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Featured Recipe: 15 Low Carb Keto Bread

Roasted Bone Marrow with Fresh Herbs and Hawaiian Black Lava Salt

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Marrow bones are generally the leg bones from either beef or veal. The marrow not only just boastes of its heavenly buttery taste but also offers various health benefits. This most nutrient-dense superfood contains a substantial amount of good fats and energy and provides an exceptional source of the omega-3 required for healthy brain development and anti-inflammation. It also contains minerals (iron, phosphorus, and trace amounts of thiamin and niacin), collagen, stem cells that turn into blood cells inside the body when ingested and a group of compounds called alkylglycerols that help boost and maintain our immune system. You can use marrow bones to make bone broth, or you can roast the bones and use the marrow the same way you would use butter -- spread it on toast, toss with vegetables or melt over the steak.

  • 1.5 kg Grass fed organic marrow bones (beef or veal)
  • 2 tsp Fresh rosemary, chopped
  • 2 tsp Fresh thyme, chopped
  • Hawaiian black lava salt
  • Black peppercorn, crushed
  • Crusty bread, toasted (leave it out if doing keto)
  • Baby Romane salad leaves
  • 1 Red onion, sliced into rings
  • 2 tbsp Parsley, chopped
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1/2 tbsp White balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Preheat the oven to 230C/450F. Place the bones in a baking dish. Finely chop the rosemary and thyme leaves. Sprinkle the chopped herbs over the marrow bones.
  2. Transfer them to the hot oven and roast for 15 to 20 minutes until no longer pink inside. Meanwhile prepare the side salad and crusty bread if using.
  3. Combine the salad leaves, onion rings and chopped parsley in a small mixing bowl. Toast the bread until crunchy if using.
  4. After 15 minutes, check the bones. The marrow should be hot, with a soft and jelly-like consistency, but not liquid. You want to catch it before the marrow begins to "leak out" of the bones. Roast another five minutes if needed.
  5. Drizzle the salad with olive oil and white balsamic vinegar.
  6. Season the marrow with lava salt and freshly milled black pepper. Serve while still hot with salad and crusty bread if using. Use a spoon to scoop out the marrow and enjoy! Once you enjoy the marrow, save the bones and dripping to make bone broth. | © 2020 | | © 2020 | | © 2020 |


speedy70 13/11/20 08:49

Non conoscevo questa preparazione, grazie della condivisione!

Nancy Chan 13/11/20 10:36

This is new to me. You made it looks delicious.

Julie 13/11/20 11:18

wow, it looks so perfectly to taste it!!

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 13/11/20 11:31

I have heard this is a fabulous taste, I have never even seen marrow before until this and I am more than intrigued! I bet it wonderful

Tom 13/11/20 13:07

...well, this has never hit my radar screen!

The Exclusive Beauty Diary 13/11/20 13:23

This look very tasty and delicious. Thank you for sharing.

New Post -

Natalia 13/11/20 14:05

I think my dad would love it! Looks so good on a plate, yum! Have a lovely weekend ☺

Kitchen Riffs 13/11/20 15:40

I never roast marrow bones for some reason -- always a restaurant treat for me. I gotta start doing this! This looks great -- thanks.

Anonymous 13/11/20 16:21

We love roasted bone marrow - so rich and creamy! But I've never made it at home (we order it at our favorite local restaurant) - now I'm inspired to try!

Suja Manoj 13/11/20 20:46

Wow nice recipe, bet it tastes delicious, love it

SavoringTime in the Kitchen 13/11/20 23:53

Bone marrow is so popular now that it's even available in some restaurants! My husband would love this :)

savorthebest 14/11/20 06:02

Oh I love love love bone marrow. I don't prepare it very often, it is a special treat in our house.

Martyna 14/11/20 09:01

This looks very delicious and beautiful 😊

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake 14/11/20 22:24

My parents loved bone marrow. I can't say I've ever indulged, but you make it look beautiful in your dish!

Evi Erlinda 14/11/20 22:47

This marrow looks so tasty!

foodtravelandwine 14/11/20 23:56

It looks absolutely amazing!!.......Abrazotes, Marcela

Happy Retiree's Kitchen 15/11/20 03:08

I'm with you that bone marrow is so good for us, and what a great idea to bake it. I would love to taste what you have done with it, looks superb. I must look out for your Black Lava salt. Did you purchase it online? Thanks for sharing this brilliant recipe. Beautiful photos as always.Pauline.

tigerfish 17/11/20 21:29

Perfectly satisfied with marrow butter on crusty bread!

Raymund | 17/11/20 22:47

Now that's my kind of dish! That would be perfect with your Pain de Mie

Ron 19/11/20 14:23

Angie, marrow bones are perhaps my favorite splurge. I love it cooked in any fashion, but your method of preparation is my favorite. Lava salt is all the rage here, but ours comes from Iceland. I'll have to look for the Hawaiian version. Lovely photography as always...

Noob Cook 19/11/20 14:53

This is exotic (to me), delicious and nutrient-packed! You certainly cook with a wide variety of ingredients!


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