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Welsh Spelt Bara Brith

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Bara brith, known as "speckled bread", is a rich Welsh tea-time classic made with mixed dried fruits and tea. There are two versions of bara brith. Traditionally bara brith is made with yeast and smeared liberally with butter. The modern version of bara brith is more like a fruitcake which is baked with self-raising flour.
This is my variation of Bara Brith made with Chai, and a mix of wholegrain spelt flour and refined spelt flour, based on the eatsmarter recipe - Walisischer Teekuchen mit Rosinen.

  • 400 g Mixed dried fruits
  • 240 ml Chai, hot
  • 275 g Wholegrain spelt, ground
  • 75 g Refined spelt flour
  • 15 g Baking powder
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon powder
  • 2 Eggs, at room temperature
  • 45 g Muscovado sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  1. Put the dried fruit into a large mixing bowl. Pour over the hot chai and stir to combine. Cover and leave to soak overnight.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F. Line a 30-cm loaf pan with baking paper. Whisk together the flours, baking powder and cinnamon powder.
  3. Beat the eggs, muscovado sugar and salt until fluffy. Sift in the flour mixture, folding to combine. Now add in the dried fruit together with chai. Mix well.
  4. Pour the mixture into the loaf tin and bake the oven and bake for 1 hour. Cover with a layer of foil to prevent the top from browning too much. Continue to bake for a further 30-45 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre of the cake comes out clean. Remove from the tin and transfer to a wire rack. Cover with a tea towel and set aside to cool completely. | © 2013 | | © 2013 |


Marta @ What should I eat for breakfast today 21/11/13 19:53

I always eat it with my coffee in cafes, but never made it. Need to try one day.

Anne ~ Uni Homemaker 21/11/13 20:09

I love baking with muscovado sugar! This bread sounds wonderful for breakfast. I love anything with cinnamon in it. YUM!

Daniela Grimburg 21/11/13 20:33

Walisischer Teekuchen mit Rosinen und Chai, must be so yummy with a bit of butter and a cup of coffee.
Sounds and looks divine,Angie.

grace 21/11/13 20:34

considering how much i love chai, i'm thinking this would quickly become a favorite (though the one smeared liberally with butter sounds great too!). :)

Rosa's Yummy Yums 21/11/13 20:50

A great cold weather teatime treat!



Angela @ My Golden Pear 21/11/13 21:16

A nice twist to an old classic. Perfect with a cup of tea!

Dajana 21/11/13 21:35

Such a nice fruit bread to have with a steaming cup of tea.

Alicia Foodycat 21/11/13 21:59

That sounds lovely - although I would still smear it liberally with butter!

jasna varcakovic 21/11/13 22:45

Another great recipe; I like having this kind of bread at all times (in freezer)...easy and nutritious snack!

ann low 21/11/13 23:27

Hi Angie, Nice healthy bread. Very suitable to make this for Christmas :)

Cass @foodmyfriend 21/11/13 23:47

So festive! I love that it's spelt too. I always end up stuffing myself at Christmas time and then I'm all bloated and puffy. Love this!

QembarDelites 22/11/13 01:51

No oil at all? Sounds like the perfect recipe for dieting:P Looks festive too~!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen 22/11/13 02:23

So pretty. This would be perfect for our American Thanksgiving celebrations.

Unknown 22/11/13 03:07

omg fabulous fruit bread loaf... so tempting

Unknown 22/11/13 03:28

Love bara brith! I've been meaning to bake it at home and I will make an attempt soon... especially after seeing yours. It looks absolutely amazing.

Jeanette | Jeanette's Healthy Living 22/11/13 05:08

Angie - love how dense and hearty this looks - I've never heard of bara brith, so I'm so glad to learn about it. Thanks for sharing!

chow and chatter 22/11/13 05:10

this looks great new to me must try

Ana Regalado 22/11/13 05:19

Angie , your version sounds fantastic ! The chai and the spelt makes the bread more healthier and so delish :)

Anonymous 22/11/13 07:50

our favorite bara brith flavored with chai....wonderful....must taste out of the world,thanks for sharing :-)

Anonymous 22/11/13 09:30

This is perfect for the holidays.
:-) Mandy xo

My Kitchen Stories 22/11/13 10:43

I absolutely love this kind of bread. A big slice of this with butter would suit me just fine

ela@GrayApron 22/11/13 11:09

Now I know Christmas is on the way. Beautiful cake!

Anonymous 22/11/13 11:16
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Beth 22/11/13 11:38

My husband is of Welsh heritage, and he often talks about bara brith. Now I'm thinking I should bake it for him sometime! Thanks for the lovely recipe - yours looks so good.

Barbara 22/11/13 14:26

I've never heard the name, but I sure do like the outcome! As long as there aren't any candied fruits in it, my family would love it. This looks delicious, Angie!

Cranberry Morning 22/11/13 14:55

That looks delicious! I had never heard of it until a blogger friend from Wales sent me a little tea breads book and the recipe was in there. I made it! It was a real hit around here. It had apricots, raisins, and Wisconsin cherries and mixed nuts in it. I'll have to try it with spelt because I do have a wheat sensitivity. Your photos are gorgeous too!

Donna 22/11/13 14:59
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Unknown 22/11/13 15:22

I love the adaptations you have made to this recipe using healthier ingredients like spelt flour. I reckon this is perfect as a christmas fruit cake.

Hema 22/11/13 15:41

You have used tea in your cake, wow, the cake looks very very tempting and no butter or oil, superb..

Alida 22/11/13 15:57

Perfect with tea! I didn't know this cake although in the UK there is something similar. Looks very inviting Angie! Have a nice weekend!

Shashi at SavorySpin 22/11/13 16:03

So tempting - since its so healthy - I can have 2 or 3 slices right ;)
Shashi @ RunninSriLankan

FLAVZCORNER 22/11/13 16:33

Absolutely loved the brith because there is no butter and oil needed for this. Thanks for sharing the recipe!!

Karen (Back Road Journal) 22/11/13 16:43

A slice of your bread and a cup of tea would make for a lovely break on a busy day.

Susan 22/11/13 16:46

My hubby is Scottish and I make him "Black Bun" for Christmas--this looks like a Welsh version that I will most assuredly make for him, XOXO

Elisabeth 22/11/13 16:57

What a fabulous fruit bread that I would certainly enjoy with my morning coffee, or a hot cup of tea, at this time of year. Love the addition of the Muscovado sugar!

Evelyne CulturEatz 22/11/13 18:13

New kind of bread to me, and I was thinking fruit cake even before you mentioned it...just way better. Looks very nice and would love to try it.

Vicki Bensinger 22/11/13 18:21

OMG Angie this looks so good. I would love a piece of this toasted with some jam. It looks like a very hearty bread and so healthy. Leave it to you to come up with something like this. You're the Bread Queen!

Lea Ann (Cooking On The Ranch) 22/11/13 18:41

Beautiful photos and I love finding recipes that are completely new to me. It looks like something perfect for coffee.

Geri Saucier 22/11/13 19:45

A delicious bread for the holidays. Love the use of dried fruit. Thanks for sharing.

Julia | 22/11/13 20:27

I love cakes with dry fruit! It's a perfect breakfast or a midday snack with a cup of tea! Yum!

Ashley 22/11/13 20:35

This bread is so pretty! I love all the dried fruit and especially that you used chai. It would be perfect with the cup of tea I am drinking right now! Have a great weekend!!

Unknown 22/11/13 20:53

Angie, your bread recipes are out of the world good looking. I am really loving how it looks and craving a slice or maybe 3 with coffee.
I have to make this soon.

Caroline Taylor 22/11/13 21:02

I love saying Bara Brith! This looks so good.

Kathy 22/11/13 21:57

Angie, This looks heavenly…I would love a piece with my tea!

Choc Chip Uru @ Go Bake Yourself 22/11/13 22:57

This bread is stuffed with flavour, I can imagine enjoying it daily :D


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Rosita Vargas 22/11/13 23:00

Fantàstico cake dulce un autèntico regalo al paladar se ve maravilloso para mi desayuno,abrazos.

Balvinder 22/11/13 23:45

I love the dried fruits in this bread. So good for breakfast and snack.

Norma Chang 22/11/13 23:53

I am always learning something new from your blog, this is a new bread, would love it lathered with butter for breakfast.

Ilke 23/11/13 00:06

Great for this season! Looks so cozy and warm, can imagine with a cup of tea while reading a book :)

Pam 23/11/13 00:21

It looks so delicious!

Amy 23/11/13 02:21

Yum...looks like a perfect loaf for any tea time. I definitely love the generous amount of dried fruit in here.

Mother Rimmy 23/11/13 05:13

Love the Chai - it would add a warmth and sweetness to your bars.

Monet 23/11/13 05:18

What a beautiful and hearty loaf. I'm sure there is great flavor from the tea and the fruit too.

Gloria Baker 23/11/13 14:30

I love this so much Angie! beautiful!!

Anonymous 23/11/13 15:01

Beautifull photograph Angie......
btw, i just recommand your recipe and translated it for my mom,
my father is suffered from diabetes and i guess your healty bites is suits for my dad's snacking...
i guess most of the ingredient is imported stuffs, but the health benefit and also the taste made it's all worth!

lena 23/11/13 18:13

i would love a slice right now!

Pilar 23/11/13 19:55

I've never ever used tea to bake a cake although I'm quite fond of it. It looks amazing!

Anonymous 23/11/13 20:36

Oh Angie - this is beautiful and LOVE that you use Chai!
Mary x

GG 23/11/13 22:54

Bara Brith made with tea sounds delicious. GG

Erica 24/11/13 03:03

I would love two pieces with a cup of coffee!!!That sounds delicious, Angie!

Nisa Homey 24/11/13 03:43

This looks so hearty!! and never thought of using tea in baking!! Looks so tempting as usual!!

Abbe@This is How I Cook 24/11/13 04:39

I love fruit based breads. Dense and lovely and the sound of butter with this and the chai flavor makes me swoon!

Monica 24/11/13 05:37

Great to learn about bara brith. I love tea time tradition and having a lovely bread like this on the table. Plus, so interesting that there's even tea in it.

Lenia 24/11/13 08:54

You really never cease to amaze me,dear Angie!I am always impressed by your beautiful pics and by your recipes!This is a scrumptious and healthy bread!
Happy Sunday!

Jan 24/11/13 09:39

This looks like a lovely fruit cake, and I adore the fact that you include a mug of tea to make this bread! I had never heard of bara brith but will definitely try it out soon, perhaps for the holidays :)
Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous 24/11/13 10:00
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fimere 24/11/13 19:21

un gâteau parfait et délicieux pour accompagner une tasse de thé
bonne soirée

Unknown 24/11/13 23:12

Wow -love the look of this bread Angie! I think it's a perfect loaf to share for the holidays ;)

Anonymous 24/11/13 23:20
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Blackswan 25/11/13 03:16

Such a comforting recipe for the coming festive season! I'm feeling the Christmassy mood already.......

Pamela @ Brooklyn Farm Girl 25/11/13 03:22

This looks like quite the recipe, wishing I had a piece right now!

Yi @ Yi Reservation 25/11/13 05:50

what a great loaf of healthy bread. Although I have never heard bara brith before but I am glad I've come across your recipe and learned about it. Thanks for sharing!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover 25/11/13 10:17

This bake is new to me, looks good!

Nilu A 25/11/13 10:59

Looks delicious and healthy Angie... Loved this recipe :-)

Anonymous 25/11/13 12:37
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Nammi 25/11/13 12:52

can almost smell the bread or is a cake? well what ever it is looks delicious.

Joanne 25/11/13 13:08

What a lovely loaf! Almost like a cinnamon raisin loaf but better for you!

Tricia @ Saving room for dessert 25/11/13 19:05

Wow - How did I miss this recipe?! Soaking the fruit in Chai is so smart! Your fruit cake is so much healthier than anything we have here in the states - and it is so beautiful. Have a great week Angie!

Erin | Well Plated 25/11/13 20:22

Fruit cake gets a bad reputation around my house, but my family would adore your version!

wok with ray 25/11/13 22:44

This loaf calls for a hot cup of tea to pair with. This looks very delectable. :)

Koko 25/11/13 23:49

I love the look of this cake- it reminds me of Christmas and a cozy winter. Perfect with a cup of tea!

tigerfish 26/11/13 00:40

This bread is generously filled with dried fruits! and love the chai-infusion too.

Lisa Ho 26/11/13 03:10

awesome flavour Angie :D

Shirley 26/11/13 03:30

Beautiful! Would be perfect with a cup of tea.

Anonymous 26/11/13 14:05

Angie, my husband made this wonderful special fruit bread yesterday & we both loved it! I also ate a few slices this morning as a lovely breakfast, smeared with lavender honey,...Yum Yum Yum! I bet this is also great toasted. 😊😊

Reeni 27/11/13 03:32

What a lovely treat to have with tea! I love fruitcake and chai - the two together sound heavenly!

Anonymous 27/11/13 09:00
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Alex 29/11/13 21:27

Beautiful colours. It would definitely warm my day!

Anonymous 27/9/14 02:09
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