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Wheat Berry Salad with Watermelon

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A delicious, light yet filling salad recipe of chewy, subtle nutty wheat berries and juicy watermelon tossed with a simple tangy raspberry vinaigrette.
Wheat berries are high in fiber, low in calories and packed with vitamins and minerals. and are as easy as rice to prepare — perfect for a meal any time of year. You can purchase wholewheat berries at your local whole foods market or specialty food store.

  • 50 g Wheat berries
  • 300 ml Water
  • 500 g Watermelon
  • Flat parsley leaves
  • Olive herb needles
  • 2-3 tbsp Raspberry vinegar
  • 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Cayenne pepper to taste
  1. Combine wheat berries and water in a saucepan. Bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer until tender, about 50 minutes. Drain and let cool.
  2. Cut the flesh from the watermelon and cut into bite size pieces, removing and discarding the seeds, and add into the wheat berries together with parsley leaves and olive herb needles.
  3. In a small bowl, combine raspberry vinegar, salt, cayenne pepper, and whisk until salt is dissolved. Whisk in the olive oil until well blended. Pour the dressing over the wheat berry mixture and toss gently until everything is coated and evenly mixed. | © 2011 | | © 2011 |


Terra 25/7/12 06:13

I had wheat berry for the first time last year, and immediately fell in love with it. What a gorgeous flavor combination, and so perfect for Summer:-) Hugs, Terra

TasteHongKong 25/7/12 06:30

I have yet to try eating water melon this way, a creative way : )!

rita cooks italian 25/7/12 07:17

I’ve never had watermelon in a salad as a savoury dish and I do not know wholewheat berries , so this is a totally new dish for me. It sounds like a refreshing and healthy salad, perfect for a warm summer day.

Choc Chip Uru @ Go Bake Yourself 25/7/12 07:24

A healthy and delicious use of watermelon with a twist :D

Choc Chip Uru

Elin 25/7/12 07:56

Me too! I have yet to try eating watermelon this way. We normally eat them as a fruit by itself :) I think with the wheat berries and the raspberry vinegar it should be very nice :) Thanks Angie for sharing another wonderful salad with us :)

MunatyCooking 25/7/12 08:03

Never had this dish before, but I trust your taste and will give it a try :)

Amelia 25/7/12 08:22

Hi Angie, haven't eaten wheat berry but it look so good. Love your presentation.

Have a nice week ahead.

lucy 25/7/12 08:27

molto interessante e sfiziosa questa ricetta!

Rosa's Yummy Yums 25/7/12 08:47

Very original and so summery! A delightful and healthy salad.



OohLookBel 25/7/12 09:13

I love watermelon in salads, especially with olives and feta. It's the wheat berries that are unusual for me - I might try this with burghul instead, it looks and sounds really delicious.

fimere 25/7/12 10:57

une excellente recette ça a l'air bon salé/sucré j'adore
bonne journée

Cheah 25/7/12 11:17

Wow, so cool! Wonder how wheat berry taste like.

[Reply] 25/7/12 11:19

You know I dont think Id like this salad but oh how beautiful are the photos Angie. Ill bet you were pleased with them

StephenC 25/7/12 11:46

I am a huge fan of wheat berries and can find them here quite easily. As for the watermelon, I don't like it, but I could substitute cantaloupe and be very happy.

Unknown 25/7/12 11:52

I love wheat berries! This recipe looks delicious.

Belinda @zomppa 25/7/12 11:56

That is a great combination. I'm addicted to watermelon and always looking for creative ways to eat it!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen 25/7/12 12:22

What a healthy way to use watermelon. I love that you've used raspberry vinegar. I have a bottle and rarely use it except for a couple of salads that call for it. Thanks to you I have a new one to add to the raspberry vinegar collection.

I don't think I've ever eaten a wheat berry. That will be my new project - to find wheat berries.

Ana Regalado 25/7/12 12:45

Another refreshingly delicious and healthy dish , Angie !

Tricia @ saving room for dessert 25/7/12 13:55

I've never heard of the olive herb needles but think they look beautiful! You are so creative - love your healthy recipes. Have a wonderful day Angie

kitchen flavours 25/7/12 14:04

Looks lovely! I have been looking for whole wheat berries here, without much luck! Would really love to try it in breads, and now this lovely salad!

MaryMoh 25/7/12 14:38

Looks healthy and delicious. I have only tried wheat berries cooked into a dessert soup....very nice....but never in a salad. Great idea. Thanks very much for sharing.

Alida 25/7/12 14:53

Hey this recipe is very handy. There are plenty of watermelons now and love the look of this dish: fresh and very tasty. Ideal for summer.

Emma | Fork and Good 25/7/12 15:30

How original, I would have never thought to put these flavours together!

sally 25/7/12 15:43

Looks like a great combination! I'm a fan of wheat berries and watermelon.

Viviane Bauquet Farre 25/7/12 16:11

Absolutely stunning, Angie. Very healthful and light. This makes a perfect summertime lunch option. Brava!

Elisabeth 25/7/12 16:47

Never tried wheat berries with watermelon, as a salad before. Lora has a large bag of wheat berries in her cupboard...I must mention to her about your fab, and healthy yummy salad!

Dude for Food 25/7/12 17:08

Always great to learn something new, I've never tried wheat berries, but the addition of watermelons sounds like a cool combo, nice!

Anna @ CrunchyCreamySweet 25/7/12 17:45

You always have the best looking and sounding salad ideas, Angie! Gorgeous!

Shumaila 25/7/12 18:25

Love how healthy this is. My friend was telling me how good raspberry vinegar is in salad dressing. I should try this out! Thanks for the recipe!

Kayte 25/7/12 19:12

Thanks for stopping by my site and leaving a comment so I could find your blog! I've been a traveling through some of your posts and your photography and recipes look just wonderful. Putting you on my blog roll. I'm taking it easy this summer, not blogging as much as things are busy around here, so it's fun to use some of the time to find new blogs to read! Yours looks amazing. I love the idea of these flavors with the watermelon...something I would never have thought to put together, but I will give it a go. Thanks.

The Squishy Monster 25/7/12 19:19

I can't remember the last time I had Wheat Berry (except in bread) and since I have lots of watermelon, I will definitely be making this soon!!

Eva 25/7/12 19:29

I keep forgetting about this interesting grain, Angie, thanks for blogging about it. I know I would absolutely love it because I love barley and quinoa. This salad not only looks wonderful for a hot summer's day, I bet it tastes incredible with the sweet summer watermelon. I can hardly wait to get some wheat berries.

Ellen B Cookery 25/7/12 20:18

I've never tried wheat berry. Will have to keep an eye out for it and try out this salad. Looks really pretty!

Kathy 25/7/12 21:17

I love wheat berries…they are wonderful in salads! And this salad sounds very interesting with the watermelon…delicious!! I have wheat berries and watermelon in my kitchen right now….hmmmm!

LoLy 25/7/12 21:27

WOW, This looks sooooooooo good :)

Unknown 25/7/12 21:31

This looks amazing! I'm running to Whole Foods to get some wheat berry! Thanks! Gorgeous photos too!

Cucina49 25/7/12 22:33

I think I can actually find all of these ingredients--minus the olive needles. What a cool, healthy salad.

Cakewhiz 25/7/12 22:55

Wow! This is a beautiful salad with so many unique ingredients that i haven't used before plus i love watermelon in any recipe out there!

Steph 25/7/12 22:56

This looks fabulous! I've never had wheat berries, but it sounds delish!

Shruti 25/7/12 23:22

you always come up with interesting recipes angie, this salad looks scrumptious

jasna varcakovic 26/7/12 00:52

Unusual and innovative combination...Looks gooood!

Beth 26/7/12 01:49

I love anything with wheat berries! This salad looks terrific.

Suhaina 26/7/12 02:49

wow...that is really something new to me... refreshing salad and love the wonderful clicks.

Pam 26/7/12 03:12

Great textures & flavors!

Nammi 26/7/12 06:05

I keep putting off making a salad with water melon. First time seeing wheat berry :)

Unknown 26/7/12 06:24

I'm loving this refreshing and hearty salad that uses raspberry vinegar, one of my favorites!

Abhilash Pillai 26/7/12 07:06

Hai Angie,

A nice salad. I have tried this when I visit hotels.
Would be interested to try this at home. I am not sure if I would be able to gather all the ingredients depicted in your post. But as it goes "try try but dont ***", let's try.

My apologies for not visiting your blog for a long time. It is a hard time for me to start pushing apologies to my blogging friends.

Spider man says, "with great power comes great responsibility". I was busy with some business activities to which I am engaged and thus could not find time for my blogging.

I have made my day manageable to equip my blogging freedom besides my regular work.

I am sure to try new recipes by you from today.

wishing you a great day ahead!


El Pasticcio 26/7/12 09:22

Very interesting salad! I love watermelon in salads but I only had with feta so far...I should try your version!! :)

Anonymous 26/7/12 09:24

Angie, what a fantastic combination of flavours and textures.
:-) Mandy

Michiko Johnson 26/7/12 12:13

I love your beautiful foods I am all ways thinking about you.

Tania @ A Perfect Pantry 26/7/12 12:39

I've had wheat berry a long time ago, and I loved it... this recipe reminds me of it. Now I want to have some. Thanks for sharing.

Barbara 26/7/12 13:24

Now that's a really interesting combination, Angie. The raspberry vinegar must be delicious. I use a raspberry vinaigrette on my salad every lunch.

Sandra Lee 26/7/12 15:16

I've never had wheat berries and I'm looking forward to trying them. You taken watermelon to another delicious level with this recipe.

Debra Eliotseats 26/7/12 16:40

What a great summer dish. I haven't cooked with wheat berries in a long time! (And, I grew up on a wheat farm!)

tasteofbeirut 26/7/12 17:17

I love those pictures! I would have never thought of this combo but now I am thinking> brilliant!!!

Evelyne CulturEatz 26/7/12 18:35

Oh that looks like a wonderful salad, a nice twist of the usual watermelon and feta one we seen everywhere. Unusual combo that totally works.

Roberta @ Fish, chips and gelato 26/7/12 19:01

Hi Angie, right now I'm addicted to whole spelt in salads, but I've never tried wheat berries. The two look quite similar but I'll have to try it first hand soon... Keep up the good work!

Amy 26/7/12 19:51

This salad sounds like a party in my mouth. Can't wait to try it.

Jennifer Kendall 26/7/12 22:59

i've yet to try wheat berries, but this looks sooooo wonderfully enticing i definitely want to track some down and try this!

Jean | Delightful Repast 26/7/12 23:57

Angie, this is a combination I hadn't thought of, but I'm sure I'd like it! This is the time of year when I practically live on salads, so it's great to find another one to add to my repertoire.

Angela 27/7/12 00:32

What a pretty summer salad!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen 27/7/12 01:57

I have wheat berries in my pantry and watermelon in the frig - can't wait to try this!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake 27/7/12 03:51

Oh, this looks like summer on a plate! I love the combo of grains and fruit, but always forget about using watermelon. So beautifully never disappoint!!!

mjskit 27/7/12 04:28

Wheat berries with watermelon - now that sounds quite interesting! I do love the raspberry vinegar with watermelon. Great looking salad!

Lisa Ho 27/7/12 06:51

you use interesting ingredients... I am always on the look out whether we have it here in OZ.

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 27/7/12 12:37

Wow this is amazing looking and watermelon is my favorite... what a sweet refreshing salad!

Joanne 27/7/12 13:57

Wheat berries are, by far, my favorite grain! i love how fruity this salad is!

Texas Wedding Cake 27/7/12 15:58

Mixing wheat berries with watermelon not a bad idea.

foodtravelandwine 27/7/12 16:11

What a yummy and healthy salad!!....I love it!!.......Abrazotes, Marcela

Torviewtoronto 27/7/12 17:34

this looks delicious colourful presentation

Carol @ Always Thme to Cook 27/7/12 22:07

I'd love this combination of the wheatberry with the watermelon. It's unusual for me, but I know I'd really enjoy it.

Monet 28/7/12 00:01

Gorgeous salad. Perfect for a hot summer day!

Mary 28/7/12 05:48

This is a gorgeous salad. Now, if I could just get my hand on a decent watermelon!

Susan 28/7/12 06:15

So refreshing looking. Watermelon is one of my favorites for summer salads. XOXO

Reem | Simply Reem 28/7/12 07:34

What a beautiful Salad!!!!
Love watermelon.... Now I just need to bring all ingredients together...

Katerina 28/7/12 07:44

Very healthy and very light choice for the hot summer days here! Watermelon is one of my favorite summer fruits!

Ambreen (Simply Sweet n Savory) 28/7/12 08:39

Wow, what a great salad recipe! Very refreshing, perfect for the hot weather!

Anonymous 28/7/12 10:13

A very filling but quite original & appetizing recipe! So apart too!
You are one clever woman! :) I love it when you get all creative!

Norma Chang 28/7/12 13:06

Very original use of watermelon. What is 'olive oil needles'?

Angie's Recipes 28/7/12 15:20

@Norma Chang
You meant 'olive herb needles or leaves'? Olive Herb is a cold hardy, perennial, woody, and the bright green leaves that have an intense olive aroma.

Emily @SageRecipes 28/7/12 17:13

I just picked up some watermelon so I will have to try this! Perfect summer salad!

TastefullyJulie 28/7/12 17:49

How perfectly healthy and refreshing is this?! Perfect for summer, thanks.

Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies 29/7/12 01:35

Ooh, delicious! This is a nice way to make a fruit salad more filling!

Soni 29/7/12 09:15

Gorgeous salad!I love the watermelon in there.Never tried wheatberries before and very intrigued :)Will look for it now!!Thanks for sharing :)

Yudith @ Blissfully Delicious 30/7/12 02:40

I actually have a bag of wheat berry in my pantry, thanks for the idea! This looks so refreshing and healthy :)

Mother Rimmy 30/7/12 04:29

I keep seeing watermelon salad recipes, something that I never grew up with. This is what I love about food blogging, there's always something new to try!

Baker Street 30/7/12 07:39

a good wheat berry salad really makes for the perfect meal! I love the addition of watermelon to this!

Amy (Savory Moments) 30/7/12 12:47

What a lovely salad. I love finding ways to incorporate all the fresh summer produce into everything we eat in the summer.

Jessica | Cajunlicious 30/7/12 21:41

Angie this looks like the perfect summer salad!

Foodie Stuntman 31/7/12 01:27

Looks like a very colorful salad.

Cass @foodmyfriend 31/7/12 01:45

Yum yum! This reminds me of when I made a watermelon stack with dukkah. People dont realise how versatile watermelon is!

Fresh Local and Best 31/7/12 04:48

Wow! Would have not thought of this combination. It looks so refreshing.

Roz 31/7/12 12:53

Wow, yet another AMAZING recipe from you Angie! And so healthy too with the wheat berries! I haven't used my bottle of raspberry vinegar in a while and now you've given me great reason to pull it off the shelf and use. Any salad with watermelon is my kind of salad! Great job!!!!

My Little Space 31/7/12 13:35

OooOoo...Wish I can try it out right away. Yummmm....

RavieNomNoms 31/7/12 19:53

That is a delicious looking salad! WOW

Erica 3/8/12 00:03

What a delicious looking salad, Angie!Love the combination of ingredients and colors!

chow and chatter 3/8/12 04:56

what a great salad, must get me some wheat berries ")

Richa 8/8/12 08:57

this looks so good and refreshing! gorgeous pictures!

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Rachna 29/11/17 11:52

Wow, That is a delicious looking salad!

Rachel 8/2/19 18:26

Its looks so delicious and healthy. Going to try it.


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