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Cornmeal Cookies with Apricots and Lemon Thyme

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A crunchy cornmeal cookie recipe from Martha Stewart studded with dried apricots and fresh lemon-thyme. Lovely to go with a cup of tea or serve them with a scoop of vanilla ice cream as a light dessert.

Cornmeal Cookies with Apricots and Lemon Thyme

adapted from Martha Stewart
  • 240 g All purpose flour
  • 180 g Yellow cornmeal
  • 1 tsp Baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 220 g Unsalted butter, softened
  • 160 g Sugar
  • 2 Large eggs
  • 100 g Dried apricots, diced
  • 3 tbsp Fresh lemon thyme, finely chopped
  1. Preheat oven to 180C/350F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Set aside. Whisk together flour, cornmeal, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl.
  2. Put butter and sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment. Cream on medium speed until pale and fluffy, about 3 minutes. Mix in eggs, one at a time. Add flour mixture and mix on low speed until just combined. Mix in dried apricots and lemon thyme.
  3. Using a tablespoon or a 1 1/2-inch ice-cream scoop, drop rounded balls of dough onto lined sheets, spacing them 2 inches apart.
  4. Bake, rotating and switching positions of sheets about halfway through, until pale golden, 10 to 12 minutes. Transfer cookies, on parchment, to a wire rack. Let cool completely. | © 2011 | | © 2011 | | © 2011 |


OohLookBel 25/6/12 06:41

I would demolish a batch of these cookies in no time! Lemon thyme is an unusual yet wonderful ingredient in a cookie. Love.

Baker Street 25/6/12 07:05

Nice! I have been looking everywhere for lemon thyme! These sound incredibly delicious, Angie! :)

Foodie Stuntman 25/6/12 07:34

Unique garnish! I like the use of the thyme.

Rumana Rawat 25/6/12 07:38

Superb what a lovely looking cookies...

Rosa's Yummy Yums 25/6/12 07:53

What wonderful flavors! those cookies must taste just divine.



Dajana 25/6/12 10:52

They not only look lovely but sound healthy and delicious. Too bad I don't have any lemon thyme this year, just couldn't find it anywhere to buy.

jasna varcakovic 25/6/12 11:07
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Adrian (Food Rehab) 25/6/12 11:57
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Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen 25/6/12 12:14

These sound delicious and I love the cornmeal. You've beautifully presented them Angie with the sprigs of thyme.

Priya Suresh 25/6/12 12:21

Marvellous cookies,i wont mind munching some rite now.

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 25/6/12 12:45

You take the best pictures these look yummy

Eva Taylor 25/6/12 13:05
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Norma Chang 25/6/12 13:14

Never thought of adding thyme to cookies, clever idea, thanks for sharing.

Belinda @zomppa 25/6/12 13:38

Beautiful combination of flavors - never really thought about apricots with thyme!

Barbara 25/6/12 13:48

One of my favorite cookie recipes has apricots in it. These look great, Angie. Love the idea of herbs in cookies and have never made any with cornmeal. I like the texture when you bite into anything with cornmeal.

Ellen B Cookery 25/6/12 14:28

These look truly divine. Love the combination of flavours! You did a great job with the photos.

MaryMoh 25/6/12 15:39

Would make a great afternoon tea for me :D

lena 25/6/12 16:08

rustic looking !! i dont see why i dont love them!!

Tricia @ saving room for dessert 25/6/12 16:09

These sound so good. I've never tried cornmeal cookies - but would love to!

Anonymous 25/6/12 16:09

I love the idea of using lemon thyme in cookies!
:-) Mandy

Finla 25/6/12 16:12

Super delicious cookies. And such a big stack too :-)

Kelly Mulcair Registered Nutritionist. Content © 2011 Trinity Nutrition. 25/6/12 16:48

I love the apricot in these delicate biscuits and, as you know ;-), I'm a lemon thyme devotee!

Riley 25/6/12 17:24

I bet these are crumbly and delicious! Thanks for sharing.

Emma | Fork and Good 25/6/12 17:48

These look so fantastic, i had to join the site! I recently had a lemon thyme cake things whilst out and it was amazing, these look equally awesome

Gracey 25/6/12 17:58

I love the combination of flavors, it looks intresting.... in a good way!

Andrea 25/6/12 19:27

Love the combination here and those pictures are gorgeous. Can't wait to try them sometime :)

Ashley@Bakerbynature 25/6/12 20:19

So pretty! And the fact that you mentioned adding ice cream to them set my heart on fire!!

Santosh Bangar 25/6/12 20:19

perfect snack with nice combo

Heather S-G 25/6/12 20:29

These are beautiful! The delicate flavors of apricot and thyme along with the crunch from the cornmeal - makes my mouth water!

Jennifer Kendall 25/6/12 20:42

such a creative cookie! sounds divine :)

Elisabeth 25/6/12 22:14

I see that you also like Martha Stewart's recipes, Angie! Can't go wrong with Martha, or any of the fabulous recipes you've posted. I need these cookies...seriously! Hsve not had, or made any cookies, since weeks now, and I'm craving for your simple and delicious cornmeal-apricot cookies that would be so lovely with a cup of tea right now!

CJ - Food Stories 25/6/12 22:14

Never had cornmeal cookies before ... They're beautiful.

Cucina49 25/6/12 22:52

I love how you've combined the sweet with the herbal in these cookies. They look like they would be great with a cup of tea.

Kitchen Belleicious 26/6/12 03:47

i love that you used cornmeal for cookies. Cornmeal is definitely one of my favorite ingredients and it is not used nearly enough in my opinion. These cookies look and sound delicious

mjskit 26/6/12 04:23

Lemon thyme is my favorite herb in the herb garden so I'm always looking for ways to use it. Just yesterday I ate a fresh apricot laced with a few leaves of lemon thyme. It was delicious! Therefore, I know I would love these cookies! Very unusual, but great flavors and texture!

Faith 26/6/12 04:30

Really beautiful, Angie! I go crazy for apricot this time of year. :)

TastefullyJulie 26/6/12 05:27

oooh that Martha is so clever. Those cookies look so good!

Anh 26/6/12 05:35

I have lemon thyme in the garden. I will whip up a batch of these cookies! Yummo!

The Squishy Monster 26/6/12 06:53

I just want to eat your pictures. Is that a possibility? =D

Ana Regalado 26/6/12 08:24

I've been thinking of what to do with my nearly a kilo of cornmeal ! I'll try this recipe sometime if I can get hold of this thyme :D Awesome and delicious pix as always , Angie !

Caroline Taylor 26/6/12 12:08

I love lemon thyme and these sound great. I found out the other day that you can get orange thyme too!

peachkins 26/6/12 12:22

interesting flavor combo for a cookie!

Joanne 26/6/12 13:51

I love how unique the flavors in these cookies are!

kitchen flavours 26/6/12 14:06

Great looking cookies with wonderful flavour combinations! It will be 'dangerous' to place a full jar in front of me! :)

Choc Chip Uru @ Go Bake Yourself 26/6/12 14:07

These cookies look so beautifully presented with exotic flavours, it feels like they have been picked off a tree deep in nature :D

Choc Chip Uru

Catalina @ Cake with Love 26/6/12 16:52
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Gloria Baker 26/6/12 17:40

I love cornmeal to bake ANgie, these cookies look awesome, love them!!

Suzi 26/6/12 17:51

Wow these sound really interesting and I love the apricots. Your presentation is truly stunning. Lemon thyme, how cool. Are you growing your own?? I have some growing but not the lemon thyme, wish I had some. Cheers!

Unknown 26/6/12 17:58

I have lemon thyme in my garden, I am sure that I 'd like to try our recipe!

Jen @ The Scrumptious Pumpkin 26/6/12 18:49

I have to have my daily hot tea breaks - in the morning and afternoon - and these beautiful cookies would be perfect with it! Delicious! :)

Richa 26/6/12 20:17

These are absolutely gorgeous cookies. i love the thyme and apricots together! so pretty presentation

Robyn 26/6/12 20:57

I grew some lemon thyme last summer and it was wonderful. Too bad I didn't know about this cookie recipe at the time!

Kit @ i-lostinausten 26/6/12 21:03

I love lemony thyme & have made macarons with it too! I'm sure these cookies are winners with such great combo between apricots & lemon thyme ! Love your pictures too! :)

Geri Saucier 26/6/12 22:15

Wonderful cookies;) I love the combination of cornmeal, dried apricots, and lemon thyme. Thanks for the yummy post.

Juliana 27/6/12 00:16

Wow Angie, what a flavorful the apricot and thyme...very creative. I would love some for now :)
Thanks for the recipe and enjoy your week!

Riceandcoconut 27/6/12 00:18

Unique and great flavored on these cookies,great recipe !!

S.V. 27/6/12 01:43

The cookies look scrumptious! I love the flavor combo with apricots and thyme it sounds yummy!

Pam 27/6/12 03:25

They look and sound really tasty.

Reeni 27/6/12 03:40

I love the crunch of the cornmeal in these cookies! And the lemon thyme combo seems to fit them perfectly!

Daphne Elliot 27/6/12 03:48

Lemon and thyme are a delicious combination! I looove these cookies

Asiya @ Chocolate and Chillies 27/6/12 04:22

Never had cornmeal cookies before...definitely must give it a try! They look great!

Cass @foodmyfriend 27/6/12 04:34

Beautiful as usual Angie :) Love the thyme. I have become a real fan of savoury cookies in the last year. They are not given enough credit!

Cathy at Wives with Knives 27/6/12 05:22

Can you believe it, I have all these ingredients! I love the thought of cornmeal in a cookie and can't wait to try this recipe, Angie.

Kankana 27/6/12 05:55

Love the addition of thyme in the cookies :)

Terra 27/6/12 06:05

Oh man, this is a sign....this is the second time I have read a delicious post on cornmeal cookies! I love your flavor combination of thyme and apricots, they sound delicious:-) Hug, Terra

Lisa Ho 27/6/12 07:23

I have one word to say ~ Beautiful :D

Anonymous 27/6/12 13:14

I also love lmeon thyme a lot in baking cookies or cakes! Your cornmeal & lemon thyme cookies look so delectable & if you use less sugar you can make them like savoury cookies! Yummm!

Kathy 27/6/12 14:38

So Lovely…they sound incredible! I love the texture that cornmeal adds to baked goods!

SavoringTime in the Kitchen 27/6/12 16:07

I have a pot of lemon thyme on my patio so I will try these! The cornmeal must add a delightful texture.

Food For Tots 27/6/12 16:32

These cookies look irresistible!! I love lemon thyme but never try using it in cookies. The cookies must be full of aroma. ;)

tinyskillet 27/6/12 17:45

You always come up with some great cookies. It seems that I can bake cookies if not anything else. I like that they are not so sweet.

Cathleen 27/6/12 19:11

What a combination of ingredients! I am very intrigued. These cookies look too good for words!

Evelyne CulturEatz 27/6/12 19:26

To my recollection I have never tried a cornmeal cookie. Adore the flavor combo here.

Unknown 27/6/12 21:00

Angie, your cookies are lovely! I grow lemon thyme in my garden so trying these is a no brainer for me! Thanks for sharing your recipe, pinned for future use;-)

Erica 27/6/12 21:02

These cookies look amazing,Angie! Wonderful combination and I love the addition of cornmeal!

Anonymous 28/6/12 03:33

I love cornmeal cookies, so good with apricots and lemon thyme, a terrific combination!

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake 28/6/12 03:53

Cornmeal, thyme and apricots are such a winning combination...the mixture of textures and flavors sounds marvelous!

beti 28/6/12 04:53

this is a strange yet delicious combination!

Cheah 28/6/12 05:08

I've never tried making cookies with herbs, must do so one day. Thanks for sharing, Angie!

Unknown 28/6/12 08:11

The cookies look so good. I would never think of combining cornmeal and apricots.

Unknown 28/6/12 08:11

The cookies look so good. I would never think of combining cornmeal and apricots.

Lenia 28/6/12 08:14

What a wonderful combination!They look amazing!Have a lovely day,dear!

Payal Singhal 28/6/12 13:00

These cookies look so beautiful and yummmmmmmm!!

Lisa @ Tarte du Jour 28/6/12 13:36

Hi Angie, What a delightful and sophisticated cookie... totally creative! I got your e-mail about the trouble you are having with your blog... frustrating! I hope you get it sorted out soon.! I use as my blog hosting company and they have fantastic technical support and are not that expensive with lots of creative flexibility. Just passing that on.

Viviane Bauquet Farre 28/6/12 14:57

Beautiful food photography, Angie. As I've come to expect from you, there is a marvelous elegance to these treats. Brava!

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook 28/6/12 20:33

They look fantastic, I love the flavors in there. Wish I had a couple with my coffee right now.

lena 29/6/12 02:33

yeah angie, still cldnt access to your latest post spelt farfalle. hope Blogger can fix this up for you asap.

Javelin Warrior 29/6/12 06:11

Another delicious creation, Angie - I'm featuring this in today's Food Fetish Friday (with a link-back and attribution). I hope you have no objections and I always love dropping by to see what you've created...

Amelia 29/6/12 07:27

Hi Angie, wow... I love your presentation. Simple but look so gorgeous. Interesting cookies. I have a packet of cornmeal from a blogger friend, now I now what to do with it.

Thanks for sharing the tempting and yummy recipes. It look good and love the golden color.

Have a nice day.

Alida 29/6/12 15:29

This is lovely Angie. I tried to comment on your newest post but couldn't.
I did have problems with my blog some time ago where people could not post comments,so I changed the comments settings and then it was OK.

Devaki 29/6/12 15:56

I JUST DIED A LITTLE!! You come up with the BEST flavor combinations. Love love love these dear Angie :)

chow! Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

lisa is cooking 29/6/12 16:47

The crunch of cornmeal sounds so good with the dried apricots! I'll take two with vanilla ice cream, please.

Ivy 29/6/12 19:35

Sorry to see that you had some problems with your blog. I saw a lot of testing posts in my reader, which I could not access. Hope problem is now solved. Those cookies are really tempting.

Paula @ Vintage Kitchen 30/6/12 16:57

Cornmeal with apricots, that sounds so good! Great cookie

motherrimmy 30/6/12 21:04

Lemon and thyme - fantastic combination in a cookie!

Patty 1/7/12 17:20

Lemon, thyme, and apricot sounds nice and light for the summer time! How was the texture of the cornmeal? I've never made cookies with it.

Angie's Recipes 1/7/12 21:10

@PattyQuite crunchy and a lot to chew on!

Priscilla | ShesCookin 2/7/12 07:12

I have never had a cornmeal cookie, but as cornbread lovers, I can imagine how great these are with lemon thyme and apricot!

Anonymous 2/7/12 22:07

Apricots AND lemon thyme, how divine! ;)

Fresh Local and Best 3/7/12 05:56

The textures and flavors of this recipe must be amazing!

The Duo Dishes 3/7/12 06:35

Love cornmeal in cookies! That crunchy, crumbly texture is so nice. Love the addition of thyme too.

sally 3/7/12 17:00

Yum! I bet the combination of apricots and thyme is delicious.

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