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Escarole and Alaska Pollock Cutlets

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Batavian endive, or escarole, broad chicory has broad outer leaves with a crinkled shape. They can be served cooked or used raw in salads with mayonnaise. They don't taste as bitter as Belgain or curly endive. I am sending this to Blogger Secret Ingredient: GREENS hosted by girlichef.

  • 2 Alaska Pollock fillets
  • 1/2 tsp Jiafan rice wine
  • 1/3 tsp White pepper powder
  • 1/3 tsp Salt
  • 200 g All-purpose flour
  • 1 Egg
  • 50-80 g Escarole, sliced thinly
  • 10 g Salt
  • 10 g Chicken bouillon
  • Cooking oil
  • Sweet chilli sauce
  1. Marinade the fish fillets with rice wine, white pepper and 1/3 teaspoon of salt. Set aside for 10 minutes. In a mixing bowl place the flour, egg, greens, salt and chicken bouillon. Well mix. Coat the fish fillets with the batter.

  2. Heat up a skillet over the high heat with some oil. Add in the coated fish fillets and pan-fry until golden brown at the both side. Slice them and serve with sweet chilli sauce.


Heather S-G 17/6/09 16:34

Oh Angie...these sound absolutely delicious- and healthy to boot!! Great job :)

Finla 17/6/09 17:28

This looks really yummy. It is so yumm with all the ingridients.
Looks like you have been making changes in your blog.

Chef E 17/6/09 18:15

This is a great recipe and great looking dish! I keep seeing fish and am feeling guilty eating so much meat while on my trip!

Dajana 17/6/09 18:18

Great recipe, Angie. sounds very delicious,
and so is your new look!

KennyT 17/6/09 18:39

Crispy on the outside and succulent on the inside, looks very yummy, and I like your style of food presentation, beautiful

Anonymous 17/6/09 20:25

pls visit my blog to pick ur award Angie.

pigpigscorner 17/6/09 21:22

Anyone who hates veg will definitely want to give this a try!

lisaiscooking 17/6/09 21:36

These sound delicious with the escarole! And, the chili sauce on top looks great.

♥peachkins♥ 18/6/09 01:34

This sounds really delicious. I bet my family would really love this recipe.

ARUNA 18/6/09 03:15

wonderful recipe!!!!!

Anonymous 18/6/09 03:54

Love this creation, how delicious! Bookmarking and will be making this for sure!

chow and chatter 18/6/09 05:19

wow great recipe all the best for the BSI lol

Ivy 18/6/09 10:08

I've never heard of escarole before but your recipe sounds and looks so delicious.

nora@ffr 18/6/09 13:12

Wow angie!!that really looks heartwarminly delicious.. angie nice changes you have brought here also love all the pics :) keep it up!!

carmenpiva 18/6/09 22:37

Very beautiful, the pictures, and it must be delicious and healthy too, helping us for the near summer!!

Reeni 19/6/09 03:35

This looks crispy and so toasty brown!!! Very delicious! Thank you for all your sweet words the other day on my post! Your so right! I don't want it to feel like it is a job - I want to keep it fun. Maybe I have been thinking of it too much - every minute of the day - is too much! Thanks again!

My Asian Kitchen 19/6/09 06:58

this dish sound interesting !! isn't that bunch of vegetable called "kai choy or tai choy" in chinese or green mustard in english?

Anonymous 19/6/09 08:28

Great new look for your blog :) I enjoy it
I have AWARD for you.. grab it!
see ya ^^

Angie's Recipes 19/6/09 11:55

Chow and Chatter,Chow and Chatter,Chef E, KennyT,Ivy, ♥peachkins♥,ARUNA,Dajana, Happy cook,lisaiscooking,Dajana
Thank you, guys, for your kind replies.
Thank you so much for sharing the awards with me. :-))
@My Asian Kitchen
I thought so too...but not very sure...gotta check it out.

nora@ffr 20/6/09 22:01

made these cutlets today and tasted heavenly delicious. thanx for the round up of yummys and agie
have a nice weekend

Sophie 23/6/09 22:30

This is gorgeous, so fresh and colorful. Very elegant and unique way to serve fish. I purchased escarole awhile ago but never got around to trying it before it wilted -- that won't be the case next time :).

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