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Featured Recipe: 15 Low Carb Keto Bread

Soft Whole Wheat Rolls | © 2011 | | © 2011 | | © 2011 |

Warm, soft, slightly sweet and full of flavor, these poppy (or peanut butter) filled whole wheat buns topped with almonds (or sesame seeds) are perfect for an after-school snack or a morning indulgence with a pot of steaming tea!

  • 25 g Whole wheat flour
  • 125 ml Water
  • 140 g Milk
  • 1 Egg, lightly beaten
  • 35 g Walnut oil
  • 50 g Caster sugar
  • 5 g Salt
  • 250 g Whole wheat, ground
  • 230 g All purpose flour
  • 15 g Fresh yeast, crumbled
  • 1/2 Egg
  • 1 tsp Water
  • 150 g Poppy paste
  • 150 g Crunchy peanut butter
  • Sesame seeds and almond slices | © 2011 |

  1. Combine together the wholemeal flour and water in a small pot until the mixture is well blended and lump free. Cook the mixture over the medium heat, frequently stirring, until it has turned into a thick paste and the thermometer reads about 65C/150F. It takes about 2-3 minutes. Cool the mixture to the room temperature and cover with a plastic wrap while you prepare other ingredients.
  2. In the pan of your bread machine, pour in prepared starter, milk, egg, walnut oil, caster sugar, salt, flours, and the yeast. Program the bread machine to dough cycle.
  3. Scrape the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and press it down to flatten. Divide the dough into 10 portions, each about 92 grams.
  4. Roll each portion of dough into an oval. Spread 30 grams of poppy paste or peanut butter at one end, and then slice the other end into 5 strips. Now roll the dough up from ‘filling’ side and seal the edges.
  5. Cover and proof the bread until doubled in size, about 1 hour. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F. Brush the top with egg wash (1/2 egg beaten with 1 tsp water) and sprinkle with sesame seeds or almond slices. Bake in the middle of hot oven for 20-25 minutes until nicely golden brown. | © 2011 | | © 2011 | | © 2011 |


Unknown 27/1/12 16:24

Healthy and yummy bread...looks so soft and tempting

Rosa's Yummy Yums 27/1/12 16:40

Those look brilliant and so delicious! I love whole wheat flour.



Viviane Bauquet Farre - Food and Style 27/1/12 16:44

Delicious AND beautiful! I would love to bite into one of these right now!

MunatyCooking 27/1/12 17:01

You should see the whole wheat rolls we get here, it turns you off big time, but these are something else, WOW!

Belinda @zomppa 27/1/12 17:45

Got a pot of tea waiting for ALL of these!

sally 27/1/12 17:45

I must do some baking! These rolls look great and I love the different fillings.

sangeeta 27/1/12 17:46

Wow.. what cute shapes. I can smell them :-)

ann low 27/1/12 17:57

WOW! These look so pretty and yummy. I would love to have a bite too :)

Eva 27/1/12 18:18

Gorgeous rolls, Angie, you really are an expert bread maker! What a delicious snack on a cold winters day. Thanks!

Crunchy Creamy Sweet 27/1/12 18:22

Angie, this is incredible! I love both versions. My daughters will too! Thank you!

Robyn 27/1/12 18:42

Those look absolutely delightful Angie! I've never heard of poppy paste before but it sounds good!

Unknown 27/1/12 18:43

This rolls look great! And I'm sure they taste awesome!

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook 27/1/12 18:47

Delicious indulgence. I'd like poppy or peanut, they look fantastic.

Emily Malloy 27/1/12 19:29

I could eat a dozen of these right now!

Finla 27/1/12 19:33

I love the way you have rolled them, looks beautiful and so good, wish i could grab one.

Claudia 27/1/12 20:48

Oh Angie - you create art with your breads. A peanut butter one - heaven!

Anonymous 27/1/12 21:26

I love that you stuffed these rolls, they're so gorgeous. Browned to perfection! mmmmm. x

Simplyfood 27/1/12 21:29

These look amazing I am going to book mark and try.

SavoringTime in the Kitchen 27/1/12 22:30

My stomach is growling just looking at these! I keep telling myself I need a bread machine and I need to find one soon so I can make these.

Rosita Vargas 27/1/12 23:29

Delicioso y hermoso un gran trabajo,abrazos hugs,hugs.

Amanda @ Thinly Sliced Cucumber 27/1/12 23:52

Oh wow- these look amazing! A poppy seed filled roll with almonds on top= I must have died and gone to heaven. I have promised myself that in the month of February I will do more baking of breads. This might just have to be first on the list.

zazacook 28/1/12 00:57

Fantastic bread! Your rolls look so delicious.
Love your photos :)

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 28/1/12 01:13

breads my weakness oh boy this looks good!

Kiran @ 28/1/12 01:19

Delicious rolls! Reminds me of what we had during our childhood. My mom used to make similar lovely rolls :)

Becki's Whole Life 28/1/12 03:13

They are beautiful. I would love to try them - especially the ones filled with the almond paste.

Unknown 28/1/12 03:40

Angie love the color you got on your rolls and the fillings sound delicious!

Aarthi 28/1/12 05:17



Ana Regalado 28/1/12 05:19

You've always baked a perfect and yummy bread and these are no exception ;) Love the different filling !

Anonymous 28/1/12 05:28

Okay - these are the coolest ever! I LOVE the way they are wrapped....thank you for the photos - it made perfect sense!

Betty 28/1/12 05:31

Poppy seeds for me, please? These are beautiful! I love the way they're shaped. :)

Terra 28/1/12 06:49

Oh what a fun, healthier treat! They would be perfect for when I travel:-) Hugs, Terra

Alviana Kalin 28/1/12 08:05

this looks yummy! I love wheat rolls. btw, I'm new in this food blogging world, and I'd like to learn a lot from you. care to follow each other? :)


Jeannie 28/1/12 10:29

I love the look of these rolls, looks soft and fluffy!

tania@mykitchenstories 28/1/12 11:51

Wow these look amazing I didnt know t=you made these like this. Great job ( and photos)

Lisa @ Tarte du Jour 28/1/12 12:51

Mmmmm. .... These rolls look fabulous! I wish I had one now with my morning coffee!!

Michele | Cooking At Home 28/1/12 13:11

I would love to have these treats waiting for me for an afternoon snack. Beautiful.

JasmyneTea 28/1/12 13:58

I could definitely go a poppy seed roll with my tea right now!

Joanne 28/1/12 14:01

What I want for breakfast - THIS.

Miri 28/1/12 15:06

These look delicious!! If I don't want them sweet, can I omit the sugar?

Gloria Baker 28/1/12 15:59

Look delicious Angie and love poopy seeds!

MyFudo™ 28/1/12 16:05

In my efforts to develop my bread baking skills, I am compiling more bread, loaves, and rolls recipes. Thanks for adding this recipe on my list! Looks really delish!

fimere 28/1/12 19:16

j'aime beaucoup c'est parfait pour une gourmande comme moi
bonne soirée

Priscilla - She's Cookin' 28/1/12 21:02

I have got to start baking more! My husband (and I!)would love these wheat rolls with peanut butter and topped with crunchy seeds :)

Mumsfilibaba 28/1/12 21:07

Looks so lovely. Love your bread :P

Patty 28/1/12 21:51

I love the shape! (Almost looks like hands before you roll them!) How unique - and not to mention DELICIOUS - looking!

Priya Suresh 28/1/12 23:33

Wat a prefectly baked rolls, looks absolutely stunning and incredible..

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake 29/1/12 01:37

Just gorgeous rolls, Angie! I love the technique details you shared...thanks so much!!!

Chats the Comfy Cook 29/1/12 02:36

Filing these rolls makes what look like beautiful rolls, even better. Angie you are are on a "roll".

Savoring Italy 29/1/12 04:35

Gorgeous and healthy with whole wheat flour. Love the filling ideas and would love a sample right now:)

jasna varcakovic 29/1/12 06:54

They look mouthwatering...I'm obsessed now with them :-(

Anonymous 29/1/12 09:02

Angie, you are SO clever - I love how you cut and roll these super tasty and healthy buns - awesome!
:-) Mandy

beti 29/1/12 09:59

I would love to try them with peanut butter, they look really beautiful and delicious

kitchen flavours 29/1/12 13:40

Your rolls looks wonderful and delicious! Love to have some for my breakfast!

lena 29/1/12 14:18

beautiful and delicious rolls! ..from Angie's Bakery!

What's Baking?? 29/1/12 14:39

Yumz and a good size for snack.

Mother Rimmy 29/1/12 16:32

Lovely, and beautifully browned rolls. You are right - these are the perfect afternoon pick-me-up.

tigerfish 29/1/12 19:47

Poppy paste? That is new to me.

Elisabeth 29/1/12 20:19

These rolls are genius, brilliant, and absolutely droolworthy delicious. Love both fillings, especially the poppyseed paste. Thanks for the step-by-step, I have an idea how you made them!

Reeni 30/1/12 00:52

These filled rolls look amazing! I would love to try the poppy seed version. Such wonderful treats!

Cheah 30/1/12 07:59

I can even have these for dinner as well, Angie. They look superb!

Barbara Bakes 30/1/12 13:40

These are so pretty. I never would have guessed how you made them. So glad you posted the how-to picture.

Tricia @ saving room for dessert 30/1/12 16:20

Food art! I LOVE it! These are truly beautiful. I can smell them now and we're more than a few miles apart :) Yeah - I love bread.

Unknown 31/1/12 02:19
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Kim 31/1/12 20:51

yay for almond butter stuffing! these look bakery perfect. thanks for the step by step tutorial. hehe now i know how to get those schmancy folds in the bakery.

Devaki 1/2/12 01:02

This is just so beautiful Angie it makes my haert weep - PLEASE tell me you are opening your own bakery soon :)

Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

Yi @ Yi Reservation 1/2/12 05:35

wow thees rolls looks so soft and delicious! Your blog has such extensive resource. Will definitely come back more often!

Kelly Mulcair Registered Nutritionist. Content © 2011 Trinity Nutrition. 1/2/12 22:47

How gorgeous Angie - and I love that they are peanut butter filled... my family would go for these in a big way! :)

FOODESSA 2/2/12 10:10

To think I almost missed this post. How creative Angie. Love them.

Ciao for now,

easyfoodsmith 2/2/12 13:25

What beautiful rolls...done to perfection.

Javelin Warrior 3/2/12 15:49

These rolls are stunning! I have featured your post in today's Friday Food Fetish roundup. Let me know if you have any objections and thanks for the inspiration...

Patricia @ ButterYum 4/2/12 05:30

**GASP** These rolls are STUNNING!!!!! Definitely going to be making these soon!!


Magic of Spice 5/2/12 20:24

These are so delightful and so beautiful!

Yudith @ Blissfully Delicious 27/2/12 02:29

These rolls remind of the sweet filled rolls/buns that I used to enjoy growing up in Indonesia! Thanks for sharing the recipe, I need to give this a try. I especially love that you use whole wheat flour! I used to fill mine up with Nutella, and sometimes banana.

Sawsan @ chef in disguise 2/3/12 21:26

Thank you for the step bu step
I love how golden brown they are, I wish I had one with some tea mmmm

Anonymous 3/8/16 04:13
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Anonymous 1/1/17 14:23
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