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Featured Recipe: 15 Low Carb Keto Bread

Spinach Rice Balls / 菠菜汤圆

  • 100 g Bean paste
  • 40 g Wheat starch
  • 100 ml Hot water
  • 200 g Glutinous rice powder
  • 70 g Sugar
  • 100 ml Spinach juice
  • 20 g Shortening
  1. Pour the hot water into the wheat starch. Mix to form a thick paste. Add in glutinous rice powder, sugar and spinach juice. Stir until a smooth dough forms. Then add the shortening and knead until the dough smooth.
  2. Divide the dough into 25 portions, each about 20 grams. Divide bean paste into 25 portions.
  3. Flatten each piece of dough. Place a portion of filling in the middle and gather edges of skin to enclose filling. Pinch to seal. Heat oil and deep fry rice balls over medium heat for 5 minutes until they float to the top.


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