| © 2019 |
A platter of cucumber, black radish and radicchio topped with black sesame seeds and tossed with a homemade yoghurt dressing. Add a few olives and some crumbled Feta or Cheddar bites and you have a complete meal.
| Tzatziki |
- 1 Cucumber, ends trimmed and thinly sliced
- 1/3 Black radish, shredded
- 1/2 head Radicchio, thinly sliced
- 1-2 tsp Black sesame seeds, toasted
- Fresh parsley leaves as garnish, optional
- 100 g Full-fat Greek yoghurt
- 1 Cucumber, deseeded, grated
- 2 Garlic cloves, crushed
- 1 Lemon, rind finely grated, juiced
- Pepper and salt to taste
- Combine yoghurt, cucumber, garlic, lemon rind, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, salt and pepper in a bowl. Cover. Refrigerate until required.
- Arrange sliced cucumber on a platter. Top with sliced radicchio and shredded black radish. Sprinkle the toasted black sesame seeds over. Garnish with parsley leaves if using. Serve with prepared tzatziki. | © 2019 | | © 2019 |
I love these ingredients :)
perfect summer it :)
Looks like Spring on a plate,so refreshing! Can't wait for first radisches from my parents garden☺
Another amazing salad! I think I bought black radishes once. They were hard I think. Makes sense to great them instead, like celeriac.
Such a nice salad! Amazing flavor combo -- everything goes together so nicely. Super recipe -- thanks.
Love how you incorporated black radish. I was recommended to use it and this idea is so attractive and refreshing ! Thank you !
i've seen chicken salad on jeff's blog today and now i'm seeing this you guys are truly great i can learn making different types of salad from you thanks angie :)
I love radishes but have never seen the black variety. What a beautiful presentation, Angie!
What a gorgeous salad! I love the way you composed the ingredients. I don't think I've ever seen or had a black radish. I'm so intrigued and will definitely be keeping an eye out for them.
Don't think I have tried black radish before. Looks like I gotta make a trip to the farmer's market and try my luck.
What a beautiful salad!....and with that Tzatziki must be delicious!!!......Abrazotes, Marcela
Black radish and radicchio are both new to me. The salad looks pretty and good to eat.
What a beautiful presentation, Angie! It looks so fresh and delicious!
Beautiful salad, Angie! The black radish, how unique. I've never seen them. But I would love to try one! Fantastic dish! :)
This looks amazing. I haven't had black radish in a salad before. My mother used to add sugar to it and I would scoop the syrup, that was delicious. I should try adding it in a salad, like you did.
Your presentation is always beautiful! Great looking salad.
What beautiful salad Angie !
Looks wonderful and tasty !!
Im a week without internet and wifi hope come back soon.
Im with my phone now !!
Wait, wait, wait. BLACK RADISH?! What is this sorcery you speak of! I must research this RIGHT NOW!
What a flavorful salad! Does the black radish taste the same as white and red?
Now I know that I definitely need to buy that black radish I saw at the market the last time. It's the time of year for salads and this is a great start! Thanks Angie.
excelente post, adorei
Oh Angie, I have never seen black radish...your salad looks so refreshing and yes, a great meal!
Hope you are having a nice week!
Such a beautiful salad, Angie! I've never tried black radish because I didn't know what to do with it. This looks like the perfect way to try it! Love how you introduce me to new foods!
What a gorgeous salad, Angie! I've been buying a lot of radishes for my salads lately. I love their peppery bite! Not sure I've ever seen black radishes, but I'll keep my eyes peeled :)
What a beautiful work of art Angie! The flavor combination must be terrific. I've never tried black radishes, but will look for them in the better markets. Thanks!
This salad is just stunning Angie! I absolutely love every single ingredient in this beauty! It looks so refreshing and inviting! Absolutely perfect for the warmer weather to come!!
Beautiful! The presentation is everything!!!
Angie, what a beautiful salad. We like radicchio and cucumbers but have never had black radish; must look for it! Sounds delish! Great balance of flavors.
Angie - this is such a gorgeous salad - I haven't ever seen black radish before and I'm so intrigued - and so fresh and tasty too!
Such a gorgeous salad - this is my first time hearing about and seeing black radish - Im so intrigued! Hope you have a great weekend, Angie!
I've never tried black radishes before ... I must get my hands on some!
wow, I want to eat this salad. Looks so colorful and simple
The photos are truly tempting. This salad is perfect for the upcoming summer. Gonna have to try this one.
My father used to make black radish salad and his family was from Russia. I love your presentation in this healthy salad.
The salad is so pretty with all the different colors.
I didn't know there was such a thing as black radishes. Looks amazing!
Your salads are always so beautifully presented Angie.
I have recently discovered black radishes and I enjoy them. I will try them grated as you did. Delish! xoxo Catherine
Beautiful salad, Angie. Those love crisp veggies and the dressing sounds delicious!
Refreshing summer time salad 😍love itt
what a beautifully presented and refreshing salad!!
Your salad looks really refreshing, and I love Greek yoghurt dressing.
Wow, what a scrumptious salad. It looks so pretty. Not sure I've ever had black radish, but it looks quite spectacular.
looks fab love the presentation
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