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Almond Bars with Bergamot and Mint & A Visit From The Fairy Hobmother | © 2011 | | © 2011 |

Before getting down the details of this delicious and healthy energy bar recipe, I want to take this opportunity to share with you something exciting....Many of you have heard of the Fairy Hobmother from the Appliances Online who has been visiting blogs, granting wishes and spreading joy!
A little while ago, I left a comment and a wish on The Peach Kitchen, who had just been visited by the Fairy Hobmother. And to my pleasant surprise, the Fairy knocked on my door and gifted me an Amazon gift card, so I can treat myself something nice.
Want to be the next LUCKY one? Just make a wish with your *heart* and leave a comment under this post......I am sure the Fairy is listening...Good Luck and thank you again, Fairy Hobmother!

Almond Bars with Bergamot and Mint

Inspired by Schrot&Korn
  • 70 g Almond meal
  • 35 g Chopped almonds
  • 1 tbsp Bergamot herb, finely chopped
  • 1/2 tbsp Mint, finely chopped
  • 40 g Cranberries, chopped
  • 1/4 tsp Salt
  • 1 tbsp Walnut oil
  • 1 tbsp Maple syrup
  • 2 tbsp Water | © 2011 |
  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F. Line a 23 cm x 14 cm loaf pan with a baking paper. Stir together the almond meal, chopped almonds, chopped herbs, cranberries and salt in a bowl.
  2. Add in walnut oil, maple syrup and water. Mix well with a fork or your hand until all the ingredients come together. Press it onto the bottom of the prepared pan.
  3. Bake in the middle of the hot oven for about 10 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool. Cut into slices and serve. | © 2011 | | © 2011 |


Rosa's Yummy Yums 20/9/11 20:40

Congrats! that is great. I also wish I could win a gift card...

Those energy bars look ever so tempting!



amy beth marantino 20/9/11 20:41

i wish i could win a gift card. i wish i had a new dremel rotary tool in time to carve some pumpkins.

Anonymous 20/9/11 20:46

Hey Fairy Hob Mother, over here!!!
Beautiful recipe daaaahling, I so love the scent of bergamot, what a wonder flavour to bake with!
*kisses* HH

kankana 20/9/11 21:16

Congrats :) I too wish I get lucky !
This is a great healthy bar .. for breakfast or snack :)

Anna's kitchen table 20/9/11 21:44

Ah, they look nice and healthy!

Flavia Galasso 20/9/11 22:01

I'm happy that you're happy...have a great day....hugs, Flavia

Gerry @Foodness Gracious 20/9/11 22:09

Mmm these look full of chewy, crunchy seedy goodness. Just how I like my bars. Umm fairy, right here, yip here yoo hoo!!
Take care...

Aaron C. 20/9/11 22:11

Wow those look delicious!

tinyskillet 20/9/11 22:12

First congrats on your visit from the Fairy Hobmother! I wish the Fairy Hobmother would visit Florida! Would love to make these bars, they look beautiful, I love the texture. I'm not sure if I've had bergamot, so I think I need to try it!

Gloria Baker 20/9/11 22:44

Congrats Angie! Your cranberry bars look delicious!! gloria

SavoringTime in the Kitchen 20/9/11 22:46

Congratulations on your gift! The Fairy Hobmother visited me this past summer so I wish not to be too greedy :)

Your bars look so delicious, Angie! The cranberries and almond meal are favorites but I have to admit I'm not familiar with the flavor of Bergamot.

Kumi 20/9/11 23:12

I know it says healthy energy bar, but it looks to me like a delicious treat! Oh, and congratulations on a visit from The Fairy Hobmother! What a nice surprise that must have been. :-)

chow and chatter 21/9/11 00:34

congrats on your visit he he fun

Daryl 21/9/11 01:25

These look delicious! What a fun visit that was for you! Visit me please!

OohLookBel 21/9/11 01:29

Congratulations on your win - spend it wisely! The energy bars look very tempting, by the way.

jasna varcakovic 21/9/11 02:52

Your recipes are soo unusual and fresh; I like the look of your bars!

Reeni 21/9/11 02:54

Your almond bars are deliciously satisfying snacks! And yay for the Fairy Hobmother - I had my wish granted awhile back too.

scrambledhenfruit 21/9/11 03:28

You are so lucky to get a visit from the Fairy Hobmother! I would love a visit from her- I'd really love a new bowl for my Kitchen-Aid and some new cookie cutters. :) Those bars look so good- I can almost taste those tart cranberries in these wonderful almond bars. They'd be perfect for breakfast or an after school snack!

Anonymous 21/9/11 03:37

What a lovely idea! ....thank you for the wish (whether it comes true or not - wishing is good!) This recipe is GREAT, BTW. I love the flavor combination you have...I'm crazy for cranberries!

Sandra 21/9/11 03:43

These cranberry bars are off the chain! I would love for the Fairy Hobmother to pay me a visit so that I could make something yummy for my Lifelong Wellness students. They would love to have a treat.

claudia Whats Cookin 21/9/11 04:04

wow does this ever sound delcious

Miriam 21/9/11 04:13

Amazing and beautiful recipe, love it! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

Srividhya Ravikumar 21/9/11 04:18

That's look ridiculously great..

Belinda @zomppa 21/9/11 05:57

Cool surprise, but better yet are these bars!

Unknown 21/9/11 06:53

Wow sounds colorful and yummy....beautiful clicks

TasteHongKong 21/9/11 07:12

An impeccable, healthy snack for any time! Enjoy your shopping : )

Anonymous 21/9/11 07:58

I wish for a visit :) Those bars would be such a great, healthy snack for the kids. I pinned this one!

Tina 21/9/11 08:31

Beautiful and tempting...

Lisa H. 21/9/11 09:40

Dear Fairy HobMother,
I am sure you wanted to escape the Autumn chill in the Northern Hemisphere, so I am inviting you to the warm sunny spring DownUnder... ;P

Full of goodness... excellent for lunch box :D

Priya Suresh 21/9/11 11:16

Congrats Angie, those bars looks fabulous..

Peggy 21/9/11 11:52

Oh congrats Angie! I've never heard of the Fairy Hobmother before, but she sounds exciting! A gift card would be pretty awesome =)

Three-Cookies 21/9/11 12:41

Fairies do exist. Awesome "As for butter versus margarine, I trust cows more than chemists"

Sprigs of Rosemary 21/9/11 12:51

I learned a lot today from you and I didn't even try the almond bars! I saw a new quote that I'm sure I'll be repeating, I never heard of bergamot before and I now know there's a real Fairy Hobmother! And I haven't even had my first full cup of coffee! It's going to be a great day! I *heart* the Fairy Hobmother and I wish for new baking pans that I promise not to abuse!

Edith 21/9/11 12:59

I love the colour of this bar. I doubt we ever can find Bergamot herb in Singapore though. So me drooling visually on yours now.

JasmyneTea 21/9/11 13:08

First time visiting your blog, and I'm impressed! This recipe looks like something I have for morning break every day, I'll have to try making it myself now! :)

Awayofmind Bakery House 21/9/11 14:15

The colour bar looks so tempting! I have never eat bergamot before but using them in the essence oil, the fragrant of it is very distinctive.

Barbara Bakes 21/9/11 14:19

Such a great healthy bar. I wish for a GC to buy something for my grandson who is going to be born any minute now.

Ashlea Taylor 21/9/11 16:05

I love a good healthy bar! These look really really great.

tartedujour 21/9/11 16:56

Delicious looking energy bars! How fun to get a visit from the Fairy Hobmother!

ann low 21/9/11 18:46

This almond bars look great. Are you using fresh mint?

Donna Elick 21/9/11 21:07

How exciting!!! I am wishing on a hob, for the Fairy Hobmother to visit me. ; )

Your energy bars looks delightful!

Eva 21/9/11 21:20

What a delicious and healthy looking snack, Angie. And congratulations on the gift from the Fairy Hobmother. You are very fortunate, indeed. I wouldn't even know what to wish for...I am very fortunate to have everything I need! But then again...

Kim @ Foodin New England 22/9/11 00:02

Hmmm hubby works out alot. I bet these would be way better than those nasty things we buy at the store. Saved.
My friend at Veronicas Cornicopia won herself a blender from The Fairy Hobmother. :)
Hmmm i have so many things i need... where would i start? Ok, simple. A nice measuring cup set with a ring, so my 2 year old doesn't run off with one at a's really frustrating when i reach for one and it's gone.

Unknown 22/9/11 00:18

The almond bars look phenomenal. I love it. And I am also loving the Fairy Hobmother. The fairy can visit me any time. At the moment, I'd love a kitchen aid mixer :)

Xiaolu @ 6 Bittersweets 22/9/11 00:40

Almond and mint in a dessert -- now that's original!

tigerfish 22/9/11 02:25

Oh, I can imagine a fairy just like Tinkerbell, flying around these bergamot and mint almond bars and granting wishes!

Tiffany 22/9/11 03:29

Que rico! I've never been able to find bergamot... would orange work?

Rosita Vargas 22/9/11 05:15


Angie's Recipes 22/9/11 06:18

I used bergamot herb, not bergamot orange. If you can't find bergamot, just use mint instead. Bergamot and mint look very similar, but bergamot smells like lemon to you.

Food Safety Certification 22/9/11 11:25

This is my very first time in here. But first, I want to congratulate you and also I want to express my happiness because this is seriously one of the best blogs I've seen so far. Not your typical food blog.

Choclette 22/9/11 12:57

You do come up with some fab recipes - these sound particularly delicious with the walnut oil and herbs. they look really pretty too.

Joanne 22/9/11 13:44

I feel energized just looking at these! They make me want to get in the kitchen!

Faith 22/9/11 14:25

I've been wanting to make a healthy and delicious bar like this! Bergamot and mint are really beautiful additions, Angie. And yay, congrats on your visit by the Fairy Hobmother!

Cathy at Wives with Knives 22/9/11 15:22

Congrats, Angie, for being visited by the Fairy Hobmother. This looks like a delicious bar recipe and will make a great lunchbox treat for the kiddos.

Lorraine 22/9/11 16:07

What a wonderfully and healthy looking bar! You are lucky to have been visited by the Fairy Hobmother! Wishes do come true! I have a long wish Maybe some muffin pans or an ice cream maker:)

kitchen flavours 22/9/11 17:29

That's a fabulous almond bar! I think I can never stop at just one or two. Looks really addictive!
I wish for the Fairy Hobmother to stop by my place! Have a nice day!

Food For Tots 22/9/11 18:37

What a power-packed and wholemeal bar!! Look delicious too! Congrats on the visit! I wish I could be a lucky one on the Fairy's visiting list too!

Geni 22/9/11 18:41

Yay for you Angie! I am so happy for you! Your bars look fabulous and so healthy. I wish for the Fairy Hobmother to come by Sweetandcrumby! Would LOVE it! ---Geni

BumbleVee 22/9/11 19:12

Geni referred me to your site for your bar recipe..... I'm always on the look out for bars that are tasty, nutritious and especially some that will hold together when sliced..... for taking along on an 18 hole round of golf. Much as people think golf is a relaxing isn't. there is no time to stop to eat after the first 9 and by then over 2 hours has passed....sooooo bars are the perfect snack...along with a banana usually.... to keep us some strength and interest in the next 9 holes....

thanks for this to try....


Kelly 22/9/11 19:45

Bergamot and mint?! I bow to thee... :)

Anonymous 22/9/11 19:51

Congrats on the gift card Angie, how exciting! These bars sound great. I love the combo of flavors. Hope you have a great rest of the day. :)

sensiblecooking 22/9/11 19:51

Printing the recipe right now and as soon as I am done I am going to make a whish.

Russell at Chasing Delicious 22/9/11 21:03

Scrumptious recipe! Great shots too.

nancy at good food matters 22/9/11 21:53

Happy for your visit from the wondrous Fairy Hobmother, who surprised me with a visit earlier this summer! And what a nice pairing, with this beautiful energy bar. Innovative touch with the bergamot! Thanks, Angie.

Lynda @ TasteFood 22/9/11 23:06

These sound and look amazing - and with bergamot!

aipi 23/9/11 01:45

This will make for a great guilt free snack to munch on anytime :)

Words Of Deliciousness 23/9/11 05:29

Wow, this looks delicious. What a great blog you have. I love your photos.

elisabeth@foodandthrift 23/9/11 06:10

Congratulations on the Amazon gift card, Angie!
Your almond bars are so pretty, crunchy, and yummy. Looks so great for a perfect snack that is healthy, as well!

Sanjeeta kk 23/9/11 06:46

These bars look so delightful and full of nutritious ingredients! Would love to try them seen. Love the thin crispy crust and the color of the bars.

Alicia Foodycat 23/9/11 12:37

These bars look great! I would LOVE a visit from the Fairy Hobmother - I wish for a stand mixer!

[Reply] 23/9/11 16:45

Dear Angie - You deserve little trips from fairy hobmothers.These bars are wonderful - delightful flavors as always.

chow! Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

Emily Malloy 23/9/11 20:42


These bars are heavenly!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake 24/9/11 01:48

Oh, these look full of my favorite dried cranberries...YUM! And congratulations on your gift from the Fairy Hobmother!!

Barbara 24/9/11 02:57

Beautiful bars, Angie! I like the combo of cranberries and almonds. Expected it to be raspberries at first!
Lucky you with the fairy hobmother! She has been visiting lots of bloggers and I think it's so exciting!

Unknown 24/9/11 05:06

hum deve ter ficado uma delicia, depois da uma passadinha la no meu blog!

lena 24/9/11 05:27

yeah, heard about the fairy hobmother, hope he'll fly over to my blog soon..angie, i'm very impressed by the look of these bars, the photos are so well captured!!

Sutapa 24/9/11 09:29

Such lovely healthy and crunchy nutty bars Angie! I am also keeping my finger crossed and want that my wish too get granted!!:)

The Duo Dishes 25/9/11 22:24

Nice win! How great for you. The Fairy Hobmother is doing a great job granting wishes. :) These bars are a nice twist with the addition of mint. Very bright touch!

Mother Rimmy 26/9/11 00:46

I haven't heard of Bergamot. I'll have to look it up. I love healthy bars like these. They're perfect for a quick pick me up for a mid-afternoon snack. Congratulations on your wish being granted.

Unknown 26/9/11 08:22

Just looking at the picture & the list of the ingredients I'm already tempting! Like always angies - great photos & even great healthy recipe u share with us! Tq!! :)
Congratz for ur wish being granted my dear, happy for u!
How I wish I'm the next lucky person ;)

grace 26/9/11 10:10

i don't think i have any idea what bergamot smells or tastes like! regardless, these are beautiful bars. and hey--congrats on your win!

Juanita 26/9/11 16:35

Bergamot is such a unique oil. Earl grey is one of my favourite teas!
These bars are an amazing combination of unusual ingredients. Nicely done.

FOODESSA 26/9/11 18:31

These sweet treats are delightful and just perfect for your readers to make a wish upon a Fairy.
Thanks for passing along the great giveaway news.

Ciao for now,

My Little Space 28/9/11 15:51

OMG Angie, you're so lucky! I wish I am as lucky too. These almond bars looks so good but the gift cards sounded even better. hahaha....

Anonymous 28/9/11 23:28
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Anonymous 29/9/11 21:32
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Bits 4/10/11 08:38

Such nutritious and tempting snack for kids! I am sure my little boy to loves it to bits! The colours of the bar is so inviting...

Anonymous 7/10/11 11:19
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Anonymous 25/10/11 20:32

oh those look so good and nutrious also.

oh miss fairy hobmother i so desperately need mixing bowls or a mixer or measuring cups. though i do realize that it those are small to compared to what others need but still a new ones would be nice as the former versions are old, broken or lost.

jacquieastemborski AT comcast DOT net

Anonymous 1/12/11 17:13
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Anonymous 7/2/12 10:09
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jennifer899396 7/2/12 19:40

These look so yummy! Did you use dried cranberries or fresh? Recipe doesn't specify, so I assume fresh, but photo looks like dried. Thanks! I would really like to make these and stumbled across this site through pinterst!

Angie's Recipes 8/2/12 06:36

@jennifer899396Fresh one is not very common over here. You might see them during the X'mas season, but they are usually ridiculously pricy. So, yes, I used dried one.

Anonymous 13/2/12 11:34
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It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. A party without cake is just a meeting. ~Julia Child

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