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Curry-Fried Rice With Seafood

  • 300 g Cooked rice
  • 25 g Chopped onion
  • 1 Egg, lightly beaten
  • 50 g Shelled shrimps
  • 50 g Conpoy (dried scallops)
  • 15 g Peas
  • 15 g Carrot dices
  • 30 g Bell pepper dices
  • 10 g Spring onion
  • 1 tsp Curry powder
  • 1/4 tsp Sugar
  • Salt to taste
  1. Bring a pot of water to a boil, poach shrimps, conpoy, peas, carrots and bell pepper. Set aside.
  2. Heat up a skillet with some oil, add in onion and stir until fragrant. Stir in egg mixture until cooked.
  3. Heat the skillet with some oil and, when it is very hot, add the cold cooked rice. Stir-fry until it is thoroughly heated through. Add in other ingredients and seasoning, stir-fry then toss in the spring onions. Stir and dish up.


My Little Space 19/12/09 11:56

I love this flavourful dish very much! But not my hubby.... Your fried rice looks so colourful & yummy. Btw,I'm going to have my dinner soon. Have a wonderful weekend. Cheers.

3 hungry tummies 19/12/09 11:57

This looks like my grandma's fried rice, very nice! I just had a very simple fried rice with eggs and pork :)
Are there any Asian shops where you are?

Angie's Recipes 19/12/09 12:25

@ My Little Space: Enjoy your dinner and wish you and yours a lovely weekend too!
@ 3 hungry tummies: There are Asian stores in the downtown, but none nearby.

Unknown 19/12/09 12:36

Wow this looks delicious and mouth watering.I like to cook new recipe.I always cook simple fried rice.I will definitely try this curry fried rice in weekend.Thank you very much for such yummy recipe.

Konjugierte Linolsäure

Fresh Local and Best 19/12/09 13:26

Angie, this fried rice looks so good! I like how it's sprinkled with so much color!

Tina 19/12/09 13:52

Yummy and colourful fried rice...

Ivy 19/12/09 13:56

Love your stir rice. So colourful with lovely flavours.

Ju (The Little Teochew) 19/12/09 14:01

Beautiful plate of fried rice, Angie! Interesting spatula you're using :)

Chef E 19/12/09 14:23

Oh, how I want rice for breakfast now, this look so good!

Katy ~ 19/12/09 14:24

The fried rice I had at our local take out last night does no look anywhere near as good or as beautiful as yours. Oh my gosh, your recipe has star quality. Just wonderful!

pigpigscorner 19/12/09 14:26

Looks so good! The curry powder adds such a nice colour..and conpoy...delicious!

ICook4Fun 19/12/09 14:29

What a colorful place of fried rice!

MaryMoh 19/12/09 14:48 colourful and looks really delicious. With seafood....sure my favourite :) Haven't tried fried rice with seafood yet. Have to cook this one one these days.

ann low 19/12/09 15:46

WOW! A colourful presentation and looks so delicious.

Namitha 19/12/09 16:24

Beautiful....So colorful and delicious, Angie...

TasteHongKong 19/12/09 16:32

A good treat to our eyeballs indeed.

Anonymous 19/12/09 17:08

I love it how you got so much beautiful colour into this rice. It really makes it pretty. Have a wonderful weekend.
*kisses* HH

kathyvegas 19/12/09 20:33

I love curry rice and this is such a nice combination of ingredients..a complete meal in one bowl!

Unknown 20/12/09 00:22

I am a great fried rice fan, and i wished i was there ...Lovely...looks colourful & great!!

Catherine 20/12/09 00:35

This looks really yummy Angie!

chow and chatter 20/12/09 00:44

oh yeah fried rice love made brownies today your post inspired me LOL

Judy 20/12/09 02:54

wow! this looks sooo good! i love curry!!

tasteofbeirut 20/12/09 02:56

I need to remember to do more fried rice! It is so easy, flavorful and popular! Thanks for reminding me of the joys of this dish!

Donna-FFW 20/12/09 04:06

What a gorgeous photo, it looks so colorful, healthy, and delicious!!

Jean 20/12/09 05:51

i owiz love spicy fried rice

A smile from SJ =)

sangeeta 20/12/09 08:40

such a colorful and tempting rice , fit for anytime meal...

Lisa Ho 20/12/09 12:48

Looks yummy...just the 'right' colour for Xmas... red and green..Merry Xmas, Angie...and A Happy New Year..

Priya Suresh 20/12/09 15:14

Sounds delicious and very tempting rice..

tracieMoo 20/12/09 16:27

Seafood fried rice sounds really delicious to me, Angie!

Zurin 20/12/09 16:41

l like the idea of curry in fried rice! something really creative Angie!!

Cheah 20/12/09 16:46

Great combination, seafood with curry powder, must try it one day.

Anonymous 20/12/09 17:41

Fried rice sounds so good with curry, love this!

Sarah Naveen 21/12/09 01:18

Oh wow!!! Any time a big yes for Fried rice..looks so yummy and colorful

Reeni 21/12/09 03:03

What a delicious and vibrant stir-fry Angie! Love the seafood!

Nammi 21/12/09 03:44

THat looks very inviting and colourful

Anonymous 21/12/09 10:03

Nice fried rice. Always nice with curry and seafood :)

La Bella Cooks 21/12/09 19:42

Oh my...just look at the colors in this dish! I am going to the store today to get the ingredients for this. A definitely must-try!

Pei-Lin 21/12/09 19:52

Yumm!! Reminds me so much of our local version of curried fried rice ... And yet, the composition here is so Chinese!! Would love to experiment with this someday, too!

Saju Sharfu 22/12/09 02:00

woww...this looks so wonderful..very colorful indeed..this is a must try

Abhilash Pillai 22/12/09 03:43

That looks really nice like a pulav. Delicious!!!

Anonymous 4/1/10 21:29

Wow, really love the flavours here!

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