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Rye Groat Bread with Yoghurt

© 2025 |

© 2025 |

Made with a mixture of bread, whole spelt, rye flours and rye groats, this beginner friendly artisan rye groat bread smells warmth and comfort. Bread made with rye groats contains even more healthy nutrients than conventionally ground rye bread. It has a deep golden brown crust and moist, chewy crumb! Slather with some salted European butter and enjoy!

  • 15 g Dried sourdough (or a pinch of dried yeast)
  • 100 g Coarsely milled rye groats
  • 100 ml Water, at room temperature
  • 275 ml Water, at room temperature
  • 5 g Dried yeast
  • 200 g Greek yoghurt
  • 250 g Medium-dark rye flour (I used Bio-Roggenmehl #997)
  • 100 g Organic wholegrain spelt flour
  • 150 g Organic white bread flour
  • ½-¾ tbsp Salt
  • 25 g Lard, chicken schmaltz or tallow, softened
  • Rye meal for topping
  1. The day before, place the dry sourdough and coarsely milled rye groats in the bowl of your mixer with the 100ml water and mix well with a whisk. Cover the sourdough and leave to mature at room temperature for 15-20 hours.
  2. Next day, add 275ml water, dried yeast and yoghurt to the starter and mix well. Then add in the flours and salt. Mix at slow speed for 5 minutes until the dough comes roughly together. Increase the speed, add in the lard and knead the dough for a further 5 minutes.
  3. Scrape the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and shape into a ball. Cover and leave to rise at room temperature for 90 minutes, stretching and folding three times in between.
  4. Shape the dough into a round or oval shape, brush with water and sprinkle with rye meal. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper.
  5. Preheat the oven to 250C/500F with a tray of water at the bottom of your oven. This will take about an hour. Place the bread in the middle of the hot oven. Lower the temperature to 220C/430F and bake for 45-55 minutes until the bread is golden brown and crispy.

© 2025 |

© 2025 |


DEZMOND 19/3/25 13:13

It does look comforting minus the chicken lard part LOOL We are in our fifth week of boycotting major supermarket chains here, one by one each week and then I hope a full month for the worst of them.

Tom 19/3/25 14:09

...this sure is a hearty rye!

Lola Martínez 19/3/25 15:08

El pan de centeno me gusta tanto que más de una vez me paso con él y como más de la cuenta. Te ha quedado perfecto.

Cocoa and Lavender 19/3/25 15:52

A beautiful loaf, Angie! I love rye breads.

eileeninmd 19/3/25 16:17

Looks delicious Angie! Take care, enjoy your day!

DeniseinVA 19/3/25 17:28

Looks incredible and I met the aroma in your house is divine :)

Pam 19/3/25 17:36

Another beautiful loaf of bread.

Cooking Julia 19/3/25 22:21

Gorgeous! The crust is incredible!

Brian's Home Blog 19/3/25 23:54

Oh yum and I'll bet that does smell wonderful.

J.P. Alexander 20/3/25 00:15

Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso

foodtravelandwine 20/3/25 00:18

It is perfect!...I can make it with freshly milled flour!......Abrazotes, Marcela

My name is Erika. 20/3/25 00:59

That bread looks delicious! I hope I have some time next week to do some baking. :) Thanks for the inspiration.

Anonymous 20/3/25 04:49

I've just woken up to this beautiful loaf, which at first I read as rye goat bread haha.
Tandy (Lavender and Lime)

We are living in a world today where lemonade is made from artificial flavors and furniture polish is made from real lemons. ~Alfred E. Newman

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