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Gluten Free Brown Rice Bread | © 2013 | | © 2013 |

This bread is a staple in our house whenever we go wheat-free. It is soft, moist and tastes almost just like a hearty dense sourdough bread. Don't leave out or replace the eggs with applesauce as they not only serve as the natural leaveners, also add moisture, flavour and protein to the bread. Mungbean starch is used as a thickening agent to replace the gluten. You can of course substitute it with tapioca or potato starch.

  • 420 g Organic brown rice, ground into flour
  • 70 g Mungbean starch
  • 1/2 tbsp Baking powder
  • 3/4 tsp Baking soda
  • 3/4 tsp Salt
  • 480 ml Buttermilk
  • 3 Large eggs
  • 1 tbsp Honey
  • 1-2 tbsp Flaxseed, optional
  1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F. Line a 9x4-inch loaf pan with parchment paper.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine together the brown rice flour, mungbean starch, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Mix in the buttermilk, eggs, and honey. Stir with a wooden spoon until well combined and lump free.
  3. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and sprinkle the top with flaxseed if desired. Bake for about 1 hour. Remove from the oven and cool the bread in the pan for 15 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to cool completely. | © 2013 | | © 2013 | | © 2013 |


Anonymous 24/7/13 05:57
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Noob Cook 24/7/13 06:02

what a luxurious and healthy home-made bread!

Anonymous 24/7/13 06:06
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Anonymous 24/7/13 06:10
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Anonymous 24/7/13 06:29
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Anonymous 24/7/13 06:34
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Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover 24/7/13 07:41

never made gluten free bakes before, maybe one day I should try out.

Rosa's Yummy Yums 24/7/13 07:42

Nice texture... This bread must be very scrumptious!



Anonymous 24/7/13 08:15
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Anonymous 24/7/13 08:43
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Anne ~ Uni Homemaker 24/7/13 08:48

This sounds delicious Angie! So dense and full of texture. YUM!!!

Anonymous 24/7/13 09:00
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Swiss Zahler Art - Anna Zahler 24/7/13 10:13

Interesting recipe. I would like to try it.

Anonymous 24/7/13 10:24

Another super interesting loaf Angie.
:-) Mandy xo

TasteHongKong 24/7/13 10:39

Love how moist and rich it looks. Next time I am sure I'll get a bigger bag of brown rice : ).

Esther Lau 24/7/13 11:00

Angie, you always have many great ideas on making bread and your homemade breads always look lovely and healthy!!!Well done :)

Anonymous 24/7/13 11:06
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Pilar. Cook and Spoon 24/7/13 11:41

Healthy and delicious. I couldn't ask for more.

Lenia 24/7/13 11:42

Another healthy and wonderful bread,baker Angie!Love it!

Anonymous 24/7/13 11:52
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ann low 24/7/13 12:13

Angie, you always make the best healthy bread. This looks so lovely and delicious :)

Anonymous 24/7/13 12:17
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Ely 24/7/13 12:48

That's wonderful! <3 I love this bread, dear!! <3

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen 24/7/13 12:49

If it's anything like sourdough, I would love it. When we eat rice, it's almost always brown rice. So much healthier.

Belinda 24/7/13 12:52

Great to know a wonderful gluten-free option!

Paula @ Vintage Kitchen Notes 24/7/13 12:54

Oh, I´m trying this today. I have a lot of rice flour and have always looked for a tried and true bread recipe. Thanks for this one Angie!

Akila 24/7/13 13:24

Oh Dear... what a perfectly baked bread... so tempting...

Anonymous 24/7/13 14:19
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Monica 24/7/13 15:14

Your house is better than any bakery around!

Katerina 24/7/13 15:58

When it comes to bread I know I have come to the right place!

Kate@Diethood 24/7/13 16:06

That is one beautiful loaf. The texture is just perfect.

Tertúlia da Susy 24/7/13 16:18

Kiss, Susana
Nota: Ver o passatempo a decorrer no meu blog:

Ann Jones 24/7/13 16:55

I love that you made gluten free bread :) It looks so delicious!

RavieNomNoms 24/7/13 17:12

This looks amazing!! I love flax seed so I definitely would add it!

Emma | Fork and Good 24/7/13 17:13

You always post such interesting and creative breads, how do you come up with these things!? I'm seriously tempted by this one though - do you go gluten free often?

Anonymous 24/7/13 17:18
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Tricia @ Saving room for dessert 24/7/13 18:40

I am amazed it sounds so easy to make - thanks for that! I was hoping we'd get a "welcome recipe" to the new little prince :) I bet things across the pond are a little baby crazy. Have a wonderful Wednesday Angie.

Gloria Baker 24/7/13 20:10

Angoe you make the most beautiful breads!!LOL
I love make bread too is beautiful!

Cooking Quidnunc 24/7/13 20:15

Your breads are so impressive, can't believe how great this looks.

Anonymous 24/7/13 20:20
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Pam 24/7/13 20:21

It looks so delicious - like usual!

Anonymous 24/7/13 20:30

What a unique bread...looks like the perfect texture, and super moist. Delicious!!

Priya Suresh 24/7/13 21:58

Omg, wat a bread, seriously incredible..

Mr. & Mrs. P 24/7/13 22:02

Beautiful homemade loaf!!!! Need to make this for a friend of ours with a gluten allergy!

jasna varcakovic 24/7/13 23:47

Very different kind of everyday bread; looks good and tasty.

Kit @ i-lostinausten 25/7/13 01:20

Interesting & healthy bread . Great info about replacing eggs to apple sauce & mung bean starch too .

My Little Space 25/7/13 01:25

I've tried making this once with white rice flour. I found that it was quite an interesting piece of bread and it's good to keep refrigerated. Then slice it thinly to make sandwiches. Yummm... I wanna to try more gluten free baked goods when I have time. Your's look great.
Hope you're going to have a great day ahead dear.
Best regards, Kristy

Kathy 25/7/13 02:03

Oh Angie…this looks so delicious. I’m trying this one asap! The combo of flavors sounds so wonderful!

Anonymous 25/7/13 02:32

The bread queen amazes me yet again!! Sounds great Angie!

Velva 25/7/13 03:13

I would enjoy a bread like this one....How do you come up with all these creative ways to enjoy food. Love it!


Lite Home Bake 25/7/13 04:00

Angie, this is really interesting and special. I must try this one day since we eat brown rice most of the time.

Koko 25/7/13 04:23

I can honestly say that this looks like the best gluten free bread I have ever seen!! Bookmarking this recipe, no doubt!!

Debra Eliotseats 25/7/13 10:23

Your bread's texture looks marvelous! That's crazy that it's gluten free.

Unknown 25/7/13 10:24

What a gorgeous loaf! I love the beautiful golden tone of the bread.

Unknown 25/7/13 11:48

Brilliant recipe Angie! My sister just recently discovered that she's allergic to gluten, so I'm looking out for many gluten free recipes. This looks like a fab one!

Joanne 25/7/13 13:12

What a lovely loaf! it looks incredibly moist!

Peachy @ The Peach Kitchen 25/7/13 13:50

I didn't know that brown rice in bread could look so tempting!

Erica 25/7/13 15:10

That bread looks moist and delicious,Angie!You have the best bread recipe here!!!

Stephanie @ henry happened 25/7/13 16:25

I would so butter this and eat away!

Rosita Vargas 25/7/13 16:27

Una delicia de pan húmedo e irresistible,abrazos y saludos.

Amelia 25/7/13 16:31

Hi Angie, that's a beautiful bread, very well baked. The texture look very soft. Great to go with coffee. :))

Have a nice week ahead.

kitchen flavours 25/7/13 16:55

Lovely loaf Angie! I have never used brown rice to make bread before! Have never tried baking gluten-free bread either!
Thanks for sharing!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake 25/7/13 18:27

Another lovely loaf! And I love the addition of flax seed on top, too :)

Anonymous 25/7/13 18:46

A fantastic brown rice bread recipe, Angie! Waw even! :)

Nisa Homey 25/7/13 19:54

Yummy loaf, Angie....I never knew brown rice could be used in bread....definitely pinning this :)

Anonymous 25/7/13 20:06
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Daniela Grimburg 25/7/13 22:22

Sounds and looks delicious Angie!
I had no idea you could use brown rice for bread baking, great recipe.

This Life Of Bliss 26/7/13 03:02

Angie, did you grind the rice into flour or do they sell it like that? Looks delicious, and I love to add applesauce to dishes!

Anonymous 26/7/13 03:13
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Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness 26/7/13 03:43

This looks like a wonderful bread, I love the texture of it. Homemade breads always taste so good.

mjskit 26/7/13 04:21

Great little quick brown! I have never had the need to go gluten-free, but I'm sure every once in a while I should. This looks like a great place to start.

Elisabeth 26/7/13 05:07

Wow Angie, I did not think that gluten free bread could be this good! This is a genius recipe for a superb bread that I would love to try!

Nammi 26/7/13 05:42

GLuten free or not this looks delicious!

[Reply] 26/7/13 11:17

Well look at you..this is quite impressive...

fimere 26/7/13 11:20

une recette parfaite et délicieuse
bonne journée

Ivy 26/7/13 11:29

Wow, another beautiful bread and people gluten intolerant will love this.

Anonymous 26/7/13 11:56
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Anonymous 26/7/13 13:23
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Ashley 26/7/13 13:52

This bread looks delicious! I'm going to have to make this for my sister - she would love it.

Angie's Recipes 26/7/13 13:54

@Oksana I did since I have a grain grinder.

Barbara 26/7/13 13:59

I love the crumb of this bread, Angie. Nicely done....and no yeast to deal with.

Anonymous 26/7/13 14:26
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Chitz 26/7/13 14:52

Yummy & incredible looking bread.. Loved the recipe ! Healthy :D

Blog do Chocolate 26/7/13 15:31

I love your breads and I think you have got so much talent !
It looks delicious with a fantastic texture !


SavoringTime in the Kitchen 26/7/13 16:01

I can tell how moist the bread is by your photos, Angie! I've baked with brown rice flour and loved the result. So healthy and delicious too.

Anonymous 26/7/13 16:44
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Anonymous 26/7/13 19:22
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Priscilla | ShesCookin 26/7/13 19:40

Love the gluten-free breads that you're making, Angie. Flavors of sourdough and flax seed appeal to me - great recipe!

Kiersten @ Oh My Veggies 27/7/13 00:29

I am trying to cut down on white flour and this bread looks like a great way to do it!

Anonymous 27/7/13 00:58
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Amy 27/7/13 01:13

Yum...This is a nice hearty bread to go GF! :) I'll send the link to my friends who are on a straight GF diet. I'm sure they'll appreciate this recipe.

Sue 27/7/13 05:13

Love the density of this bread! It tastes like sourdough? I also love sourdough bread!

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover 27/7/13 11:46

Your bake always sound so healthy, now I just started to bake with wholemeal, long way to learn from you.

Alida 27/7/13 11:51

So many people look for gluten free food these days. Very healthy and tasty bread.

Anonymous 27/7/13 13:32

did u clean and soak the brown rice first before proccessed it into fluor???
i've try to grind black glutinous rice and it's turn into disaster before..

Angie's Recipes 27/7/13 13:35

@dentistvschefNo, I have a grinder designed for all the grains.

Anonymous 27/7/13 16:00
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Tessa 27/7/13 17:29

Another lovely loaf Angie! What great texture and color! Have a wonderful weekend!

Helene Dsouza 27/7/13 17:34

It does look a lot like a sourdough. Oh my I can't wait to try your recipe, sounds quite exciting with brown rice and it's gluten free. Lots of friends will enjoy it for sure!

Anonymous 27/7/13 20:18
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Awayofmind Bakery House 28/7/13 12:19

Angie, I have not bake any bread with brown rice and some more with mungbean starch, yours gluten free recipe will be appreciated by lot of us!

GG 28/7/13 13:35

Great looking bread, you're really very inventive! GG

Anonymous 28/7/13 14:37
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Asmita 28/7/13 22:03

Love this bread Angie!

Reeni 29/7/13 02:12

What a great gluten-free bread Angie! I have been eating bakery bought gluten-free because I can't find a good recipe. You just changed that! Can't wait to try it.

Unknown 30/7/13 00:02

This gluten free bread looks just amazing Angie! I'm forwarding to a friend who is gluten free ;)

Unknown 30/7/13 09:59

Wow Angie! This is perfect. My mom bought me gluten free flour and since I have never worked with the flour before, this will be a great start. Always have adored your skills. Hopefully, I get to be heading back to the kitchen more often. Till then, take care! ♥ Jo

The Squishy Monster 1/8/13 04:56

I'm diggin' your nutty top. This look great and I doubt I'd miss a thing with this gluten free loaf (sounds amazing, Angie)!

Ana Regalado 2/8/13 01:29

Never made any gluten-free bakes yet , maybe someday :D Lately , some baking shops here started selling some gluten-free products , like organic flour though haven't seen some brown rice flour yet . Delicious bread , btw !

lena 3/8/13 17:45

hi angie, sorry for dropping by late, just back from a trip. This is such an interesting recipe for gluten free, i really admire your creativity!

Kaś 7/8/13 20:58

so healthy recipe! and looks yummy

Gluten Free Bread 19/8/13 08:18

Looking yummy & different..i never had gluten free rice bread before..i'll try to make this in coming weekends!

Rosita Vargas 25/8/13 02:53

Una gran receta de pan con miga perfecta,hugs,hugs.

Anonymous 28/8/13 01:26
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Anonymous 25/1/14 19:40
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Anonymous 9/6/14 11:00
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Anonymous 17/1/15 00:43
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Unknown 4/2/15 20:55

A good friend of mine can't have gluten and is always looking for gluten free recipes that she can use to make herself some food. She has been on this bread kick lately and has been making all sorts of different breads that taste way good. This is one that I don't think she has thought about yet and would love to learn more about making it.

Anonymous 8/4/15 04:56

Thank you for sharing this recipe! This bread is delicious toasted with almond butter, or dipped in olive oil. I'll definitely be making it again.

Anonymous 19/4/15 20:28
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Anonymous 3/10/15 17:45
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Anonymous 9/10/15 23:29
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Anonymous 1/11/15 19:02
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Anonymous 10/11/15 02:49
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Anonymous 21/7/16 09:41
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Anonymous 4/9/16 17:42
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Anonymous 30/9/16 04:13
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Anonymous 1/10/16 10:12
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Anonymous 23/10/16 20:20
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Anonymous 27/11/16 10:55
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Unknown 22/9/18 06:30
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