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Featured Recipe: 15 Low Carb Keto Bread

Spiced Carrot Cookies

Flavored with chilli, nutmeg and oregano,and studded with grated carrot, these one bowl carrot cookies are so easy to make, tender and delicious. If desired, add some roasted nuts, raisins or chocolate chips to the dough,whatever sounds good to you is the way to go.

  • 165 g Carrots, grated
  • 1 tbsp White sesame seeds
  • 280 g All-purposed flour, sifted
  • 210 g Potato puree flakes
  • 1 tbsp Chilli powder
  • 1/4 tbsp Nutmeg
  • 1 tbsp Dried oregano
  • 1/2 tbsp Salt
  • 100 g Sugar
  • 3 Eggs
  • 200 g Butter
  • 1/2 tsp Baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp Baking soda
  1. Combine all ingredients and mix well. Wrap the mixture with a plastic film and chill for 1 hour.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F. Remove the mixture from the fridge and shape dough into 1-inch balls. Place them on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
  3. Bake for 12 to 15 minutes until cookies are firm. Remove and cool completely on a wire racks. Store the cookies in an airtight container. This recipe makes approximately 5 dozen cookies.


chow and chatter 24/5/09 23:59

they look great nice idea different i just made biscotti for the first time so proud of myself, heres one for you lol !

Anonymous 25/5/09 01:44

wow Angie! this is really amazing. I love the addition of the sesame seeds and the potato flakes! yum!

Reeni 25/5/09 04:28

These look so soft and delicious! I've never had carrots in a cookie. Your kitties sound so sweet! You should show their pictures some time!

Justin 25/5/09 05:11

wow, this is a new one for me -- i've definitely never heard of carrot cookies before

Ivy 25/5/09 07:07

Reading through the recipe I was expecting to see savory cookies but I see there is sugar in them and since the carrots are naturally sweet I think sweet cookies with carrots is a great idea.

nath 25/5/09 08:17

It's a new recipe for me, use carrots in a cookie that I never tried before, sound great and I'll try..^^

Finla 25/5/09 09:10

Love the cookies they look sp good and evenly shaped.
Never baked with carrots.

Lavanya 25/5/09 09:25

hi are you?
We went to vegas for vacation abt a week..just came bcak today..but too tired n no energy for posting dihes...coming to your recipes..i missed your wonderful dishes dear..especially butter cake with cherries n german egg noodles(looks wonderful n new to me) n last but not least carrot cookies looks so good n i love anything which is spicy :)

Beachlover's Kitchen 25/5/09 10:04

good idea to use carrot for cookies!! carrot is really inexpensive's never cross my mind to to use carrot at all for cookies!! always throw carrot away when turn to black color!! Thanks for sharing!

lisaiscooking 25/5/09 16:17

These sound like a great savory cookie! These ingredients would be delicious in a cornbread too!

Christo Gonzales 25/5/09 16:52

angie this is an excellent cookie or is it more of a biscuit?

Fearless Kitchen 25/5/09 16:57

This is a really fun and pretty idea. I've never been a big carrot fan, but I think in this kind of context they'd be just fine.

Angie's Recipes 25/5/09 17:49

@Chow and Chatter, burpandslurp, Ivy, Fearless Kitchen, Justin, Happy cook, nath, Beachlover's Kitchen
I am sure you guys would love these, they taste really good and very easy to prepare too.
Nice to see you back :-)
Oh, yeah, they are sweet when they are asleep....or they would make a whole room completely messy.
I must agree with you, the texture are more a biscuit or scone than a cookie.
A quick corn bread for the breakfast would be yummy.

Sara 25/5/09 20:41

These sound so interesting! My husband loves carrot cake, so I bet he'd like these too.

Anonymous 26/5/09 05:29

What a great combination of flavors in this unique carrot cookie! The spices and the sesame seeds sound really good here!

Chef E 30/5/09 16:14

Oh you know I love carrot cake, so I am going to try this. I have a trick for making them more buttery if you email me I will share!

Angie's Recipes 30/5/09 18:13

@Sara, 5 Star Foodie
They were gone very fast, so I guess they must be good. :-)
@Chef E
Would be wonderful if you could share the recipe with me.......mail sent.

nora@ffr 20/6/09 21:55

vat a great idea angie. so perfect and unique.. thanx for sharing

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