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Featured Recipe: 37 Cucumber Recipes to keep you cool in hot Summer

Pasta with Green Asparagus and Black Olives | © 2011 |

A quick, tasty everyday pasta made with green asparagus, tomatoes, and olives for a stress-free supper.

  • 120 g Pasta
  • 300 g Green asparagus, trimmed and cut into chunks
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1 Large clove of garlic, crushed
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • 200 g Chopped can tomatoes
  • 2 tbsp Black olives, pitted
  • Parmesan for dusting
  • Cilantro leaves for garnishing
  1. Cook pasta in a pot of salted boiling water for about 8 minutes or according to package instructions until al dente.
  2. Trim, rinse and cut the green asparagus into 2-inch chunks. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add in green asparagus chunks and crushed garlic, stirring occasionally, cook for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Pour in chopped can tomatoes and pitted black olives. Stir to combine all the ingredients until incorporated and asparagus chunks are tender.
  4. Drain the pasta and mix with sauce. Serve with chopped coriander leaves and grated Parmesan. | © 2011 | | © 2011 |


Ana Regalado 5/6/12 06:24

Mmmmmm !!!!! Love this delicious and healthy pasta !

Robyn 5/6/12 06:28

Looks like a beautiful, healthy meal, perfect for summer when you don't want to be in the kitchen too long!

Christine's Pantry 5/6/12 06:43

I love pasta. This looks great.

wok with ray 5/6/12 07:38

Pasta and asparagus. Can't go wrong with that delicious combination. I want more parmesan on my plate, please.. :) Have a great week, Angie!

Yummy Bakes 5/6/12 07:52

Yes, I love this healthy pasta. So appetising ....

Rosa's Yummy Yums 5/6/12 08:13

A delicious pasta dish! So flavorful and beautiful.



Finla 5/6/12 08:15

I have only used asperagus for creamy pastas , but i love this combo with olives and tomatoes etc...

Anonymous 5/6/12 09:00

I love fresh green asparagus and usually guzzle it down all on it's own - about time I try something delicious like this.
:-) Mandy

Lenia 5/6/12 09:18

It looks fantastic!Great combination of ingredients!Have a lovely day,dear!

My Little Space 5/6/12 09:50

Your pasta looks so very delicious. Such a mouthwatering meal.

Priya Suresh 5/6/12 11:20

Wish to have this super inviting plate of pasta for my lunch..loving it.

Carolyn 5/6/12 12:41

Beautiful healthy pasta dish, Angie!

Ilke 5/6/12 13:04

Thanks for a reminder for a simple recipe. Sometimes we spend so much time in the kitchen that we forget to spend time at the table. Asparagus is still abundant here. Will try this for a weeknight dinner.

Belinda @zomppa 5/6/12 13:18

What a delicious meal!! I want this for dinner!

Riceandcoconut 5/6/12 14:16

I would love to try this recipe soon,very colorful with great ingredients !!


lena 5/6/12 14:32

i always wonder how can you make a simple dish like this to look so pretty :D nice plating!

Viviane Bauquet Farre 5/6/12 14:45

Marvelous appeal! The cheese adds an irresistible layer of texture and flavor over this delicious pasta dish. Scrumptious!

hemalata 5/6/12 14:51

Yummy n healthy pasta, looks so nice.

Soni 5/6/12 15:47

Such a simple dish yet so so flavorful!!I love the asparagus and black olives in here!Will be making this for sure :)

Claudia 5/6/12 17:21

So timely - we have but a week or two left with asparagus and I am determined to have my fill before the season is over. This is a beauteous way to do it!

Kiri W. 5/6/12 17:35

Two of my favorite ingredients in one lovely pasta dish :) What a great treat!

Mary Bergfeld 5/6/12 18:09

I love the ingredients you are using here. The pasta looks delicious and my family would devour it. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Jen @ The Scrumptious Pumpkin 5/6/12 18:37

This is just my kind of recipe. Simple, easy, full of healthy veggies, and delicious-sounding too! Perfect :)

Suzi 5/6/12 19:38

Yep, this is a winner and a favorite quick meal. Asparagus really makes it too. It looks totally delicious.

Juliana 5/6/12 20:43

Angie, what a great pasta dish for a weekday dinner...simple and so healthy.
Hope you are having a great week :)

Devaki 5/6/12 22:13

What a marvelous and simple treat. I am absolutely making this on a weeknight - with some wine and crust bread. Yumm!!!

chow :) Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

Catherine 5/6/12 22:32

Dear Angie, What a beautiful dish. I can taste it from here. Blessings dear. Catherine

Crunchy Creamy Sweet 5/6/12 23:02

Delicious looking pasta dish, Angie! I love asparagus and my daughter is a big fan of black olives. Yum!

kale 6/6/12 00:02

Look at that plump, gorgeous asparagus! Lovely pasta dish. :)

jasna varcakovic 6/6/12 00:26

Quick and easy making, without compromising the taste..

Alessandra 6/6/12 00:37

Asparagus and olives... very innovative combo for me, I am curious about the taste!


Catalina @ Cake with Love 6/6/12 02:09

I totally love the olives addition to this salad! I must say that I would love to have this for every lunch the entire summer :)

TinaRBK 6/6/12 02:16

The veggie blend here does add some awesome flavor and texture to pasta. I have never had olives in pasta, but all that briny goodness has to be a winner in there. Delicious entree!

Elisabeth 6/6/12 02:51

Wonderful, healthy, and totally delicious pasta, Angie. Love, the asparagus added into any dish, and this one, paired with black olives even makes it tastier!

ann low 6/6/12 03:05

I love healthy pasta! Will add more asparagus when I make this.

Elin 6/6/12 05:01

Angie...that plate of pasta looks good with asparagus. Hungry just looking at it :p Have a nice day !

Baker Street 6/6/12 05:10

Love olives and asparagus combined with some parmesan and pasta! What an inviting dish, Angie!

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness 6/6/12 05:24

Pasta and asparagus sounds like a wonderful combination. Looks yummy.

Shabitha Karthikeyan 6/6/12 06:17

I love everything that went into the dish. Nicely done !!

Cucina49 6/6/12 06:29

Wow, Angie, that is gorgeous and colorful--and I'm feeling picky about my pasta since I just returned from Italy!

kitchen flavours 6/6/12 06:39

Wow, looks so good! Wish that plate is right on my table now!

Ivy 6/6/12 06:54

Beautiful and healthy dish. Love all the ingredients in it.

Lavanya 6/6/12 07:23

This is a great space n I am ur new follower. Do visit my blog when you get time.

Jenny 6/6/12 09:34

Hi Angie :)
What a wonderful pics of pasta with green asparagus and black olives you have here.
Perhaps you're interested to submit your food photos on a food photography site that has tagline "Food Photography that will make you hungry" :)
It's free to submit, free to join, and a lot of members can enjoy your creation!

Emma | Fork and Good 6/6/12 10:35

This looks gorgeous, going in my to-cook list!

Choc Chip Uru @ Go Bake Yourself 6/6/12 12:49

A healthy and totally delicious looking pasta my friend :D


Lisa @ Tarte du Jour 6/6/12 12:56

Colorful, healthful and delicious looking.... what a great pasta recipe! Angie, you sure know how to do it!!

Joanne 6/6/12 14:40

I love quick and easy dinners like this! Sounds so tasty!

Miss Meat and Potatoes 6/6/12 15:49

Oh my gosh. That parmesan 'dust' is making me drool. Love the freshness of this one!

Noob Cook 6/6/12 15:59

the pasta looks fresh and healthy. love the photos!

Jeanette 6/6/12 16:39

What a beautiful simple pasta dish, perfect for a quick and easy dinner.

Jeanette 6/6/12 16:40

What a beautiful simple pasta dish, perfect for a quick and easy dinner.

CJ - Food Stories 6/6/12 17:48

Stress free supper sounds like a great idea ... This looks amazing!

Purabi Naha 6/6/12 17:53

I am ready for pasta anytime! Asparagus is always a great add. Thanks for the recipe...sounds delish!

Tricia @ saving room for dessert 6/6/12 19:13

I'm a big fan of adding an olive or two to pasta dishes. Also adore asparagus. Beautiful post Angie!

Faith 6/6/12 19:50

I love all the veggies in here -- it looks fantastic!

Reeni 7/6/12 00:02

I love a pasta like this Angie! It screams of spring and looks so light, healthy and delicious! In a word - perfect.

chow and chatter 7/6/12 02:45

adore simple pasta dishes like this

mjskit 7/6/12 03:31

What a great pasta dish! I love the mix of ingredients and I also love the simplicity!

Gloria Baker 7/6/12 03:59

I love asparagaus you always make beautiful plates Angie!

Kim 7/6/12 04:05

as always you have such amazing meals here. asparagus and pasta not only taste great together, but the combo looks appetizing too, very impt in food! we eat with our eyes first hehe.

TastefullyJulie 7/6/12 04:10

Yum! Asparagus and olives, so interesting and sounds delicious.

Cass @foodmyfriend 7/6/12 04:20

This is my kind of pasta Angie! Everything that I put in my quick carb fix pasta, although yours looks so much more delicious. Nothing like a fresh bunch of asparagus :)

Unknown 7/6/12 04:25

Love black olives! I am sure this pasta tastes great!

Nammi 7/6/12 05:30

yumm, looks delish!!! would love a bowl of that!

Anne@FromMySweetHeart 7/6/12 05:59

Angie..sometimes you just want to have something this special on a week night! And this looks easy AND delicious to throw together! : )

Amy 7/6/12 08:04

You've got all my favorite ingredients in one dish! How can I not love it. I think I can eat this everyday!

Vicki Bensinger 7/6/12 11:17

This sounds delicious, light and easy - 3 things I like when it comes to preparing meals.

Anonymous 7/6/12 13:15

Although Ontario asparagus is in season right now, I haven't found and good ones. This recipe does sound fresh and very tasty. Lovely photos.

Sandra Lee 7/6/12 13:44

This looks too good and easy not to have in my life on a regualar basis. Congrats on Top 9!

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook 7/6/12 14:15

This looks so good. I wish I had a dish of it now!

Katerina 7/6/12 14:50

Asparagus are my latest love! This looks perfect for me!

Anonymous 7/6/12 17:19

This looks awfully good

Geri Saucier 7/6/12 20:26

This pasta looks delicious:) What a great meal that is easy and quick. Thanks!

Cucina49 7/6/12 21:21

Angie, this looks really delicious--perfect for a simple weeknight supper, indeed.

Peggy G. 7/6/12 22:57

This pasta looks wonderful!

kankana 8/6/12 06:04

I can east pasta ever day! Hubby doesn't like asparagus much which is why i hardly buy those. The pasta looks lovely.

Eri 8/6/12 16:09

Hello Angie, I love this recipe and I think it will also be good using rice.
Your pictures are amazing!

Tiffany 8/6/12 18:56

Such a beautiful summer pasta dish!

Ashley@Bakerbynature 8/6/12 20:37

This is like my dream dinner!! Yum and yum!

Kelly Mulcair Registered Nutritionist. Content © 2011 Trinity Nutrition. 9/6/12 00:44

This looks so delicious Angie - I'm afraid I would never be able to stop eating it! ;-)

Colleen, The Smart Cookie Cook 9/6/12 20:46

This looks delicious! I love asparagus, and I have a strange obsession with black olives. Yum!

Mother Rimmy 10/6/12 17:35

I need stress free suppers for sure, don't we all? Have you tried quinoa pasta yet? We love it!

EA-The Spicy RD 11/6/12 02:00

Any dish with asparagus gets an A+ from me, and even better when it's simple to make, and I know my kids will love i!

Lilly 11/6/12 13:53

I love stress free suppers! This pasta looks mouth watering. And it’s so easy to put together!

Brent | Cookapalooza 11/6/12 23:00

Great looking pasta dish! Looks like it comes together quickly too!

Nillawan 12/6/12 08:42

I'm always on the look out for a mean vegetarian recipe. Will give this one a whirl. Thanks for sharing.

denise @singapore shiok 12/6/12 13:28
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SavoringTime in the Kitchen 16/6/12 17:09

What a lovely, summer meal, Angie! I welcome easy and stress free to enjoy the season :)

Unknown 18/6/12 04:03

thanks for visitng us and happy to visit your space... wonderful recipes with beautiful site ... pasta with asparagus is inviting me to eat...

Leah @ foodforthefresh 1/7/12 05:48

What a simple, but creative recipe! This is definitely a must-try for me. I also wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the "Versatile Blogger Award" because I love your content and versatility -

Kim 5/7/12 16:21

Love your blog so I'm nominating you for the Illuminating Blogger Award :) (

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