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Featured Recipe: 15 Low Carb Keto Bread

Spotted Dog Bread - Soda Bread

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Spotted dog bread is a type of soda bread in which baking soda is used for leavening rather than the yeast, and with additional ingredients such as raisins, honey and nuts, just like a fruit cake. It tastes best on the day it is baked. If you prefer not to break the tradition, then it shall not contain raisins, honey, yogurt, chocolate,sour cream, etc. etc.
The cross is used to help with the baking of the bread by allowing air circulation so that the bread rises better. The cross also serves as a guideline for even slices.

  1. Preheat the oven to 165C/325F. Combine together flours, baking soda, salt and sift into a large mixing bowl. Cut in butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Add in raisins and caraway seeds.
  2. In a small bowl, whisk together yogurt and honey until blended. Pour the mixture into the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. Turn dough onto lightly floured work surface and knead until dough is smooth.
  3. Shape the dough into a ball and place on lightly greased baking sheet. Make a cross incision with a sharp knife, about 1/3 inch deep into top of loaf. Brush with milk and bake for 45 to 50 minutes until golden. Cool on a wire rack.


Anonymous 10/7/09 20:16

the name is so catchy..haha!I think ur blog is goin to be my one stop destination for breads/ cakes/ pastries.

admin 10/7/09 20:31

That sounds yummy! I make plain soda bread with my Irish Stew but I always forget to try it as a sweet bread.

chow and chatter 10/7/09 21:32

yummy this bread looks amazing

Anonymous 10/7/09 23:38

Great Recipe Angie! Another winner!
Come by my blog and see the award I just nominated you for...and I've linked to your site!
All the best, Amanda

Katy ~ 11/7/09 00:50

This sounds so good!! I would love to have this.

Chef E 11/7/09 01:50

I grew up eating bread like this in my Irish family, but not as good looking bread as this! You have such a talent for this...

Donna-FFW 11/7/09 03:56

I would love this 2 ways, one toasted with butter, and two some to dip in hot soup. Looks so delicious!

Reeni 11/7/09 04:37

I love soda bread, Angie. I've never tried making it before. This looks wonderful!

♥peachkins♥ 11/7/09 08:12

heehee..first time I heard of Spotted Dog Bread.. it looks good..

Ivy 11/7/09 09:09

I've never heard of this type of bread before but I think I would love it with all those lovely ingredients in it.

Heather S-G 11/7/09 17:22

I really like soda bread, but haven't had it in quite some time! Looks super tasty (love all of the additions)!

Sweta (My Indian Dietitian) 11/7/09 19:23

I could munch that the whole day! I remember we used to bake a cake with Pepsi back in school-I don't remember the recipe though. Ever tried something like that? I'd love to see the recipe :)

nora@ffr 11/7/09 19:25

ive never tried bread like this b4. this sound incredible.. yummm!! sure gonna try this for breakfast soon. have a nice weekend

Sippity Sup 12/7/09 00:57

Now that's breakfast lunch and dinner kind of bread! GREG

Parita 12/7/09 07:51

BWow bread with yeast is too good! i love raisins in bread and m definately trying this one soon! thanks dear!

Parita 12/7/09 07:52

oh ho i meant bread without yeast above :))

Angie's Recipes 12/7/09 17:06

There is a cake baked with any kind of sparkling drink. It's called Sprudelkuchen in German. I am not exactly sure whether it is the one you meant.

Guys, thanks for visiting and leaving all those kind comments. :-)

Anonymous 13/7/09 03:39

A quick and easy bread without yeast? yes, please! I'm not much of a bread-baker, but this sounds delicious AND a cinch! Thanks, Angie!

Fearless Kitchen 13/7/09 15:31

Soda bread is a really popular choice... this one looks delicious!

lisaiscooking 20/7/09 16:47

This sounds so good! The yogurt must give it great texture.

Debby Bauer 25/7/09 15:50

hi angie! do you have a recipe for Sprudelkuchen? also do you have a recipe for Marble kuchen? my mom used to make a really delicious "marmor" marble kuchen, but she did it without a recipe and now she's 81 yr. old and doesn't remember the measurements anymore! thanks for all the great recipes here!

Angie's Recipes 25/7/09 16:59

I have Sprudelkuchenrecipe here.
For German Marmorkuchen, I haven't translated the recipe (I used Dr. Oetker Marmorkuchen recipe, adopted and adjusted though :-)) ) in English yet.

Anonymous 22/8/16 08:51
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