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Overnight Spelt Einkorn Bread

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This is a simple sandwich loaf made with my favourite einkorn and spelt, risen with less yeast and wonderful flavour which comes from the long, slow, overnight fermentation in the fridge.

Overnight Spelt Einkorn Bread

inspired by this
  • 3 g Fresh yeast
  • 1 tbsp Maple syrup
  • 40 ml Warm water
  • 180 ml Soya milk, lukewarm
  • 250 g Spelt bread flour
  • 120 g Einkorn flour
  • 1/2 tsp Sea salt
  • 20 g Olive oil
  • 1 tbsp Oat flour for dusting
  1. Place the yeast, maple syrup and warm water in a bowl. Whisk with a fork to dissolve yeast. Stand in a warm place for 10 minutes or until frothy.
  2. Place spelt bread flour, and einkorn flour into a large bowl. Stir in sea salt, yeast mixture, milk and olive oil. Mix to form a soft dough, about 10 minutes. Turn out onto a lightly floured surface. Knead for 5 minutes or until smooth and elastic. Place in a large, lightly greased bowl. Cover and leave in a cool place to rest for 2 hours.
  3. Lightly grease a standard loaf pan. Knock back the dough and knead until smooth. Shape into a log. Place in the prepared pan. Cover with lightly greased plastic wrap and leave overnight (8-10 hours) to rise in the fridge.
  4. Take it out of the fridge next morning and put it somewhere warm to carry on rising: it could take from 1 to 3 hours. Preheat oven to 200C/400F fan-forced.
  5. Lightly dust the risen dough with oat flour. Bake in the hot oven for 10 minutes, then turn down the temperature to 180C/350F fan-forced, and bake for a further 25 minutes or until golden and hollow-sounding when tapped. Turn onto a wire rack to cool. | © 2016 | | © 2016 | | © 2016 |


faithy 14/4/16 04:42

Perfect crumb! I so want a slice! I can't find Einkorn flour here though. I so want to try making this bread of yours!

Sue/the view from great island 14/4/16 04:43

There is nothing in the world more exciting than waking up and being able to bake up fresh bread without all the work --- I love this method!

Rosa's Yummy Yums 14/4/16 07:58

It looks fantastic! A great Sunday morning bread.



Nancy Chan 14/4/16 09:47

I would love to have that piece of ready spread bread for my snack. Lol! Have a beautiful day!

Nammi 14/4/16 10:42

I wholemeal spelt flour wondering what to use it for. Any ideas? Love the bread!

Unknown 14/4/16 11:24

It looks like something from a wonderful bakery Angie. I bet it makes wonderful toast, all crispy and warm!

Anonymous 14/4/16 11:56

What a fantastic loaf of bread Angie. I would put on so much weight if I ate all of your delicious food.
Have a beautiful day.
:-)Mandy xo

Ashley@CookNourishBliss 14/4/16 14:36

I so wish I had some of this sandwich bread right now! Looks so so good!!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen 14/4/16 14:43

Nothing beats the smell of bread baking, especially in the morning. What a lovely loaf of bread. Looks like you've sprinkled pink peppercorns on a slice in the second photo. Have a great weekend Angie.

Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy 14/4/16 14:44

You just can't beat the smell of freshly baked bread. Especially when it has peanut butter on it too!

ZazaCook 14/4/16 14:50

This bread is terrific, Angie! And sounds so good! I love love bread:)

grace 14/4/16 17:17

i love that you used maple syrup as your sweetener! this appears to have the perfect texture to me, so kudos on that!

Shashi at SavorySpin 14/4/16 19:19

Angie - what a gorgeous gluten free loaf! Love the texture of it! Fantastic recipe - thanks so much for sharing!

Juliana 14/4/16 20:45

Another fantastic healthy loaf of bread...looks delicious and nice that it can be baked next day...
Thanks for the inspiration Angie...hope you are having a great week :)

Mother Rimmy 14/4/16 22:07

You make the best crusty loaves of bread! I'm drooling over the crust - I'll eat the crust off a loaf of bread and leave the middle. It's my favorite part!

Cheri Savory Spoon 14/4/16 22:20

Hi Angie, the texture of the bread looks perfect as does the crust. I don't eat bread often so when I do I want it to be special like this, very nice.

Tricia Buice 14/4/16 22:21

Oh my gosh Angie! This is the most beautiful loaf of bread I've ever seen. Love the thick slices. The texture looks perfect - I need to make this one! Thank you so much - love your photos too - outstanding!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake 14/4/16 23:11

Angie, those thick slices look incredible! Perfect anytime of day---I'll take mine with butter :)

SavoringTime in the Kitchen 14/4/16 23:14

Wow, look at that beautiful crumb! Well done, Angie!

Anne@ASaladForAllSeasons 15/4/16 02:30

What a beautiful loaf, Angie! And just a hint of maple perfection! : )

Kushigalu 15/4/16 06:23

WOW! This is such a gorgeous, perfect and delicious loaf.

Nava K 15/4/16 10:33

Baking is definitely not for me but.......... this is truly a tempting home make bread.

Helene Dsouza 15/4/16 14:47

Huhu Angie! :)
I am looking forward to make this since I am in Europe right now and we get Einkorn here right now. Where do you buy your pink pepper corn, we don't get this in Spar etc in my surrounding.

Ana Regalado 15/4/16 15:07

Haven't baked bread lately ! Love the texture of your bread and I'm pretty sure it tastes delightful as well ! I'll take mine with bacon and cheese lol

Jean | 15/4/16 15:40

Angie, that is such a perfect loaf of bread! And my husband would appreciate the nice thick slices. I've never used maple syrup as the bit of sugar in bread. Must try it.

coconut chutney 15/4/16 18:00

Too good and what a perfect bake

Alida 15/4/16 23:45

You are and incredible baker Angie. I cannot make bread as well risen and good looking as yours. Beautifully cooked. Brava!

Monica 16/4/16 03:16

Such a lovely, evenly baked loaf! That slow fermentation sounds so good. I would love some with peanut butter, too!

Angie's Recipes 16/4/16 10:19

@Helene Dsouza I ordered it from amazon, but you sure can find them in EDEKA too.

Evelyne CulturEatz 16/4/16 19:08

I have not made an overnight bread in so long, it really makes a big difference in taste and fermentation. Just a great bread and great serving presentation with pb and honey!

The Reader's Tales 16/4/16 22:33

This bread is perfect, Angie! It also looks sooooooo good! Have a lovely weekend ; -)

Reeni 17/4/16 02:55

What a gorgeous loaf of bread Angie! I bet it makes great toast! :)

Ivy 17/4/16 08:46

You are such a great baker Angie! Love your breads. Sorry for not being around but personal problems kept me away. Have a wonderful Sunday!

Catherine 17/4/16 15:53

Dear Angie, I do like spelt flour and there really is nothing like fresh bread.
The date squares look wonderful too. xoxo Catherine

Kathy 17/4/16 20:18

Angie, A gorgeous looking loaf of bread. The piece with the peanut butter and dripping honey is mouthwatering!

fimere 17/4/16 22:41

excellent pain j'en prendrai bien une tranche
bonne soirée

Beth 17/4/16 23:46

That is one gorgeous loaf of bread!

Harriet Emily 17/4/16 23:50

This bread looks amazing Angie, such a perfect texture! I love spelt bread! I can't wait to try this!

lisa is cooking 18/4/16 00:50

Those thick slices look delicious! And, the flavor must have been wonderful.

mjskit 18/4/16 03:40

Maple syrup and a very slow rise does make for a great loaf of bread. Your bread has a perfect crumb and love the color. You picture of the peanut butter and honey have me wanting to make this tomorrow. Great recipe Angie!

GG 18/4/16 12:39

This looks wonderful, a great crust, really delicious. I've got some Einkhorn flour, I really should try this. GG

Cheyanne @ No Spoon Necessary 18/4/16 15:29

This bread looks perfect, Angie!! Tall, soft and begging to be devoured! I'll take a dozen loaves please! Cheers, friend!

kitchen flavours 18/4/16 18:07

A perfect loaf! I don't think I have seen einkorn flour over here.

Eva Taylor 18/4/16 20:32

This bread looks and sounds absolutely amazing, the texture looks perfect too. It's nice that you can make it up the night before and leave it to ferment in the fridge, although, I'd have to set the alarm to get up really early to take it out to come to room temperature and continue the proofing.

Rahul @ 18/4/16 20:57

Your bread has a lovely color and its sounds delicious. Thank you so much for this detailed recipe

Jeanette | Jeanette's Healthy Living 18/4/16 21:22

What a beautiful loaf Angie - love the overnight fermentation method you used - this looks very light!

Pamela @ Brooklyn Farm Girl 18/4/16 22:41

Perfect bread to wake up to in the morning!

Amy (Savory Moments) 18/4/16 23:02

Another perfect looking loaf, Angie! Your house must always smell so wonderful :-)

Geri Saucier 19/4/16 02:29

A beautiful loaf of bread. It looks wonderful.

Unknown 19/4/16 03:15

nice and healthy bread Angie, perfect for snacking or breakfast.

Katerina 19/4/16 10:31

Perfect loaf for my son and husband's snack!

Alida 19/4/16 11:58

How do you make your breads rise so well? You are a proper baker Angie. I really love the look of this. Brava brava!

Pam 19/4/16 16:45

Another beautiful and delicious looking loaf.

Healthoop 20/4/16 03:49

Bread! I like it! My husband also enjoys it. ^^ It looks nice and delicious.

Barbara 20/4/16 13:02

A lovely dense bread, Angie. Bet it's divine toasted!

Anu - My Ginger Garlic Kitchen 20/4/16 13:30

Einkorn Bread? Wow, Angie. I am loving all your delicious einkorn recipes — they are just FAB. Delicious share!

Muna Kenny 20/4/16 13:51

I get so excited when you post a new bread recipe. I know it will be amazing since I've baked many of your bread recipes. Looks delicious Angie, Yum! :)

Unknown 20/4/16 14:59

What a beautiful loaf!

Hema 20/4/16 16:34

The bread looks awesome Angie, have to try out the slow rising method..

Gourmet Getaways 20/4/16 23:20

Omg! You make the best looking loaves! I would absolutely love to try this!!
Thanks so much for sharing
Gourmet Getaways

Gloria Baker 21/4/16 00:14

Love yours breads Angie all look delicuous and beautiful :)

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 21/4/16 02:31

you know how to make a grown person drool over photos! WOW!

Kiran @ 21/4/16 06:14

I've never bake with spelt before! Need to change that asap, this loaf is so tempting!

Big Rigs 'n Lil' Cookies 21/4/16 16:50

What a beautiful bread! It looks perfect to add some peanut butter to for breakfast :)

Unknown 22/4/16 03:10

OMG! Angie! the bread looks amazing! i must bake my own one as well!

Sharon D. 22/4/16 06:37

This is so beautiful! I'm admiring the texture and the slices. Wish I could have some for tea today .. ;)

Emma @ Bake Then Eat 23/4/16 00:46

What a beautiful loaf, its been forever since I made bread and this has put me right back in the mood to do so.

Choclette 3/5/16 09:52

This looks like a perfect loaf, beautifully done. Are the einkorn and spelt flours you use wholemeal? The bread looks almost white.

Kelly 4/5/16 04:39

This is such a gorgeous loaf, Angie! Love the spelt and einkorn!

Angie's Recipes 4/5/16 10:55

@Choclette BloggerI used einkorn wholegrain (ground into flour) and spelt bread flour.

Cynthia 19/5/16 02:20

I am enjoying your series using different types of flours and grains with which to bake.

Anonymous 25/10/23 19:21

Beautiful bread! I’m new to bread making and wondering how do you know when it’s time to put it in the oven after it’s taken out of the fridge? Can you tell by seeing how high it rises relative to the pan it’s in?

Angie's Recipes 25/10/23 20:02

@Anonymous To know if the dough is properly done rising, just lightly flour your finger and poke the dough down about an inch. If the indent stays, it's ready to bake. If it springs right back, give it a bit more time.

Anonymous 5/10/24 02:18

If I dont have fresh yeast how much dry yeast shoul I use

Angie's Recipes 5/10/24 05:07

Half of it should be enough.

Anonymous 8/1/25 15:33

Hi there! After searching for a day, finally found this amazing recipe. I have my first batch resting before forming into a loaf, right now :). I’ll let you know how it goes. A couple of things… in the recipe instructions it’s not mentioned when to incorporate the 180ml of warm milk. Not an issue for a seasoned bread maker, but it might throw a newbie off. Also, the temperature change from 200C/400F to 180C, states the F @200, should be 180C/355F.
I love the fact that I can prep and bake in the morning -and- it’s not FULL of salt!
Thx for a GREAT recipe.

Angie's Recipes 8/1/25 19:36

Sorry for the typos and I hope you enjoy your bread. Thank you for the feedback, I really appreciate it.


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