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Beef Liver Salad with Arugula, Gooseberries and Apricots

© 2021 |

© 2021 |

The beef liver is cooked to be really tender, wonderfully succulent and pairs perfectly with the arugula and fruit salad. The liver is really fantastic for you and filled with essential vitamins and minerals (Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Iron, Copper and Choline) your body needs. If you aren’t a big fan of nutrient-dense superfood-beef liver like me, try lamb or chicken liver. They are milder in taste and have a softer texture. You can also soak beef liver in milk overnight to make the flavour milder.

  • 500 g Beef liver, organic and grass-fed
  • 50 g Ghee
  • 3 Garlic clove, chopped
  • 1 tsp Ginger, peeled and shredded
  • 1/2 tsp Dried red chilli pepper flakes
  • 2/3 tsp Coriander powder
  • 1 tbsp Brandy (or Sherry)
  • Black lava salt
  • 50 g Arugula
  • 3-4 Ripe apricots, stoned and cut into wedges
  • 100 g Gooseberries
  • 1 tbsp Parsley, chopped
  • Pink peppercorns, to garnish
  1. Clean beef liver and cut roughly into 2-inch segments. Heat the ghee in a skillet over high heat until hot. Add the liver, garlic, and ginger and stir-fry until browned but interior is still pinkish, about 2 minutes. Add in pepper flakes, coriander powder and Brandy or Sherry. Stir everything together and cook for a minute. Season with salt.
  2. Place arugula, apricot wedges and gooseberries in two serving plates. Top with beef liver. Sprinkle some chopped parsley and pink peppercorns over.

© 2021 |

© 2021 |

© 2021 |


Margaret D 9/7/21 07:13

Looks lovely but I don't know of anyone who eats beef liver.

Lola Martínez 9/7/21 09:53

El hígado combinado con una ensalada es un plato perfecto. A mi me encanta poner fruta a las ensaladas, pero no cilantro, no me gusta nada, así pues, todo riquísimo menos el cilantro.
Un beso

DEZMOND 9/7/21 10:07

I used to have a gooseberry bush in my old house. It is a very juicy and refreshing fruit. Our people sometimes make a sauce with them to go with meat roast. I haven't seen them in markets, though.

Nancy Chan 9/7/21 12:23

I have not tasted gooseberry so I would love to try. I love apricot too. I have not tried beef liver yet.

Ben | Havocinthekitchen 9/7/21 12:29

I know not many people love liver (and other offals), but I'm a huge fan. And this salad looks and sounds wonderful to me! With gooseberies and apricots, it's so summery and beautiful!

Tom 9/7/21 12:35

...liver is something that I've never had, my mother loved it.

Martha 9/7/21 14:23

It looks great but I run away fast from liver lol.

Brian's Home Blog 9/7/21 15:00

That actually looks good even though I've never been a fan of liver.

Kitchen Riffs 9/7/21 15:46

I've never had liver in a salad, or at least not that I remember. Looks pretty good, though. Neat idea -- thanks.

Christine 9/7/21 16:23

I don't have liver much I do like it.

SavoringTime in the Kitchen 9/7/21 18:45

I'd love to try this with chicken livers! We both love liver and occasionally enjoy fresh liver sausage from the deli ;)

Pam 9/7/21 18:50

I haven't had beef liver for years. This salad looks pretty.

J.P. Alexander 10/7/21 06:23

Gracias por la receta. Adoro el higado te mando un beso

Grace 10/7/21 07:53

Gracias!!; Amo las ensaladas.
Sustituiría el cilantro. En cambio el apio no me puede faltar. Es cuestión de gustos.
Como siempre impecable presentación y tentadora propuesta gastronómica.
Buen fin de semana!!

Grace 10/7/21 07:54

Gracias!!; Amo las ensaladas.
Sustituiría el cilantro. En cambio el apio no me puede faltar. Es cuestión de gustos.
Como siempre impecable presentación y tentadora propuesta gastronómica.
Buen fin de semana!!

Pedro 10/7/21 09:06

I particularly prefer lamb liver, it has a milder flavor. Delicious recipe, next time I'll prepare it like this.
Nice saturday!

eileeninmd 10/7/21 13:46

I have eaten liver and cooked just right it is delicious. Thanks for sharing this recipe. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

Federica Simoni 10/7/21 14:15

Buonissimo questo piatto!!😍complimenti!

Chef Mimi 10/7/21 18:10

Boy i bet this is good. Although I wouldn’t be able to find gooseberries…. But great recipe, and I love liver.

Królowa Karo 10/7/21 21:17

I don't think I've ever eaten beef liver before. I usually eat chicken liver.

Bill 10/7/21 23:00

I don't do liver or arugula, I just can't eat it.

savorthebest 11/7/21 00:09

It has been a long time since I have had beef liver, this looks really good

Maria Grazia Ferrarazzo Maineri 11/7/21 14:27

A very classy recipe, Angie. Apricots are the perfect match with beef dishes.
Have a nice day,

[Reply] 11/7/21 15:41

It looks beautiful, but I must admit I'm not a fan of beef liver, my mother used to make me eat it...but the apricots sound good!

Julie 12/7/21 10:54

drooling here, makes me hungry..yummy with some steam cooked rice :)

gluten Free A_Z Blog 13/7/21 05:53

For me, the arugula , apricots, and gooseberries sound like such an interesting combination. Of course I don't eat liver.

tigerfish 15/7/21 15:26

Tried chicken liver before but don't think I have tried beef liver. Yes, it is nutrient-dense superfood, I wish I can include it more often in my meals.

Raymund 20/7/21 22:47

Ohhh I am excited to see this recipe! we love beef liver and use them in several recipes, definitely something new to try specially with all that ingredients that blends well with each other

babYpose 15/9/21 07:52

Beef liver are delicatessen, had long time ago, your meal looks delicious with sweet fruities

Strawberries are the angels of the earth, innocent and sweet with green leafy wings reaching heavenward. ~Jasmine Heiler

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