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Saffron Spelt Knots with Poolish

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These saffron bread knots are made by plaiting together 4 strands of a soft, sweet enriched saffron dough - sprinkle the top with a mixture of white and black sesame seeds if desired. Saffron gives the knots a beautiful warm golden colour as well as a wonderful intense flavour and scent. I have used 0.3 g rams of saffron for the dough, which is a bit too much, 1 small sachet (0.1 gram) would be enough. I didn't fill the dough, but you can try to fill with nutella or nut cream for an even richer bread.

  • 50 g White spelt flour (German spelt #630)
  • 50 g Wholegrain spelt flour
  • 100 g Water
  • A large pinch of dried yeast
  • 205 g Whole milk, at room-temperature
  • 50 g Wholegrain spelt flour
  • 350 g White spelt flour (German spelt #630)
  • 5 g Dried yeast
  • 0.3 g Saffron (0.1 g would be enough)
  • 5 g Sea salt
  • 50 g Unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 Small egg, for the glaze
  • Sesame seeds, for the topping (optional)
  1. In the evening, dissolve the dried yeast in 100 g of water directly in the mixing bowl of your mixer. Add white and whole spelt flours and mix well with the spoon. Cover and leave to ferment overnight at room temperature.
  2. The next day, the poolish should have many small bubbles. Add the milk and dried yeast to the poolish starter. Mix everything briefly. Add the flours, saffron and salt. Mix on the lowest speed for 5 minutes. Increase the speed and knead for another 5 minutes. Add the softened butter in pieces and knead for another 5 minutes until you have a soft, rather firm but still elastic dough.
  3. Cover and leave to rise at room temperature for 1-2 hours until the dough has noticeably increased in volume.
  4. Divide the dough into 4 even portions, each about 215 grams. Shape each portion of the dough into a ball by folding it from the outside towards the inside and pressing it in slightly. Carefully roll into a small log. Repeat with another 3 portions of dough. Cover the logs and let them relax for about 10 minutes.
  5. Now roll each log into a strand with both hands, about 50cm. Don't use extra flour. The dough is easy to work with and you don't need any extra flour at all.
  6. Use two strands to make a cross and braid 4 strands together, invert, then roll it into a ball. (See tutorial) Place it on a tray lined with baking paper. Repeat with another two strands. Brush the knots with beaten egg and leave it to rise for 45-60 minutes at a warm place.
  7. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F. Now brush the braided knots one more time with the egg and sprinkle some sesame seeds over if using. Bake in the middle of hot oven for 30-35 minutes until golden brown.

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J.P. Alexander 2/10/22 03:09

Rico pan , gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

roentare 2/10/22 04:37

Saffron is liquid gold. I love how this looks! You are a great chef!

Grace 2/10/22 07:36

Angie; visitar tu página es siempre descubrir un mundo nuevo para mí en lo que a gastronomía se refiere.
Me encanta hacer pan casero. Por consiguiente esta propuesta la tomo al pie de la letra y procuraré encontrar harina de espelta ya que nunca la he usado.
Leo que posee propiedades nutricionales mejores que el trigo común y es más saludable.
Gracias por tu generosa entrega.
Siempre es grato llegar aquí.
Un abrazo.

Margaret D 2/10/22 08:04

Lovely, dark colour which is nice for the inside, different.

Anne in the kitchen 2/10/22 08:34

Those are beautiful buns! I will admit I had never heard of poolish before seeing this recipes.

Lola Martínez 2/10/22 09:16

Todo tipo de pan me gusta, pero no me he puesto a ello nunca, es mi asignatura pendiente. Cuando veo los que haces se me van los ojos, el de hoy es una maravilla, vistoso y muy rico, estoy segura.
Un beso.

Anonymous 2/10/22 13:15

Definitely an art to be able to make such beautiful looking bread! I love the look of the bread with the variety of seeds! I can only imagine how good this tastes. - It's Judee from Gluten Free A-Z

DEZMOND 2/10/22 13:22

My, my, that is a lot of saffron you have over in that plate! I like the bun which you decorated with two different kinds of seeds.

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 2/10/22 14:52

These are marvelous you have such great talent and I can tell you enjoy baking breads just beautiful

Federica Simoni 2/10/22 15:18

wow ma è stupendo questo pane😍😍😍😍

Rainbow Evening 2/10/22 16:38

I love this kind of bread, but don't know the name.... beautiful name.

Roz 2/10/22 18:34

What gorgeous breads, Angie. I imagine that saffron really enhances the flavor!

foodtravelandwine 2/10/22 19:34

WOW!....this bread is fantastic!.....I can imagine the smell and I love it!!..... ...Abrazotes, Marcela

Paolina 2/10/22 19:59

la tua bravura rende tutto speciale!

Bill 2/10/22 21:37

The bread looks so good.

Anonymous 2/10/22 23:51

Looks nice Angie, wonderful colour.

All the best Jan

My name is Erika. 3/10/22 01:10

These look great. I need a good raisin bread recipe. Time to hit my files. Happy new week Angie. hugs-Erika

Veronica Lee 3/10/22 07:29

I had never heard of poolish before!
Your bread looks divine as always, Angie.

Nancy Chan 3/10/22 09:19

As always, you bake beautiful bread.

Medeja- CranberryJam 3/10/22 10:42

They look perfectly fluffy! I wish I was comfortable baking with yeast :)

Anonymous 3/10/22 12:37

Yum. Regine

David 3/10/22 17:38

Angie, Very different and very interesting too! I've never seen saffron accented bread... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

eileeninmd 3/10/22 19:06

Hello Angie,
Your bread looks so yummy, sounds like a great recipe. Thanks for sharing.
Hope your day is great!

speedy70 3/10/22 19:44

Pane splendido, complimenti!!!

DeniseinVA 3/10/22 20:08

Always love how you present your recipes Angie, beautiful!

Muriel 3/10/22 22:15

une belle découverte ! Bonne fin de soirée

Eva Taylor 3/10/22 22:31

Spectacular colour, Angie. Is the saffron flavour very prominent or just colour?

The Yum List 5/10/22 01:59

I'm such a bread addict. Bet I would LOVE this!

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews 5/10/22 10:12

I have never come across Poolish dough before, so spent a few minutes checking that one out.

Saffron bread is a speciality of Cornwall, right down in the southwest of the UK and is always one of my first 'wishes' when we drive down for a visit.

Let's face it though, I am just a bread junkie, so your posts on the subject will always get the thumbs up from me! :)

Maria Grazia Ferrarazzo Maineri 5/10/22 15:55

What a beautiful bread, Angie. Fluffy and Aromatiche.

Pam 5/10/22 18:59

Best bread baker! They are gorgeous.

Sherry's Pickings 7/10/22 06:57

oh angie you've surpassed yourself again. how wonderful do these look!!

tigerfish 11/10/22 23:56

How beautiful the plaiting/braiding turn out, and definitely, loving the saffron for flavor and scent.

Tisa Jacob 19/10/22 06:03

Work of art, with the warm mustard color from the saffron. Bet the whole home will smell so nice when baking this bread.

Anonymous 19/6/23 13:20

What a beautiful bread, Angie. Fluffy and Aromatiche. best saffron brand


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