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Dandelion Salad with Almond Dressing

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Dandelion, just like other dark leafy greens, is rich in so many vitamins (A, B, C and K), minerals (magnesium, potassium and phosphorus) and of course fiber - Inulin. Inulin is a type of dietary fiber that's believed to help promote the growth of good gut bacteria and to help lower cholesterol.
To balance and complement the earthy, tangy taste with a distinctive, bitter nature (similar to the taste of radicchio and endive) of this extremely nutritious and flavourful edible weed, it's best to pair dandelions with nuts/nut oils, cheese, beets, eggs, citrus and bacon. If you can't find the exact ingredients for the recipe, just be creative and give this delicious salad a try!

Almond DressingSalad
  • 50 ml Almond cream (or coconut cream)
  • 1 tbsp Almond butter
  • 1 tbsp Freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp Tamari soya sauce
  • 1 tsp Nutritional Yeast
  • 2 tbsp Extra-virgin olive oil
  • Sea salt and black pepper to taste
  • 1 / 400 g Ripe but firm mango – peeled and cut into 3cm wedges
  • 2 tbsp Peanut oil
  • 150 - 200 g Dandelion, washed, drained and torn into bite-sized pieces
  • 1 Green pointed pepper, sliced (Turkish Sivri Biber)
  • 1 handful Cilantro, roughly chopped
  • 3 tbsp Almond sticks, roasted
  • 1 handful Pomegranate seeds
  1. Heat a grill pan on high until hot. Brush both sides of mango wedges with peanut oil. Grill for 3 minutes on each side until nicely charred.
  2. Meanwhile prepare the dressing for the salad. Except olive oil, place all the ingredients in a bowll and stir vigorously, then drizzle in the olive oil while stirring. As soon as the dressing becomes creamy and blended, season with freshly milled salt and pepper.
  3. Place dandelion leaves, sliced pointed pepper, and cilantro in a large salad bowl. Drizzle dressing over greens, and toss to coat. Arrarnge some charred mango slices over the salad. Sprinkle the almond sticks, and pomegranate seeds over and serve immediately.

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© 2022 |


Tom 15/3/22 02:00

...a spring treat for many!

Christine 15/3/22 02:13

Never had dandelion leaves.

My name is Erika. 15/3/22 03:03

Can you buy dandelion greens? I've never seen them here, but I don't know if it is different elsewhere. I love fruit in a salad also, so this sounds great Angie. Happy new week. Hugs-Erika

J.P. Alexander 15/3/22 03:15

Parece una receta muy sana y rica. Tomo nota. Gracias y te mando un beso.

Angie's Recipes 15/3/22 04:36

@My name is Erika. They can be found in the woods (I picked mine in the woods), and lawns (they are everywhere on the lawns, but all with chemical sprays), but you definitely can find them in the stores, but usually the very big one, not the baby dandelion greens, still very crisp and delicious though.

Margaret D 15/3/22 06:23

Looks nice the mango salad.

Azka Kamil 15/3/22 06:40

awesome your post. thanks for sharing

Nancy Chan 15/3/22 06:52

I love mangoes. The salad looks delicious.

Lola Martínez 15/3/22 08:08

No dudes que la probaré, las ensaladas son algo que no falta en mi mesa, cuanto más variadas mejor.
Un beso.

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 15/3/22 12:35

This looks light and delicious perfect for Spring!

DEZMOND 15/3/22 13:19

Your dandelion looks very fresh and healthy and lush! Did you know that you can remove warts from your hands with the dandelion milk?

Frank 15/3/22 13:42

Sounds lovely, Angie. I'm a big fan of dandelion leaves and the combination of flavors here sounds just about perfect to balance out their slight bitterness.

Kitchen Riffs 15/3/22 14:34

Nice! We have a relatively short season for dandelion leaves in stores (weeks at most), but much longer if we bother to pick them ourselves. I've often thought I should devote our lawn to dandelion greens, but Mrs KR objects. :-) Anyway, this looks great -- thanks.

Velva- Evening with a Sandwich 15/3/22 15:48

I saw this sale on your instagram feed. Very pretty! Nice for Spring.

gluten Free A_Z Blog 15/3/22 16:39

what a different and interesting salad. I love the idea of healthy bitter dandelion greens with the sweet mango. Looks pretty too.

Torviewtoronto 15/3/22 17:06

I like the addition of mangoes in this salad, I find dandelion leaves a little bitter. Colourful salad.

Pam 15/3/22 18:06

I've never tried eating dandelion leaves but this salad is so pretty it makes me what to give them a try!

Anonymous 15/3/22 19:05

I saw dandelion greens in our Whole Foods yesterday and wondered about something fun to make with them. Now I know exactly what to make because this salad looks totally mouthwatering!

Bill 15/3/22 20:49

I never had dandelion leaves before but the salad looks delicious.

Cooking Julia 15/3/22 23:19

This is a nice and flavorful salad, perfect for the upcoming spring!

babYpose 16/3/22 00:43

The salad looks refreshing and delicious, nice grilled mango. Very tempting...

Rose world 16/3/22 11:21

I didn't know we can eat dandelion. Interesting.

[Reply] 16/3/22 15:15

I've never had dandelion greens, so pretty paired with the mango!

David 16/3/22 18:38

Angie, Its been over 30 years since I've had dandelion salad! You are right, its all about the modifying ingredients...and then you have a nice healthy salad. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

DeniseinVA 16/3/22 21:43

Not only does it sound delicious but it looks beautiful! Thank you for another great recipe Angie :)

tigerfish 17/3/22 00:06

Perfect balanced pairing with mango! and already thinking of other fruits that would be great too e.g. grilled pineapples

Lowcarb team member 17/3/22 01:41

It looks very tasty, thank you for sharing the recipe.

All the best Jan

Julie 17/3/22 08:32

Lovely salad, looks so fresh and yumm..

Julie 17/3/22 08:32

Lovely salad.. looks so fresh and yumm !

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews 17/3/22 08:48

I have never come across either a dandelion salad or almond dressing before, so both sound interesting and intriguing.

I love almonds so that's all good and although I have never eaten dandelions, I can always remember my late father making some pretty potent dandelion wine!

In fact you could never take him anywhere without him coming home with bags full of greenery of some description, so that he could try out a new wine recipe :)

Balvinder 17/3/22 17:19

The almond cream dressing sounds delicious. I add a handful of dandelion leaves in the salad not used it fully. May be this spring I'll try.

speedy70 17/3/22 17:44

Adoro queste insalate, bravissima!!!

mjskit 17/3/22 23:35

We get lots of dandelions in the spring and always let them bloom to feed the birds. Have never thought of picking of the greens. A great salad to test them out with.

Raymund 18/3/22 03:53

Ohhh I never knew you can eat dandelions

David M. Gascoigne, 18/3/22 13:18

We use mixed greens quite frequently, usually called Spring Mix or some similar name, and I think we will try this salad using them. I am sure it will be terrific.

Ben | Havocinthekitchen 19/3/22 18:43

Very nice combination of sweet juicy mangoes and peppery, robust dandelion. Lovely spring salad!

bread&salt 20/3/22 10:30

Your presentations look really so great! This is one if them. This salad looks yummy.

Sherry's Pickings 22/3/22 12:03

do you forage for the dandelion leaves? what fun.

Eva Taylor 22/3/22 13:41

Beautiful salad. We eat with our eyes first so this salad will not disappoint. Intriguing dressing too.

Choclette 22/3/22 17:21

I've always found dandelion leaves a bit too bitter, but I reckon with your delicious almond dressing and mango slices I might just be able to tolerate it. And I know how good they are for you, so it would be good to eat some.

SavoringTime in the Kitchen 31/3/22 15:19

It's not often we see dandelion greens for sale here but I love the recipe and the almond dressing sounds wonderful!

Noob Cook 3/5/22 13:32

I love the beautiful sear marks on the mango. You always make food look stylish in your presentation.


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