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Chicken Nuggets / 吮指鸡块

Monday, August 20, 2007

  • 250 g Chicken breast
  • 1/2 cup Potato starch
  • 1 tbsp Cornstarch
  • 1/5 tsp Black pepper powder
  • 1/5 tsp Chilli powder
  • Frying oil
  • 1 tbsp Garlic paste
  • 1 tbsp Egg, lightly beaten
  • 2 tbsp Cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp Light soya sauce
  • 1 tbsp Maggie sauce
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1 tbsp Jiafan rice wine
  • 1/2 tbsp Rock sugar
  • 1/3 tsp White pepper powder
  • 1/4 tsp Five spices powder
  1. Clean the chicken breast and pat them dry. Cut into 5x2-cm strips and pound them out into thin slices. Add in marinade and let marinate for 2 hours in fridge. Whisk together potato starch, cornstarch, black pepper and chilli powders. Set aside.
  2. Coat the marinated chicken evenly with mixed starches. Heat up a deep skillet with oil over medium fire, and lower the chicken into the heated oil. Now turn the heat to lower level and fry the chicken for 3-4 minutes. Scoop out the chicken and drain. Heat up the oil till very hot and return the chicken to fry one more minute until golden brown and crusty.
  3. If you have some leftover, rewarm them in the hot oven or toss them with your favourite sauce and you have a new dish for the lunch.

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Braised Pork Belly / 红烧肉

Monday, August 20, 2007

  • 600 g Streaky pork with rind
  • 1 tsp Rice vinegar
  • 2 tbsp Jiafan rice wine
  • 1 handful Dried black mushrooms, soaked and drained
  • 8-10 Dried oysters
  • 1/4 cup Water
  • 1 tbsp Cooking oil
  • 2-3 tbsp Rock sugar
  • 1 stalk Scallion chunks
  • 3-4 clove Garlic, crushed
  • 3-4 Ginger slices
  • 1-2 Whole star anise
  • 1 tsp Szechuan peppercorns
  • 2-3 Pickled red chillies
  • 1 tbsp Dark soya sauce
  • 1 tbsp Light soya sauce
  • 1 tbsp Oyster sauce
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1/3 tsp Chicken bouillon
  • 600克 带皮五花肉
  • 1小勺 米醋
  • 2大勺 加饭酒
  • 1把 水发香菇
  • 8-10个 蚝干
  • 1/4杯 清水
  • 1大勺 食用油
  • 2-3大勺 冰糖
  • 1支 葱段
  • 3-4粒 蒜,拍松
  • 3-4片 姜
  • 1-2粒 八角
  • 1小勺 花椒粒
  • 2-3支泡红椒
  • 1大勺 老抽酱油
  • 1大勺 生抽酱油
  • 1大勺 蚝油
  • 1小勺 食盐
  • 1/3小勺 鸡精
  1. 蚝干用水浸泡15分钟。过滤浸泡液留用。三层肉洗净切成2厘米见方的条状入锅后加水,水量以没过肉为宜。加入醋和1大勺加饭酒,中火煮开。勺去飘在表面的深红色的浮沫,火力调低些,再煮2-3分钟。熄火勺出肉块用凉水冲净,滤干待用。
    Soak dry oysters in water for 15 minutes. Drain through a sieve, reserving the soaking water for use in the recipe. Rinse pork and cut into 2-cm wide strips. Place them in a pot filled with enough water to just cover the pork. Pour in vinegar and 1 tablespoon of rice wine. Bring it to a boil over medium heat. Skim, reduce the heat and cook 2-3 more minutes. Turn off the heat and scoop out the pork. Rinse under tap water and drain thoroughly.
  2. 炒锅入油,烧热后放入砂糖,炒成焦糖状。放入葱姜蒜,花椒和泡椒以及肉块煸炒。加入香菇和蚝干,接着淋入酱油,蚝油,和料酒。兜匀所有材料。
    Heat up a skillet with oil. Add in rock sugar and stir until caramelized. Stir in scallion, ginger, garlic, peppercorns, pickled chillies and pork. Stir in black mushrooms and dried oysters. Pour in soya sauces, oyster sauce and rice wine. Toss all the ingredients together.
  3. 将锅里的材料倒入电压锅,倒入留用的浸泡水。水量以略没过肉为宜。放入八角和盐。盖上盖子,调至煮肉档。煮好后电压锅会自动调到保温档。冷却后打开盖子,肉回炒锅,开旺火收汁,用鸡精调味即可盛盘。
    Pour the whole mass into an electric pressure cooker. Pour in the reserving soaking liquid, which should barely cover the ingredients. Add in anise star and salt. Close the lid and turn the knob to pork cooking cycle. After cooking, the cooker automatically enters the "keep warm" status. After cooling, return the pork mass into the frying pan and stir over the high heat until the whole mixture comes together into a sticky, gooey mass. Season with chicken bouillon and dish off.

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Spicy Braised Tofu / 家常素豆腐

Sunday, August 12, 2007

  • 300 g Tofu block(home-made)
  • Vegetable oil
  • 1 clove Sliced garlic
  • 50 g Hot bean sauce
  • 15 g Black fungus and mushrooms
  • 1 chunk Carrot
  • 1/4 tsp Sesame oil
  • 1 stalk Scallion
  • 1-2 stalk Pickled chillies
  • 1/3 cup Water
  • 1 tsp Jiafan rice wine
  • 1 tbsp Light soya sauce
  • 1/4 tsp Chicken bouillon
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tbsp Starchy solution
  1. Rinse and drain tofu. Cut into the thick slices. Soak black fungus and mushrooms in water for 10 minutes. Squeeze the water out and cut into smaller pieces. Save the soaking water for use in the recipe. Slice the carrot.
  2. Heat some oil in a non-stick skillet over medium heat until hot. Lower the heat and pan-fry tofu slices until golden brown on both sides. Drain on kitchen paper towel. Use little oil left in the skillet to stir-fry garlic and hot bean sauce until aromatic. Add in black fungus, mushrooms, carrot slices, scallion chunks and pickled chillies. Stir briefly.
  3. Return the tofu and pour in the soaking water, rice wine and light soya sauce. Cook over the medium until tofu slices are evenly coated with sauce and flavours have mingled. Season with chicken bouillon and salt. Thicken with starchy solution and drizzle with sesame oil. Serve hot.

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French Genoise Butter Sponge Cake / 法式牛油海绵蛋糕

Friday, August 10, 2007

French Génoise[zhayn-WAHZ; zhehn-WAHZ], or French Butter Sponge Cake, is a light sponge cake developed in Genoa, Italy and adapted by the French.


  • 2 tbsp Unsalted butter, melted
  • 150 g Cake flour, sifted then measured
  • 1/5 tsp Salt
  • 5 Eggs
  • 130 g Caster sugar
  • 1 tsp Rum extract
  • 2大勺 融化无盐牛油
  • 150克 低筋粉,过筛后秤重
  • 1/5小勺 食盐
  • 130克 细砂糖
  • 5个 室温鸡蛋
  • 1小勺 郎姆香精
  1. Preheat oven to 175C/ 350F. Grease and line a 28cm heart-shaped or a 26cm round springform pan. Set aside. Melt butter over low heat. Pour into small mixing bowl and set nearby.
  2. Beat eggs, caster sugar, extract and salt in the bowl of stand mixer about 5-6 minutes on high speed until the mixture is lemon white in colour and triples in volume. If you beat the mixture with a hand-held electric mixer, then set the mixing bowl over a pan of simmering water at about 40C/105F. The base of the bowl should not touch the hot water. After the mixture has become thick and pale, remove the bowl and continue beating for 2-3 minutes until the mixture is cool.
  3. Fold the sifted flour into mixture, one third at a time, just until incorporated. Pour about 1 cup of batter into the melted butter, and fold just until combined. Return butter mixture to reserved batter, and fold to combine.
  4. Pour batter into prepared pan and smooth batter evenly. Bake in preheated oven for 25-30 minutes or until top springs back slightly when lightly touched. Run a table knife blade around the outside edge of cake, freeing the sides and allowing air to get under the layer. Invert cake onto rack and allow it to cool completely.
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Homemade Tofu with Vinegar / 不添加盐卤和石膏的家庭制豆腐

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Equipment: box (plastic, wood or bamboo-made) with holes. I used tea leaves filter of my black tea set to make a tube-shaped tofu
, and a colander to make a balloon-shaped tofu

  • 300克 黄豆
  • 适量 清水
  • 20毫升 沙拉醋
  • 300 g Soya beans
  • Water
  • 20 ml Salad vinegar extract
  1. 黄豆洗干净放入一个稍深的大锅,加入6杯左右的清水。浸泡12-18小时。浸泡期间要换2-3次水。夏季就把浸泡的豆子放在冰箱里。黄豆会很明显涨大,滤掉水份后冲洗一遍。准备个2大深锅,各倒入5杯左右的水放到炉上小火加热。
    Place the soya beans in a large deep pot after rinsing and fill in 3 times of the amount of water, about 6 cups. Soak for about 12-18 hours until soya beans Change the water 2-3 times during the soaking period and in summer keep them in the fridge. Soya beans should become larger after proper soaking. Drain the soy beans and rinse. Prepare 2 large deep pot, each filled with 5 cups of water. Start heating up over the low heat.
  2. 泡好的黄豆分2-3次放进搅拌机内,加入适量水,没过豆子即可。搅打约3分钟。将其分倒入2个深锅。容量尽量控制在锅一半深度。中火煮滚豆浆,用漏勺拂去表面的泡沫。调低火势,用小火继续煮约15-20分钟。要边搅拌,别糊锅。煮的时候人不要离开厨房,豆浆很容易溢出的。最后你会看见奶一样的豆浆和豆渣分开了。
    Divide the mixture evenly between the two prepared pots you previously. The mixture should not come up higher than halfway up of the pot. Adjust the heat to medium and bring the soya mixture to a boil. Turn the heat lower and continue cooking for about 10 minutes. Don’t leave your kitchen and watch the pot. Soya mixture can boils over easily any minute. Continue to cook this for about 15-20 minutes, stirring frequently. Finally the soya mixture looks kind of grainy as milk has separated from okara.
  3. 取个带孔木制容器(塑料或不锈钢都可以)铺上纱布。纱布要长些,翻出容器边沿。醋放入一个大盆,加入2大勺水稀释。过滤豆浆到另外一个干净的锅。然后冲入稀释醋里头。注意一定要将豆浆冲入醋里而不是稀释醋倒入豆浆里。一会儿就能看到有类似豆腐脑的凝固体了。将有凝固物豆浆倒入铺好纱布的容器内,翻上纱布包好。压上一个大碗或盖子,让其渗出些水份。重物越重,加压时间越长,豆腐口感就会越结实。
    Line the plastic mold with holes, (bamboo, wood or stainless steel work too) with long cotton muslin. Place the vinegar in another large bowl and dilute with 2 tablespoons of water. Strain the soya liquid into another clean pot. Pour the strained soya liquid into the diluted vinegar. Shortly you would see the soya milk start curdling. Then pour those curds into the prepared molds. Fold the muslin over to cover. Weigh it down with a bowl or lid, so that some water can be pressed out. The heavier the weight, the longer the soya curds are pressed, the firmer tofu have you.

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No-Knead European Bread / 免搅拌欧式面包

Monday, July 30, 2007

Recipe Source: The Secret of Great Bread: Let Time Do the Work
  • 3 cup Bread flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1/4 tsp Dry yeast
  • 2 tbsp Chopped sundried tomatoes
  • 1 1/2 cup Water
  • 3杯 面包粉
  • 1-1/2小勺 食盐
  • 1/4小勺 干酵母
  • 2大勺 日晒风干番茄
  • 1 1/2杯 水
  1. Place the dry ingredients in a big mixing bowl and then add in sundried tomatoes and water. Mix well with a rubber spatula. Cover the dough with a plastic wrap and place in a warm place. Let stand at least 12 hours. It should be very bubbly and doubled in size. If you prefer a sourdough taste, then stir it down and have it rise again.
  2. Sprinkle some flour over the top and start scooping the dough together. Place the dough on a well-floured piece of baking paper. Let the dough rest in the paper at room temperature until about doubled in size, 2-3 hours.
  3. Preheat the oven together with the chose baking pot to 250C/475F. When the oven has reached that temperature, open the oven door and pull out the rack with your preheated pan. Take the dough in the parchment paper and "plop" it into the pan. Cover with the lid. Close the door and bake first 30 minutes. Open the door, take away the cover and bake 20-25 minutes further.
  4. Turn off the oven and carefully flip the bread out of the baking dish on a cooling rack. Return the baking dish to the oven to gradually cool down.

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Black Pepper Beef

Saturday, July 28, 2007

MarinadePepper Sauce
  • 200 g Beef rump steak
  • 100 g Onion, shredded
  • 1 clove Garlic, chopped
  • 40 ml Chicken broth
  • Salad oil
  • 1/2 tbsp Light soya sauce
  • 1 tbsp Jiafan rice wine
  • 1/4 tsp Baking soda
  • 1/2 tbsp Cornstarch
  • 1/2 Egg white
  • 1 tsp Black pepper powder
  • 1 tbsp Oyster sauce
  • 1/4 tsp Sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp Light soya sauce
  1. Cut the beef into small strips or slices. Mix in the marinade and let stand for at least 30 minutes. Mix the pepper sauce ingredients in a small bowl and set aside.
  2. Heat up a skillet with some oil. Add in marinated beef and cook until almost cooked. Scoop out and drain. Keep 1 tablespoon of oil in the skillet, adding in onion and garlic and stir until soft. Dish off.
  3. Pour in the prepared sauce and the stock. Bring to a boil. Return the beef and onion to the skillet. Stir for about 1 minute until cooked. Dish off.

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Braised Wheat Gluten / Seiten

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Tossed with some cold noodles

Wheat gluten is a food made from gluten, the main protein of wheat. It is made by washing wheat flour dough with water until all the starch granules have been removed, leaving the sticky insoluble gluten as an elastic mass which is then cooked before being eaten. wikipedia

  • 150 g Steamed wheat gluten
  • 1 tbsp Roasted Cashew nuts
  • 20 g Dried Chinese mushrooms
  • 10 g Black fungus
  • 10 g Dried lily flowers
  • Some bean curd sheets
  • 3 slice Ginger root
  • Cooking oil
  • Sesame oil
  • 1 tsp Jiafan rice wine
  • 1 tbsp Dark soya sauce
  • 1 tsp Raw sugar
  • Pinch of white pepper powder
  • 1/3 tsp Salt
  • 1/3 tsp Chicken bouillon
  • 1 Star anise
  • Water
  1. Squeeze water out of the wheat gluten and tear it into smaller pieces. Soften black fungus, dried mushrooms, and dried lily flowers in water. Heat up a wok with some oil. Deep-fry bean curd sheets and wheat gluten separately until they are golden brown. Scoop out and drain.

  2. Leave one tablespoon oil in the skillet. Stir in ginger slices until fragrant. Add in Chinese mushrooms, lily flowers and black fungus. Stir briefly. Add in cashew nuts, bean curd sheets and wheat gluten. Drizzle in rice wine. Add in the rest of seasonings and enough water to just cover the ingredients. Cover and bring it to a boil. Adjust the heat to low and simmer until the sauce has thickened and reached the desired consistency. Sprinkle with sesame oil for serving.

Tossed with some cold noodles

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