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Red Currant Streusel Bars

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Red currants are quite tart, but very juicy and delicious and can be eaten raw right off the stems or cooked. They have a high vitamin C and B1 content, and perfect for jams, sauces, tarts or as a simple accompaniment in salads, garnishes, or drinks when in season.

  • 200 g All-purpose flour
  • 100 g Roll oats
  • 100 g Dried coconut shreds
  • 180 g Butter at room temperature, cut into small pieces
  • 175 g Caster sugar
  • 1 tbsp Lemon zest, finely grated
  • 80 g Almond, chopped
  • 20 g Almond slices
  • 250 g Red currants
  1. Preheat the oven to 190C/375F. Line a 28cm square baking pan with paper. Tip the flour, rolled oats, coconut shreds and butter pieces into a mixing bowl. Use your fingers to work the mixture together to make coarse crumbs. Mix in the sugar, lemon zest and chopped almonds.
  2. Place two thirds of the mixture into the base of the baking pan, spread it out and press down lightly. Scatter the currants on top, sprinkle the rest of the mixture over, then the almond slices and press everything down lightly. Bake for 40 minutes until pale golden on top. Transfer to a wire rack, cool slightly and cut into 12-16 pieces.
Red Currant Streusel Bars on Foodista


Vrinda 30/7/10 14:34

Never tasted these,looks so beautiful like pearls....

Belinda @zomppa 30/7/10 14:59

These are so gorgeous. The currants are delightful - love that sweet tart.

chow and chatter 30/7/10 15:08

oh wow these look divine and great color, miss this about the UK they are grown much more there have a great weekend

Anonymous 30/7/10 15:25

I am soooo thrilled you made these! I bought currants at market the 2 weeks ago and was too busy cooking everything else.... the currants wend bad. I put them out in compost and the squirrels had a hay-day with them! Your bars look divine! They could win an award! foodie ♥♥♥ from Wisconsin - megan

Unknown 30/7/10 15:27

OMG those look so incredibly beautiful, almost to the point where it looks too good to eat...ALMOST!!!

Pari Vasisht 30/7/10 15:27

The red currants look so beautiful. I am completely bowled over by ur recipe.

Shirley @ Kokken69 30/7/10 15:40

What lovely berries... we don't get these out here.

ann low 30/7/10 15:41

I love the picture of the red currants, so outstanding :)

Unknown 30/7/10 15:52

Hi Angie...hope u r doing fine :)I was away from active blogging,I missed many of your posts, with try to catch up soon. red currants looks lovely & awesome.

Pei-Lin 30/7/10 16:01

Angie, these bars look crumbly on top. Though I love chewy bars, these are just as delectable. Actually, I've tried crumbly ones in the States. But never with red currants, mostly with raspberry jam. And, I've never seen red currants before, even during my stay in the States. But I got to pick blackcurrants every year. Thanks for sharing. If only I can get down to make some of these bars, you know I go gaga for bars, right? Haha!

Mary Bergfeld 30/7/10 16:16

These really look outstanding. I've used currants to make jelly, but I've never canned with them. Your streusel bars have amazing color and really look delicious. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Bo 30/7/10 16:24

The red currants on top make your bars beautiful...but they are near impossible to get here fresh.

Ju (The Little Teochew) 30/7/10 17:01

Oh, you captured the vibrance of the redcurrants!

Cheah 30/7/10 17:36

This is awesome, Angie, never seen these red currants before!

Stella 30/7/10 17:49

Hey Angie, this is beautiful! You had me at oats and coconut, and with those pretty, red berries I'm entranced. I never see fruit quite that pretty here, but I bet I could make this with a substitute...?

kitchen flavours 30/7/10 17:51

These are really a delight! I have always wanted to make bars and jams with fresh cranberries, but so far we have only the frozen ones from selected supermarkets, and they are really expensive! Sometimes the dried ones are not the same, even though I love dried cranberries, in fact just made a cake with dried cranberries, will be posting it soon! Enjoy your weekend!

Jeannie 30/7/10 17:59

I am so envious you could get such lovely juicy fruits! Simply adore your photos of your scrumptious looking bars.

RV 30/7/10 18:25

Never ate red currant, but it will something I want to try soon. Streusel looks so pretty and inviting with those currants.

Sue 30/7/10 18:45

These currants are gorgeous, and the bars look delicious!

Angie's Recipes 30/7/10 19:59

Stella: I think raspberry or blueberry will do.
Thank you, my friends, for stopping by and your kind words. I wish you all a wonderful sunny weekend!

Meldylocks and Her Three Bears 30/7/10 20:08

The red currants are so pretty!...or your pics made them look so?

fimere 30/7/10 20:14

tes barres ont l'air succulentes
j'en croquerai volontiers quelques unes!!!
bravo aussi pour les photos, sublimes!!!!
bonne soirée

aipi 30/7/10 20:15

Hey angie, chanced upon your blog while surfing the web.. liked your blogging style, collection n stunning pics.. have book marked your site .. will be visiting often..
take care
aipi (

Terrianne, Call me Ree 30/7/10 20:47

Hello Angie,

I'm glad you found me through Bo's blog. Thank you so much for visiting me.
You glag is gorgeous. I love the idea of having several of your beautiful pictures/recipes on the front page, I wanted to go everywhere at once.

These currant bars are intriguing. I've never seen them being sold fresh anywhere near where I live, in Boston, but I wish that one day I'll get to travel the world and try all the things new to me, I see on so many great blogs, like yours.

I look forward to visiting again soon.

Chef E 30/7/10 21:29

No currants in the market, but I saw zante currants/black currants at Trader Joe's today! Bought some, maybe I will see what I can do, if I do not eat them up!

Love this dish my friend...

Sook 30/7/10 22:04

Wow, the color is just amazing, Angie! I can't wait to try it.

MaryMoh 30/7/10 22:11

Love those red currants.....bright and juicy. A lovely bar to indulge in...mmm

The Cilantropist 30/7/10 23:09

Red currants are definitely tart, but when they are baked they taste wonderful. :)

Trissa 30/7/10 23:11

The red currants look beautiful. Almost decorative and too pretty to eat!

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 31/7/10 00:50

ooooooo so delicious looking and that red currant is so pretty in these`

Reeni 31/7/10 02:52

What stunning pictures Angie! And the bars are so lovely! I wish I could invite you for a cup of bring the bars and I'll brew the tea!

Charisse 31/7/10 03:07

Gorgeous! No where to buy red currants? Hmmmmmm

mr. pineapple man 31/7/10 04:18

yum!! love the presentation!

PranisKitchen 31/7/10 05:38

how beautiful these bars.. really delicious with the red currant.. never tasted the same.. wonderful pictures

theUngourmet 31/7/10 06:37

Beautiful! I've never used red currants in anything. I wonder if I can find them here.

♥peachkins♥ 31/7/10 07:49

These bars look wonderful. Come to think of it, I've never had red currants in my life!

Magic of Spice 31/7/10 09:31

Stunning Angie, truly stunning! I so love currant and what a beautiful addition here:)

My Little Space 31/7/10 13:13

Angie, you're so lucky to have all kinds of berries there! I think I'll use the jam instead the fresh ones. hehe.... Such gorgeous photo! Thanks so much for sharing. Enjoy your day, darling.
Cheers always, kristy

Dajana 31/7/10 15:38

Oh, dear, you're spoiling and torturing me at the same time with this recipe, I'd so appreciate a slice, but I'm far from home, so no baking until I'm back from vacation.

Biren 31/7/10 17:18

The struesel bars are yummy and the red currants look stunning! Unfortunately I have not seen them at the stores here.

Carla and Michael 31/7/10 19:00

Oh how I wish we had more of a variety at our local farmers markets here. These are so tempting.

Joanne 1/8/10 01:41

I tend to think you should eat red currants wherever cranberries are called for...stresely bars of heaven? Exactly. These look so tasty!

Claudia 1/8/10 03:04

I love this - I bring home currants from farmer's marlet every week. I love the sweet/tart burst of flavor.

Cynthia 1/8/10 03:28

Oh my, this is so beautiful.

Xiaolu @ 6 Bittersweets 1/8/10 07:25

These look so pretty and delicious, Angie. Wish I knew where to find red currants near D.C.

Luciana 1/8/10 11:17

This recipe is divine...congratulations!!! a kiss, Luciana

Jo 1/8/10 11:33

These look so pretty and the currants add that elegance to the bars. I wish we had currants here to make such elegant desserts.

grace 1/8/10 12:47

mmm...streusel. you can whisper the word 100 miles away and i'll still come running--great bars!

OysterCulture 1/8/10 15:11

What an incredibly pretty bar and I love the texture that rolled oats adds to the mix. This bar is the perfect afternoon treat.

Brian Samuels Photography 1/8/10 18:25

Just had some beautifully tart currants this past weekend. Had them with some ice cream and they were delicious! These bars are a fantastic way to use them! Definitely an overlooked fruit! Another great post!

nora@ffr 1/8/10 18:33

those pretty red currants on top of those mind blowing bars!! brilliant angie!! so perfect

Velva 1/8/10 20:00

The red currant berries are so pretty. I rarely see them. I did see red currants up close and personal in France. They are beautiful atop these streusel bars.

Katy ~ 1/8/10 20:04

Aren't currants one of the most beautiful fruits. I don't think I have ever eaten currants but I see your gorgeous photo and delicious recipe and know that I am missing something truly special.

tigerfish 1/8/10 22:54

Wooo.....they can really be quite tart when eaten raw but can be exceptionally yummy when made into luscious red bars like these :)

Faith 2/8/10 00:08

I don't think I've ever had red currants! They look so pretty and festive!

Unknown 2/8/10 00:37

That look great. I have never had red currants.

Chef Dennis Littley 2/8/10 00:40

those red currants are beautiful!! and you really bring them to life with your photography skills!! Your bars must have been so very very good! I don't see currants often at the market, I am going to have to look for them!

Carol 2/8/10 05:21

The bars look delicious and those currants, gorgeous! Great color! Great photo's!

Unknown 2/8/10 06:50

Yummy bars!! Fabulous pictures..

Mother Rimmy 2/8/10 16:12

You take the most incredible pictures. Fantastic!

FOODESSA 3/8/10 03:15

Angie...I've never eaten red currants before.
Maybe it's because these pearly gems are too pretty to eat ;o)

Very delicious recipe on streusal bars. Never made these either.

Ciao for now,

Noob Cook 3/8/10 14:37

the red currants add such a pretty touch to the streusal bars :)

faithy 4/8/10 10:34

this is so gorgeous!! i love your photos! And of coz, they took look very delicious too!

Hettar7 5/8/10 02:54

I love black currant flavored things and I bet red currants are good too. I even planted some black and red currant bushes beside my house. Unfortunately the red currant one died. yeah... I wasn't a good berry grower. And I've never seen them sold fresh. So, until I can plant another red currant bush and harvest the berries from it, I can't make this. Does is seem obsessive that I'm perfectly find waiting years to try a recipe? So be it.

A Canadian Foodie 7/8/10 15:19

Red currants! I love them. They are gorgeous and I grow my own, though not too successfully - they do not ripen at the same time on each little tendril.... grrrr and they are not sold at out markets. I envy you!

Robbyn Simons 12/8/10 04:45

I've never worked with currants but I need to get my act together and try this out. It is mouth watering, just from the photo.

Needful Things 15/8/10 08:51

I love anything with streusel and these bars look amazingly delectable. Especially love your photos - the red currents are literally jumping out at me saying, 'eat me!' !

idreamincalories 16/8/10 01:21

This is incredibly inspiring. Wow.

The Urban Baker 27/8/10 14:55

I love, love, love fresh currants. These look totally and completely yummy!

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My mom made two dishes: Take it or Leave it. ~Stephen Wright, comedian

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