| © 2019 | | © 2019 |
Veal, or beef tongue, when done right, is very tender, juicy and delicious. I served it with some homemade bok choy pesto, but you can use other pesto or even salsa verde.
Veal tongue is high in fat, and like other organ meats, it is very nutrient dense (an excellent source of vitamin B12, zinc, iron and selenium). It has a unique, but mild flavour, tastes like muscle meat, fleshy, firm, but so much more tender and succulent. The tongue has a thick, bumpy skin and once cooked, it must be peeled while it's still warm. Don't let the meat cool too much, as the skin will stick.
| Bok Choy Arugula Pesto |
- 50 g Pine nuts, toasted
- 1 Large garlic clove
- 50 g Arugula
- 70 g Bok choy, the green leaves only
- 30 g Parmesan cheese, grated
- 1 tsp Black rock salt
- 120-150 ml Olive oil, as needed
- In a food processor, combine the toasted pine nuts, garlic, arugula, bok choy leaves, Parmesan, and 1 tsp salt and pulse to blend. With the machine running, pour in the olive oil through the food tube in a slow, steady stream and process until smooth, stopping to scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed. Taste and adjust the seasonings.
- Rinse the veal tongue under running water until the water runs clear and there’s no blood.
Place veal tongue, onion, broccoli, fennel stalks, bay leaves, juniper berries, and parsley stems in your slow cooker. Generously season with sea salt. Pour in enough water to cover the veal tongue.
- Cook on Low for 8 hours or on high for 4-5 hours. Transfer veal tongue to a work surface and cool slightly. Peel the thick outer layer of skin off the veal tongue while it is still warm.
- To serve, cut the veal tongue crosswise into thin slices, and arrange on a platter in a single layer. Spoon the pesto sauce over and top with some fresh herbs, a generous drizzle of olive oil and some crushed red peppercorns. | © 2019 | | © 2019 | | © 2019 |
Have never heard cooking about veal tongue before. Looks interesting but I guess must be done right like yours to enjoy :)
Not sure I would like veal but the pesto sounds interesting.
Oh wow,what an interesting dish, I bet it is delicious, I like anything with pesto!☺
Thanks for all the tips! I've never cooked tongue, but both my parents were huge fans. The pesto is a terrific accompaniment!!
I may skio the tongue, not a favorite, but maybe I never had it done properly. The pesto however looks great.
I have never had veal tongue before. Bok Choy pesto sounds great!
When I was a kid I saw tongue in the supermarket all the time. Can't remember the last time I saw it there. And I've never cooked it. Sounds like a fun dish! And very creative. Thanks!
I've had tongue in tacos and it's absolutely delicious! I've never cooked my own though and you have me wanting to give it a try.
Even though I don't eat veal but the whole meal looks very tempting!
awesome article..
thanks for sharing
I've never seen tongue offered in any stores locally though I'm sure it could likely be ordered. Not sure I'm brave enough to try :) I love the sound of the bok choy pesto, Angie!
I had tongue once, and it wasn't cone well, and I'm sill reeling from the experience!
I just learned so much about this. Great details about cooking tongue, which I've never done. And bok choy pesto sounds divine! A delicious combination, I'm sure. Cheers! ~Valentina
Esto es una verdadera delicia me encanta,abrazos.
Wow ! Bok choy pesto ? This sounds good. We are familiar to the tongue taste: delicacy of it's own :-) This is such a nice combination of flavours Angie ! Bravo !
Wow what a unique dish. I've made cow tongue tacos before -- they were very tender and everyone liked them!
it does look pretty but I am not sure I have the guts to eat a tongue.
This is most definitely a very unique dish, Angie! I personally do not eat veal, but I know a bunch of family members who would totally love to try this!!!!
This recipe looks so tasty and juicy I can’t wait to try it.
We used to have tongue cold cuts as a kid. My brother and I would roll tup one slice and put it into our mouths with the roll ending facing outward then when my Mom asked us a question we would open our mouth and let the huge tonge roll out! It was so funny that even she couldn’t help but laugh!
How delicious. When I used to live in Italy I used to have tongue but it is difficult to find in the UK. Your pesto would go very well with beef too. Very yummy.
I've never actually had tongue before but man that pesto sounds fantastic!!
I am not a fan of tongue, but have never had veal's. sounds interesting and would try if I have a chance...thanks for this interesting recipe Angie.
Have a great weekend!
The last time I had tongue was when we were forced to cook it in 9th grade home ec class! :) I love the pesto, though.
ça ne peut être que bon la langue de veau
bonne soirée
I have to admit that tongue is not my favorite protein, but I can see how it could be greatly improved upon with that pesto. Bok choy and arugula - earthy and peppery. What great flavors.
interesting dish I haven't had like this
looks amazing, Im curious to use bok choy here we have !! xo
Never tried veal tongue before. Must be so tender after long hours of cooking, and definitely delicious with the arugula-boy choy pesto
Pesto only :)
When I was a little girl my mom tricked me into eating tongue..I remembered that it tasted really good but when she told me what it was I started gagging..To this day just the mention of the word makes me feel sick . I'm sure though yours is delicious - it certainly looks pretty!
The color of the pesto is so pretty with the veal! I've made lots of pestos but never one with bok choy. I have to try it!
I have to try the bok choy pesto!!! looks delicious!!!.......Abrazotes, Marcela
wow bok choy can be used as pesto? That's definitely much cheaper over here than basil and all the English herbs.
look so delicious...yummy..
That pesto with pine nuts is looking so vibrant! As usual, amazing and inviting pics..
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