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Featured Recipe: 15 Low Carb Keto Bread

Honey Pain de Mie

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The bread’s tender soft texture and subtle sweetness come from duck fat and honey. Pullman bread, or Pain de mie is a type of French sandwich bread traditionally baked in a Pullman loaf pan, which gives it a uniformly rectangular shape. Pain de mie, “bread of crumb” in French, is a fluffy white bread with a tight crumb and very thin crust. If you don't have a pullman loaf pan, which usually features a lid, you can also place a baking sheet over the loaf pan.

  • 360 ml Water, lukewarm
  • 80 g Honey
  • 85 g Duck fat (or butter, softened)
  • 10 g Salt
  • 600 g White bread flour
  • 50 g Rolled oats
  • 12 g Active dried yeast
  1. Place all the ingredients, following liquids-first-then-dry method, into the pan of a bread machine and snap the bread pan into place. Set on the dough cycle. When the program is done, it should form a a nice elastic and smooth ball. If the dough is too moist, add flour, a tablespoon at a time. The same is true if the dough is looking dry and gnarly. Add warm water, a tablespoon at a time.
  2. Turn out the dough and shape into a ball. Place in a lightly greased bowl, cover the bowl and allow the dough to rise until puffy though not necessarily doubled in bulk, about 1- 1 1/2 hours, depending on the warmth of your kitchen. I usually leave the bowl, covered with a plastic film, in the oven with the light on.
  3. Lightly grease a 30x11x8cm pullman pan with butter. Gently deflate the dough, transfer it to a lightly greased work surface, shape it into a 28cm log, and fit it into the pan. Cover the pan with lightly greased plastic wrap, and allow the dough to rise until it's just below the lip of the pan, 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  4. Towards the end of the rising time, preheat the oven to 200C/400F. Remove the plastic, and place the cover on the pan. Bake the bread for 35-40 minutes.
  5. Remove bread from the oven and unmold it onto a large wire rack. Cool it top side up about 1 hour to make for easier slicing.

© 2021 |

© 2021 |


Brian's Home Blog 27/8/21 00:54

That bread looks terrific and I'll bet it sure smells good baking.

Tom 27/8/21 01:07

...a bread that is new to me.

Christine 27/8/21 01:51

Looks delicious, thanks for the tip as I don't have that pan.

babYpose 27/8/21 02:46

Never seen a long pan like that. Looks soft in texture. Sure its mild sweet like honey.

J.P. Alexander 27/8/21 04:10

Voy a poner en practica la receta te mando un beso

Nancy Chan 27/8/21 07:34

That is a beautiful bread. You can get a nice square slice of bread.

delphine 27/8/21 08:53

Quelle belle réussite c'est un beau pain

The Velvet Runway 27/8/21 10:53

This looks so delicious! I love that it has honey in it!
Julia x

Pedro 27/8/21 12:09

Congratulations! Your bread looks absolutely perfect and delicious.

2pots2cook 27/8/21 12:19

OUR FAVOURITE !!!! Great one !!!

Ben | Havocinthekitchen 27/8/21 12:39

I've never heard of Pain de mie, but it looks terrific! And I can tell for sure, this French sandwich bread looks way much more delicious than American style sandwich bread (which often has quite strange, too soft and fluffy texture). Nicely done!

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 27/8/21 13:09

that has the best looking texture and I bet the sweetness from the honey makes it tender and delicious!

[Reply] 27/8/21 14:46

So pretty and it sounds delicious, love the special pan!

speedy70 27/8/21 14:57

Complimenti, un pane delizioso!!!

Bernadette 27/8/21 14:59

Wonderful recipe and instructions

Eva Taylor 27/8/21 15:29

I just adore the uniform nature of the pullman loaf. And the history of the practical stacking makes this loaf intriguing. Looks beautiful. I’ve used a loaf pan with a baking sheet on top but you need to put a fairly heavy weight on top because the rise will push it right off. I used a cast iron pan.

Kitchen Riffs 27/8/21 16:06

Gorgeous! Love the way this bread looks. And tastes! :-)

Rose world 27/8/21 16:06

What a beautiful loaf of bread. Homemade and baked bread is the best!

David 27/8/21 20:43

Angie, Very interesting bread recipe! This is one that I've never come across before. I would imagine that the duck fat creates a subtle difference vs. even the best butter. I know that French fries cooked in duck fat is a richer taste than any other I've eaten. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

Królowa Karo 27/8/21 20:52

Must be perfect for breakfast!

Fran @ G'day Souffle 28/8/21 01:08

I can't believe it- I was so impressed with this recipe that I just ordered a Pullman Bread Pan from Amazon- arriving tomorrow! Thanks!

The Yum List 28/8/21 02:46

Gosh, would love a slice of this.

bread&salt 28/8/21 04:51

This bread with healthy ingredients looks great! I love it.

Angie's Recipes 28/8/21 04:54

@Fran @ G'day Souffle That's COOL! Have fun with the new baking pan, Fran.

DEZMOND 28/8/21 09:48

Hope the pain wasn't a pain to bake LOOOOL Sorry, I had to.... I'm just idiotic like that. Looks nom, though!

eileeninmd 28/8/21 12:16

I would love any homemade bread, I am sure it smells delicious while baking.
Thanks for sharing the recipe! Take care, have a happy weekend!

Paula Montenegro 30/8/21 14:37

It looks perfect Angie! Interesting about the duck fat and adding some oats. I will try that.

Valentina 30/8/21 16:34

The duck fat surprised me here, and I bet it's melt-in-your-mouth delicious with the honey. You always have a unique touch in your recipes! :-) ~Valentina

Paolina 31/8/21 10:27

Che bontà! Mi piacerebbe provarlo!

foodtravelandwine 31/8/21 15:57

I have to make it!!....I have so many dishes to make from you that I need more time!!......Abrazotes, Marcela

Raymund 1/9/21 03:17

Wow that bread looks so perfect! It looks like it was measured right down to the millimeter on every angle.

Julie 1/9/21 14:14

I have never used duck fat, this looks a beautiful loaf..lovely!!

Anonymous 1/9/21 19:23

I saw this on your Instagram and had to pop over to check out the recipe! The texture of this bread looks absolutely perfect!

Yvonne @ Fiction Books Reviews 2/9/21 09:07

You always know you will have me hooked on any bread recipe, although I do think I would have to switch the duck fat for butter.

It looks amazing, such a lovely golden colour! :)

Noob Cook 22/9/21 11:18

I love the name & look of this bread. It's elegantly made and shot.


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