,the Swiss roll looks very moist. I should try to make this one day - I tried to make a Swiss roll once but it didn't really work, maybe because I am just totally bad at baking or the recipe was 'dumb'. Thanks for the recipe...!

Christo Gonzales 14/8/09 02:46

ooooohhhhhh weeeeeee - wow slather some cream on mine and slide em right over!

Katy ~ 14/8/09 12:52

I long to bake as well and as beautifully as you. For now I can only dream of making such gorgeous foods.

Angie's Recipes 14/8/09 13:28

@5 Star Foodie: I hope you still enjoy the foam cakes.
@nora: Thank you! You are always so kind to me.
@Fearless Kitchen: yep, look forward to your jelly roll.
@Parita, Cooking-Gallery, doggybloggy, Katy ~
Thank you for all your kind words. :-)

lisaiscooking 15/8/09 01:45

Your cake is perfectly tender for this roll! Looks incredible!

Abhilash 16/8/09 18:16

I was always expecting this recipe..

I used to have it from the bakery near my office... this is really helpful to me...

The ones I get here are dark red in colour

Duchess of Tea 2/9/09 08:55

Hello darling, thank you for stopping by my cottage and for the sweet comment you left behind, you are kind!! You have an amazingly delicious blog and a new follower….me. I will come back often to check the latest scrumptious posts.
Love & Hugs
Duchess ♥♥♥

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