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White Asparagus with Sriracha Hollandaise

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Unlike the green variety, white asparagus must be peeled before cooking and the woody base should also be removed as it is too stringy and hard to chew. Peel and boil the white asparagus for this simple and yummy recipe, then serve those “White Gold” with an easy blender Hollandaise spiked with sriracha sauce. If you are in a hurry, simply serve them with melted butter.
Hollandaise sauce, one of the 5 French mother sauces (Béchamel, Velouté, Espagnole, Hollandaise, and Tomato), is an emulsion of egg yolk, melted butter, and lemon juice. Despite having “Holland” in its name, Hollandaise sauce was first born in France and was originally known as Sauce Isigny, named after Isigny-sur-Mer, a small town in Normandy famous for its butter and cream. When Normandy’s dairy production was shut down during World War I, the sauce was renamed “Hollandaise” to reflect the usage of imported Dutch butter.

Sriracha Hollandaise
  • 1 kg White asparagus, washed and
  • A large pinch of salt
  • A large pinch of sugar
  • 1 tsp Butter
  • 1 tbsp Parsley, chopped, for garnish
  • 1 Small chilli pepper, cut into rings or chilli flakes, for garnish
  • 1 Large heirloom tomato, thinly sliced, optional
  • 113 g / 1 stick Butter
  • 3 Large egg yolks
  • 2 tbsp Lemon juice, freshly squeezed
  • 1/3 tsp Cayenne pepper
  • Sea salt to taste
  • 2-3 tbsp Sriracha (or other chilli sauce, like Harissa or sambal oelek)
  1. Bring a stockpot of water to a boil, add the salt, the sugar and the butter. Meanwhile peel the white asparagus and cut off the woody bottom ends.
  2. Place the peeled white asparagus in the boiling water and cook for 12-15 minutes until al dente. Melt the butter over a low flame until it begins to bubble. Remove from heat.
  3. In a wide mouth mason jar, add egg yolks, lemon juice, cayenne pepper and sea salt. Blend the ingredients with your immersion blender while slowly adding the melted butter, a couple of tablespoons at a time, to the jar. Blend as you gradually add in butter, moving the immersion blender up and down. The sauce should thicken in just a minute or two.
  4. Season the Hollandaise with sriracha or your favourite chilli sauce. Whisk until combined. Taste and add more sriracha if desired for more heat.
  5. Drain the white asparagus and arrange on plates with spicy Hollandaise sauce on a bed of thinly sliced heirloom tomatoes if using, and garnish with chopped parsley and chilli rings.

© 2022 |

© 2022 |


Brian's Home Blog 9/5/22 00:31

That's very interesting, we've not see white asparagus until now. Bet it's good.

Christine 9/5/22 02:33

Never had white asparagus

Tom 9/5/22 03:18

...I have asparagus coming up in my garden.

J.P. Alexander 9/5/22 04:09

Gracias por la receta. Adoro los espárragos. Te mando un beso.

Anonymous 9/5/22 05:26

I've never tried the white asparagus. Your recipe looks inviting and delicious.

Mbul Kecil 9/5/22 05:32

white asparagus is a new for me angie. This size maybe looks bigger that common asparagus...i like this vegetables very much because it's crunchy texture. And looking your topping sauce make me so hungry to go to lunch with something creammy like this sauce...Your a good cooker Angie. Thank's for the recipe. I'll try someday. Have a nice day ^^

Veronica Lee 9/5/22 06:59

I've never heard of white asparagus!

Looks amazing!

Margaret D 9/5/22 07:25

Interesting regarding the colour of the asparagus, never seen white before but it looks good.

Nammi 9/5/22 09:03

looks so pretty. Never had white asparagus so curious about its taste

Lola Martínez 9/5/22 10:23

No soy muy de espárragos, pero esa salsa me tienta mucho.

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 9/5/22 12:28

very pretty love the presentation and the flavors are delicious sounding

DEZMOND 9/5/22 13:12

It is interesting that I have never actually seen white asparagus, occasionally we have green ones at the green market, but not the white sort. But I am not a fan generally. I like the presentation in the second pic without the pomegranate.

Angie's Recipes 9/5/22 13:23

@DEZMOND pomegranate? they are chilli flakes.

speedy70 9/5/22 13:40

Deliziosi questi asparagi bianchi!!!

Anonymous 9/5/22 14:47

It's Judee. I've been having problems posting with the new system. I love the presentation of the white asparagus and the flavors of the spicy Hollandaise.

Paolina 9/5/22 15:40

non conosco gli asparagi bianchi, ma potrei provare la tua deliziosa ricetta con quelli che raccolgo nelle campagne siciliane!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake 9/5/22 15:54

It's rare to find white asparagus, but now is the time to look!! The green version hasn't looked great, but you've inspired me to hunt some down and add a lovely hollandaise sauce!

Angie's Recipes 9/5/22 16:17

@Anonymous Really sorry about that, Judee. The blogger has been making it difficult for readers leaving the comments. I prefer the old comment format too.

foodtravelandwine 9/5/22 16:20

I love your spicy Hollandaise!! a wonderful twist for a clasic sauce!....I love it!!....Abrazotes, Marcela

Kitchen Riffs 9/5/22 16:45

I never knew how Hollandaise got its name! Interesting. And I like how you've kicked up the flavor of your Hollandaise. Love the stuff, and it's perfect with asparagus -- either white or the more common green. But it looks particularly nice with the white. Thanks!

DeniseinVA 9/5/22 20:06

Delicious and a very pretty presentation Angie :) I also enjoyed learning about the history of Hollandaise. Thank you for sharing the recipe and some food history, which I always find very interesting.

Anonymous 9/5/22 21:36

Oh this looks delicious.

Bill 9/5/22 21:45

I like asparagus but never heard of white asparagus.

Anonymous 9/5/22 22:09

Love this! White asparagus is so mild, but there’s always a place for hot sauce!!! Especially in a white sauce. Fabulous.

My name is Erika. 10/5/22 02:19

I've never had white asparagus. It is supposed to be very good. It looks yummy on the red tomato slices. It has a nice color contrast. Hugs-Erika

savorthebest 10/5/22 05:39

I haven't had white asparagus in a long time. Now I have a craving for it. Looks delicious Angie.

Gingi 10/5/22 05:50

You had me at sriracha hollandaise... my two favorite things! haha... This looks yummy doll! <3 -

Javier 10/5/22 09:16

This is one of my favorite sauces and with asparagus this sauce makes a perfect tanden. Your plate looks great, as always!

Rose world 10/5/22 13:43

I love asparagus but pretty pricey over here in Malaysia. Never seen or tasted white asparagus before.

Nancy Chan 10/5/22 15:05

This is my first time seeing white asparagus. Do they taste the same as the green asparagus?

[Reply] 10/5/22 15:07

I love asparagus, but haven't ever seen white asparagus, does it taste the same?

Angie's Recipes 10/5/22 15:11

@Nancy Chan White asparagus has a more delicate and milder flavor than green.

Mijú 10/5/22 16:13

Que buenos tus esparragos con esa salsita :-)))))

David 10/5/22 17:07

Angie, Love white asparagus! I wonder if I can eat it with my meds. Regular asparagus and most green vegetables are on my no no list due to my meds. The white asparagus on that bed of heirloom tomatoes and topped with that Hollandaise favorite plate. The soup would be a big winner too. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Anonymous 10/5/22 21:24

I literally say white asparagus in the grocery store yesterday and wondered how I might cook it. I think it's a sign that you posted this, Angie! Looks so good.

Cooking Julia 10/5/22 23:30

A great way to cook asparagus!

Anonymous 10/5/22 23:52

This is calling to me. I can also imagine it with a sunny side up egg right on top. Yum! :-) ~Valentina

Sherry's Pickings 11/5/22 03:20

as much as i like asparagus, these do look a wee bit - mm obscene :) but delish I'm sure.

Muriel 11/5/22 21:30

Une délicieuse recette, très raffinée !

Pam 12/5/22 19:27

I've never tried white asparagus. This recipe looks tasty & pretty.

tigerfish 13/5/22 03:20

"White Gold" , no wonder priced at a premium compared to regular green asparagus. Hardly see them in the stores here.

David M. Gascoigne, 14/5/22 11:51

It looks delicious, Angie, and I bet it tastes delicious too.

Easyfoodsmith 15/5/22 18:30

It looks lovely! Although I have yet to try asparagus.

Raymund 20/5/22 00:00

Never had a fresh white asparagus only green ones, I am not sure if they are available here. But that sauce looks like it can be used on the green ones too, sounds really good

bread&salt 21/5/22 15:32

İ really dont know white asparagus! Looks very interesting.

mjskit 22/5/22 01:27

Driving me nuts here Angie. Oh how I love Sriracha so your Hollandaise is making my mouth water. Wish I could find some white asparagus and give this a try. I honestly have never had white asparagus. What an elegant dish!

Strawberries are the angels of the earth, innocent and sweet with green leafy wings reaching heavenward. ~Jasmine Heiler

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