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Cold Oven No Proof Yeast Wholegrain Spelt Bread

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There is no need to wait for the formed loaf to reach room temperature, or to proof it, and you don't even have to preheat the oven. Thanks to Expressbacken-Martina Kiel, Karola Wiedemann
for this easy and nutritious wholegrain bread recipe. All you have to do is to stir everything together until well combined and dump it into the baking pan that's lined with parchment paper. Bake for an hour and breakfast is ready. | © 2013 |

  • 580 g Organic wholegrarin spelt
  • 60 g Sunflower seeds
  • 60 g Sesame seeds
  • 60 g Flaxseed
  • 2 tsp Salt
  • 40 g Fresh yeast
  • 600 ml Lukewarm water
  • 3 tbsp Raspberry vinegar
  1. Whisk together wholegrain spelt flour, seeds, and salt. Make a well in the center of dry ingredients and crumble the fresh yeast into the middle.
  2. Slowly stir in water and raspberry vinegar. Mix with a tablespoon until well combined. Place the dough into a 30-cm loaf pan lined with parchement paper.
  3. Place it in the middle of cold oven and turn on the fan-forced oven to 180C/350F. Bake the bread for 60 minutes. | © 2013 | | © 2013 |


Mich Piece of Cake 11/3/13 06:33
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Marta @ What should I eat for breakfast today 11/3/13 07:00

how does it taste? Sounds so good and looks beautiful as well.

Anonymous 11/3/13 07:18
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Rosa's Yummy Yums 11/3/13 07:40

A fabulous loaf of bread! Surely very flavorful.



Cathleen 11/3/13 08:34

Ooh! This sounds great! I love making bread, but it's so time consuming. I have never heard of cold oven before!

Ely 11/3/13 08:42

I LOVE it!! I go crazy for this wholegrain and seeds!! You're marvellous, I like very much your recipes <3 Have a great day! :)

Unknown 11/3/13 09:17

So healthy and delicious!! Wonderful snaps,Angie!!

Vimitha Durai 11/3/13 09:36

Thats one gorgeous healthy bread. loved the sandwich

Choc Chip Uru @ Go Bake Yourself 11/3/13 10:24

Healthy and delicius looking bread :D


great-secret-of-life 11/3/13 10:48

bread looks too good and healthy.. wish I can hv it for my breakfast tmr

Heather S-G 11/3/13 11:20

Oh, that is almost TOO easy (ha ha)! What a wonderful looking loaf of bread, I would love to wake up to a couple slices of this toasted.

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen 11/3/13 11:53

It can't get any easier than this. And I adore that beautiful sandwich!

Belinda 11/3/13 11:55

Gosh, a thick slice of this sounds like a whole meal in of itself!

Priya Suresh 11/3/13 12:06

Such an incredible loaf, am stunned and love ur baking skilla Angie.

Caroline Taylor 11/3/13 12:06

This sounds really good. I'd love a nice thick slice!

Unknown 11/3/13 12:30

Angie, healthy loaf to start the day.

Finla 11/3/13 13:28

Beautil looking loaf and delicious sandwitched too.

[Reply] 11/3/13 14:46

Some good butter, a slab of this bread anda good cup of coffee would make my morning....

What's Baking?? 11/3/13 14:54

Perfect bread, Angie. And I guess what you put on it makes all the difference. Yummz

Sanjeeta kk 11/3/13 15:32

What a beautiful loaf..perfect texture....on my to-bake-list!

Emma | Fork and Good 11/3/13 15:47

what fab bread! I love that you've made a great looking sandwich with it too. Strawberries... I'm strangely hungry by the thought...

Lite Home Bake 11/3/13 16:07

The strawberry sandwich looks so inviting. Nice and healthy to wake up to something like this.

Tricia @ saving room for dessert 11/3/13 16:37

Wow Angie - that sounds too good to be true! It is a beautiful loaf of bread - another winning recipe I'm sure. Spelt flour is on my grocery list ;)

Esther Lau 11/3/13 16:51

Lovely and healthy bread!!!! Great to have this for my breakfast :)

Sonia 11/3/13 16:56

Hi there, Its always great to see your exciting recipes. And this one is just looking Amazing. I am so tempted to try it pretty soon. Have a wonderful week ahead. Thanks for sharing awesome recipes.
Best Regards, Sonia !!!

Ilke 11/3/13 16:56

That is like magic :) Definitely will try this one too. Have never been disappointed with your recipes.

glutwin 11/3/13 17:29

Stunning!...Just what is the white "disk" 'neath the berries?...A fromage blanc type item?..Not sure...but hoping to shamelessly duplicate your stunning breakfast "sandwich"!!

I am such a fan of your exquisite culinary artistry....really choice offering today. Thanks for sharing!

Koko 11/3/13 17:52

My kind of bread- it looks so healthy, and I love the no-proofing technique.

Kitcheninspirations 11/3/13 18:12

Hi Angie, do you think I could use quick rising yeast instead of the fresh? I'm not entirely certain I would know where to purchase fresh.

Treat and Trick 11/3/13 18:28

Your loaf looks superb! I love this easy method....

Kathy 11/3/13 18:35

Wow! I love the ease of this bread, Angie! Simply a beautiful loaf!

Angie's Recipes 11/3/13 18:56

@Kitcheninspirations Sure, Eva. 10 grams would be sufficient.

Erica 11/3/13 19:34

It looks perfect and delicious!Sounds healthy and simple to make. Great bread recipe,Angie!

Paula @ Vintage Kitchen 11/3/13 20:13

Wow, I need to try this method! Probably the answer to everyday bread. Thanks for the recipe Angie!

Pam 11/3/13 20:14

Another beautiful loaf! You really need to start a bakery!

Mary Bergfeld 11/3/13 20:50

This looks like a bread with substance. I'll wager it is delicious. I hope your week is off to a good start. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Norma Chang 11/3/13 21:06

This method of bread making is new to me, must give it a try.

Anonymous 11/3/13 22:10

That's a quick and easy way. It looks really good. The pictures with the strawberries look to die for!! I want some now :)

Rosita Vargas 11/3/13 22:35

Saludable y muy bello me encanta,abrazos y abrazos.

Unknown 12/3/13 01:30

That is easy alright! I have to try this once I get the fresh yeast! Looks so delicious!

Anonymous 12/3/13 01:57
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Bakericious 12/3/13 02:23

I wish to have this as breakfast, looks so yummy!

Amy 12/3/13 04:35 easy is that? I make bread all the time and I've never tried something to healthy and easy to prepare. Best part is no waiting. :) Can't wait to give this a try.

Gina 12/3/13 05:11

That is an easy way to do bread. I guess I have no more excuses, huh. Love all the seeds in it too. This sounds perfect for me since I love a piece of whole grain toast for breakfast. Happy Monday.

kitchen flavours 12/3/13 05:40

Wow, so easy! I love seeds in breads, yes, definitely perfect for breakfast, a healthy way to start the day!

Noob Cook 12/3/13 05:51

love the photo of the bread with strawberries and basil, very pretty.

Anonymous 12/3/13 06:40

realy healty bread,but i had some issues oon kneading wholegrain,
you know what i mean angie....
stick all over...

Lisa Ho 12/3/13 08:35

Oh did it again :D... love all your baking post, especially this waiting, no kneading, no going to screen capture to try out this week. Yayyyyy
Thank you :D

Katerina 12/3/13 12:19

Very rustic and tasty bread Angie!!

Ana Regalado 12/3/13 12:31

Love the grains in this bread :) And that strawberry sandwich looks really good !

Barbara Bakes 12/3/13 12:58

I never would have thought you'd get such a beautiful loaf without rising. What a great recipe.

teresa 12/3/13 13:55

gorgeous bread, and i love what you did with it!

Sylvia 12/3/13 14:20

Great loaf , angie, looks very tasty I can't wait to try it

Gloria Baker 12/3/13 15:26

Love this bread ANgie, always love your breads!!!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen 12/3/13 16:49

What a delicious way to start the day and so simple! It must taste wonderful toasted too.

Amelia 12/3/13 16:50

Hi Angie, beautiful bread. You sure is an excellent baker, all your bread look very professional. As usual your photography skill is excellent and your display is superb.

Have a nice week ahead,regards.

MunatyCooking 12/3/13 16:59

I'm all for whole/multi grain breads these days, it's my new best friend now. The recipe is simple and the loaf looks great. Need to get some sunflower seed and hopefully will make it in the weekend. Thanks Angie :)

Anonymous 12/3/13 17:15
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Anonymous 12/3/13 18:31
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Anonymous 12/3/13 18:42
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Daphne Elliot 12/3/13 20:43

Angie this bread is beautiful! I need to try more spelt.

grace 12/3/13 21:01

what a hearty loaf! bread-making isn't terribly complicated, but even i appreciate a shortcut now and then. :)

Anonymous 12/3/13 21:23
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Unknown 12/3/13 21:50

Looks delicious and nutritious, very yummy!

Gourmet Getaways 12/3/13 21:53

I love the look of this bread... it is just packed with flavour and goodness. I feel really slack always making bleach flour breads. It might be time to mend my ways ;) this looks so much tastier :)

Anonymous 12/3/13 23:31
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Alida 13/3/13 00:27

Gosh what a healthy and nutritious bread you made!!Full of goodness this is dear Angie. WOnderful, simply wonderful. Spelt bread is my favourite!

Tessa 13/3/13 03:26

Wow! What gorgeous slices of bread!

Maddie 13/3/13 03:49

I just made this and its amazing! So easy and quick. I had it fresh out of the oven smothered in chipotle coconut cream, and garlic spinach and mushrooms. Divine! I love the nuttiness and savory taste that the fresh yeast gives it! Thank you so much! I'd love to see it in cup measurements but i can just jot that down if i wanted

The Yum List 13/3/13 03:49

Strawberries and rocket look like the perfect toppings.

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook 13/3/13 04:44

Angie, I haven't been online much and I've missed your delicious recipes and fabulous photo's. This bread looks amazing! Thanks for the lovely comment on my post :)

Anonymous 13/3/13 09:43
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Dipti Joshi 13/3/13 10:10

Really healthy and nutritious bread..

frost 13/3/13 10:27

wow! that looks so good!

Gintare @Gourmantine 13/3/13 10:55

Great recipe, Angie, I bake my sourdough bread in cold oven too (though it needs 12 hours of rising before), but It's so easy when you don't have to wait for the oven to warm up.

Anonymous 13/3/13 12:29
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Anonymous 13/3/13 12:49
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Anonymous 13/3/13 12:55
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Barbara 13/3/13 13:42

That sure simplifies things, Angie. Looks like a delicious loaf!

Fern @ To Food With Love 13/3/13 14:07

That bread looks so perfect! Love everything, especially the strawberry topping one!

Georgia | The Comfort of Cooking 13/3/13 15:08

Such a beautiful bread, and your photos are so lovely Angie! Great recipe, thanks for sharing.

Stephanie @ Henry Happened 13/3/13 15:23

What?! I had no idea baking bread was so easy! You can just dump it into a pan and bake? Sweet!!

My Little Space 13/3/13 15:25

Hmm.... Am drooling on yours! Gosh,I sure miss my homemade bread so much. Hope I have more time. You have a great day dear.

Nisa Homey 13/3/13 16:08

Angie, I envy you girl....for your amazing recipes....this bread is full of all the goodness.....pinned your sandwich picture...

Juliana 13/3/13 16:21

What a simple and great way to bake bread Angie...I love it!
Thanks for the recipe and hope you are enjoying your week :)

Anonymous 13/3/13 18:04
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lena 13/3/13 18:54

oh angie, i'm so keen to try this!

Anonymous 13/3/13 20:29
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My Kitchen Stories. 13/3/13 21:12

Wow this looks great Angie. I am going to bring some spelt flour home from work and give it a try. I bet mine doesn't look like yours

Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies 14/3/13 00:28

You don't even have to preheat the oven?! I've never heard of that before--how cool! And easy. This is a bread I could definitely manage to make. :)

Cooking Quidnunc 14/3/13 01:31

Such a marvelous cook, this bread looks perfect!

wok with ray 14/3/13 01:35

I love that stack of bread with those strawberries. Beautifully done, Angie! :)

Nancy 14/3/13 01:35

Wow I love the easiness of this recipe and it looks delicious! Thanks for sharing Angie.

Evelyne CulturEatz 14/3/13 01:43

This is my kind of bread recipe. Love the beutiful final presentation with the strawberries.

Unknown 14/3/13 02:17

Beautiful bread Angie-I'm drooling over this sandwich ;-)

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness 14/3/13 04:07

Your bread looks beautiful. Sounds like it would be easy to make.

TasteHongKong 14/3/13 06:49

With such ease? And so healthy! Thanks for sharing.

Cheat 14/3/13 13:14

This looks fantastic!

Cathy at Wives with Knives 14/3/13 14:44

How wonderful that all the usual steps can be avoided and the bread goes right into a cold oven. What a time saver. It's a beautiful loaf, Angie, and so healthy too!

Gill 14/3/13 15:40

This is a brilliant recipe Angie! I have never heard of such a method before. I made it this morning as I had everything in my cupboards and it was really good.It saved me going to the shops for bread! :)I used white wine vinegar instead of raspberry vinegar but it came out well, so I assume this substitution is fine. I am going to experiment with a plain white loaf soon to see if it works as well as this seedy spelt one. Have you done this? Thank you.

Angie's Recipes 14/3/13 17:37

@Gill Gill, I am so glad that you enjoyed the bread and the recipe as much as I do. And no, I haven't experiment with white dough. I meant if it's a white loaf, I would prefer it soft and light.

Anonymous 14/3/13 18:23

Ohh this bread is amazing! and don't even get me started on that strawberry balsamic sandwich. Drooling over here.

Anonymous 14/3/13 18:56

This wholegrain spelt bread looks like a real winner's bread! I love it! You know that I am a big fan of spelt too!


The Squishy Monster 14/3/13 19:08

You make this bread making thing look SO easy it!

Anonymous 14/3/13 22:30
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mjskit 15/3/13 03:04

Didn't see the raspberry vinegar coming. I bet that adds a bite and a touch of flavor. No kneading, no proofing. That alone sounds good to me, but the recipe sounds absolutely delicious!

Gerry @Foodness Gracious 15/3/13 05:58

Seriously?? Sounds amazing and chunky just how I like my loaves :)

Vicki Bensinger 15/3/13 06:01

Fabulous healthy loaf. I love your sandwich, colorful, tasty and nutritious.

Anonymous 15/3/13 11:54
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Anonymous 15/3/13 12:29
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Anonymous 15/3/13 15:45
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Joanne 15/3/13 15:50

You got an awesome rise out of that loaf! It looks wonderful!

MaryMoh 15/3/13 20:46

Oh wow....that looks really easy. I always hate waiting for the bread to proof. This is just perfect for someone lazy or impatient like me :D Thanks very much for sharing.

Kiran @ 15/3/13 22:10

Oh my gosh! No proofing is a life saver! I'd bake more breads that way :)

Anonymous 16/3/13 01:53
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Anonymous 16/3/13 02:26
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Anonymous 16/3/13 02:48
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Anonymous 16/3/13 03:43
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Unknown 16/3/13 13:03

this bread is gougeous

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover 18/3/13 13:16

Love this quick and healthy bread but I can't make now since I have yet to find fresh yeast near by my area.,

Anonymous 19/3/13 15:45

Sonia - you can make it with 20g fast action dry yeast. Worked a treat for me. Excellent recipe for a super speedy loaf Angie. It goes against all the rules of making bread but works and I love the flavour from the spelt and the seeds.

Janine 20/3/13 03:47

wow this sounds like an awesome quick bread. now i just need to find fresh yeast :/ will other types of yeast work as well?

Anonymous 20/3/13 17:22

I used 20 g fast action (instant) dry yeast - just stirred it in with the flour and it worked for me! :D

Anonymous 21/3/13 19:14
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Anonymous 21/3/13 19:15
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Unknown 23/3/13 15:37

Now, this is a bread I can make!! I usually lack in the patience department, so making bread can be a chore for me... this sounds like the perfect solution!!!

Devaki 24/3/13 16:45

What a concept! That lookds just incredible Angie and your stawberry balsamic sandwich is ooh la la!

chow! Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

Anonymous 25/3/13 19:09
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Anonymous 25/3/13 19:11
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Kelly @ Hidden Fruits and Veggies 25/3/13 20:32

Wow! This looks amazing and comes together quick. I've never heard of a cold oven method before

Unknown 26/3/13 15:26

This week I baked bread everyday (I try to find the 'perfect loaf'! I am quite tired of kneading + proofing + proofing again...this could be my bread this weekend...out and buy some spelt flour!

Anonymous 26/3/13 20:31

Love the photos! This is my favorite "quick" bread recipe. I call it the "wish bread" because my family always picks what to add. This bread is great with any combination flour and seeds, but also with raisins, a shredded carrot or some roasted onions.. :)

Amelia 27/3/13 15:10

Hi Angie, your bread always look very professional. Great to go with coffee!

Have a great week ahead,regards.

JJ - 84thand3rd 28/3/13 13:36

This sounds like the perfect bread recipe! I can't wait to try it

Anonymous 31/3/13 11:58

Thank you for posting this unique recipe. I made this and thought tt was tasty but quite dense and I prefer normal bread. I am going to make the Jim Lahey no knead Dutch oven bread this week. Have you made it Angie? Thank you. Angela in Boston.

Angie's Recipes 31/3/13 20:36

@AnonymousYes, this is a 100% wholewheat, so it's rather dense.
I do remember I baked no knead bread a couple of years ago, but don't remember whose recipe I used. I think it's from NY Times.

Anonymous 7/4/13 12:35

Love the simplicity of this recipe - and the bread has such a beautiful crumb!

Bread & Companatico 7/4/13 21:17

actually I may even give it a try tonight. just realized we are out of bread... and I'd love to include one of your breads in our biweekly showcase (check out my page for "panissimo"). Barbara

Anonymous 15/4/13 09:04
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