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Canarian Potato Salad aka Potato Salad with Mojo de Cilantro

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The Canarian cuisine is a mixture of some native Guanche elements, as well as Spanish, African and Latin American foods. In the Canary Islands, "mojos" or sauces are made with vinegar and oil and served cold, as an accompaniment to potatoes, meat and fish.

Canarian Potato Salad aka Potato Salad with Mojo de Cilantro

adapted from essen und trinken
  • 500 g New potatoes
  • 1/2 bunch Cilantro, roughly chopped
  • 1 clove Garlic, roughly chopped
  • 1/4 tsp Cumin, ground
  • 2-3 tbsp Lemon juice
  • 5 tbsp Spanish olive oil
  • 1 tbsp Almond, chopped
  • Sea salt
  • Black pepper
  1. Thoroughly rinse potatoes and cook in salted, gently boiling water for about 20 minutes.
  2. Roughly chop the cilantro and garlic clove. Place them in a blender with cumin, 1 teaspoon of salt, lemon juice and olive oil. Process to create a puree. Season with black pepper and salt to taste.
  3. Drain the potatoes and cut into quarters. Place them in a large bowl, add in cilantro sauce, and chopped almonds. Gently toss them together. Serve, garnished with cilantro leaves and coarse sea salt. | © 2011 |


Rosa's Yummy Yums 18/6/12 07:30

That is a salöad I really love! Yours looks fantastic.



Sutapa 18/6/12 07:53

Looks great just love it .....I am making it today!

Cooking Rookie 18/6/12 08:03

I love potatoes! What a great recipe - next time will be adding cilantro, cumin and lemon juice :-)

Cooking Rookie 18/6/12 08:04

I love potatoes! What a great recipe - next time will be adding cilantro, cumin and lemon juice :-)

Anonymous 18/6/12 08:31

I absolutely love cilantro (coriander as we call it) and all the other ingredients here so will be making this asap.
:-) Mandy

Dorina 18/6/12 08:32

Waw , i love this salad . I tried mojo rojo , i liked it . I 'll try yours too.

Choc Chip Uru @ Go Bake Yourself 18/6/12 08:54

No such thing as too much delicious potato :D

Choc Chip Uru

Finla 18/6/12 09:58

I love the idea if potato salade like this than with the mayo one which i make, minus point is hubby daughter don't like too much corriander leaves, they like but not too much. Wish i wa sliving near you to eat this.

Alida 18/6/12 10:33

Looks really good. A yummy dish and good looking too!

Barbara 18/6/12 13:01

Interesting potato salad, Angie. I know absolutely nothing about Canarian cooking, but if this is an example, I'd love it. Easy to make, too.

tania@mykitchenstories 18/6/12 13:36

Angie I love the look of this and I love the coriander and crunchy almonds

Belinda @zomppa 18/6/12 14:04

Love that perfect combination of salt with the cilantro (which I adore)

lena 18/6/12 14:40

i hv no knowledge on canarian cuisine but i'm loving the look of your potato salad! bet it tasted marvellous!

Joanne 18/6/12 14:42

I actually made a potato salad with pesto last night! Can't wait to try this cilantro version!

Tina 18/6/12 14:50

Lovely clicks and potato salad....

Ana Regalado 18/6/12 15:21

This is a must try recipe ! Very tasty dish ! Everything with cilantro is a sure winner ! ;D

Anonymous 18/6/12 15:38

I do love acid based potato salads (I make a German version that is so delicious). And of course, anything with Cilantro and garlic would be a winner in our family.

Food For Tots 18/6/12 16:15

A very interesting yet healthy salad! The green colour doesn't only please the eyes but also the tummy too. ;)

Ellen B Cookery 18/6/12 16:42

What a nice change from the typical potato salad. Well done!

Cherine 18/6/12 17:11

This is one fantastic recipe!! Cant wait to try it

Mary Bergfeld 18/6/12 17:26

What an interesting salad, Angie. I known nothing about Canarian cooking but this recipe seems a perfect place to start.I love potatoes and cilantro, so, as far as I'm concerned there is nothing here not to love. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Suzi 18/6/12 18:53

Oh I love the ingredients in this potato salad and no mayo. I am making this for 4th of July. Perfect and lovely photos.

Nina 18/6/12 19:43

Thats a great recipe Angie....beautiful pictures too:) Such a simple and yummy looking salad:)

Elisabeth 18/6/12 20:08

Angie, I love the combination of the cilantro, cumin, and crunchy almonds...and yes, Spanish olive oil which is slightly different from the Italian one.
No wonder your recipes are all so different...I keep forgetting you have the great German food sources!

The Squishy Monster 18/6/12 20:12

Ooh yum! I can appreciate anything with Cilantro =D

Peggy G. 18/6/12 20:18

Interesting potato salad! Looks beautiful =)

Jennifer Kendall 18/6/12 20:35

that looks like a delicious potato salad! yum!

Soni 18/6/12 22:38

Oh this is going on my list of foods to make!!Love the cilantro in here and looks so delicious!!As always beautiful pics :)

Priya Suresh 18/6/12 22:39

Super tempting salad, seriously inviting.

SavoringTime in the Kitchen 18/6/12 23:25

One of my favorite potato salads has cilantro but I love the cumin and almonds in this one. Perfect for summer!

jasna varcakovic 19/6/12 00:48

Looks fresh and lovely...according to ingredients, I would like it!

Norma Chang 19/6/12 00:59

This is a lovely and different way to make potato salad and healthy too. Can't wait for my potatoes to be ready for harvest.

Liz That Skinny Chick Can Bake 19/6/12 01:11

What a gorgeous salad, Angie! And a nice alternative to the mayonnaise versions we see so much :)

Cucina49 19/6/12 01:26

I know nothing about the food of the Canary Islands--what fun information! This potato salad looks amazing.

Emma 19/6/12 01:56

Gorgeous flavours ... and I love salads with chopped almonds sprinkled over!

Lyndas recipe box 19/6/12 02:10

Beautiful....this salad is popping with flavor and color!

Erica 19/6/12 03:29

What a wonderful potato salad!Love all those flavors,Angie!

Tanvi@SinfullySpicy 19/6/12 03:35

Love the all the ingredients here- cilantro, chillies & almonds. Trying soon!

Christine Ho 19/6/12 04:06

Canarian cuisine is quite new to me. Looks so tempting. Would love to give it a go!

mjskit 19/6/12 04:14

What a simple and delicious potato salad! I love the lack of fatty mayo and the use of such a simple dressing! Great salad and beautiful pictures!

tigerfish 19/6/12 07:57

This is new cuisine to me and thanks for introducing it :)

Lenia 19/6/12 08:36

What a great way to cook potatoes!Thank you,dear,for this brilliant idea!xxx

Anonymous 19/6/12 08:48

What a great way to start the day!

Ali 19/6/12 12:47

I just love seeing all the different recipes through blogging...this one looks delicious, and I'm definitely going to put this on my list to try!

Jen @ The Scrumptious Pumpkin 19/6/12 15:02

Yum - sort of a cilantro pesto! I love this idea in place of the classic, heavy mayo-filled potato salad. It looks so flavorful and fresh! :)

Unknown 19/6/12 16:49

Hi Angie! Hope you are doing well. Sorry I haven't been visiting for weeks.
The potato salad looks incredible and cilantro perhaps is my favourite herb. Yum!

Swathi 19/6/12 17:14

This is one of the potato salad I would love to try. I may add some red chilies. Awesome.

Robyn 19/6/12 18:56

Looks fresh and summery! Perfect for a BBQ or picnic!

Tricia @ saving room for dessert 19/6/12 18:57

These ingredients sound perfect. Your posts are always so interesting! Love the info on other cuisines I haven't had the chance to personally get to know. Thanks!

Georgia | The Comfort of Cooking 19/6/12 20:47

I love the idea of larger halves of potatoes tossed with such a pretty cilantro sauce! I have tons of basil to use up, so I might just adapt this to use with that instead. Lovely recipe!

Crunchy Creamy Sweet 19/6/12 21:41

Sounds so exotic! This would be a fabulous change from the standard potato salad. I love it!

Reeni 20/6/12 03:11

This is nice and light for a potato salad! I love the flavors and how you sliced them instead of cubing!

Ilke 20/6/12 04:18

Now I have more options for classic potato salad addition to the grill menu! Looks so fresh with the sauce. I have to agree with the slicing. Looks much nicer than cubing.

Shirley 20/6/12 04:33

I just love potato salads in the summer, and this one is so different. I'll have to try it sometime!

chow and chatter 20/6/12 05:06

lovely :-) and fun to learn about their cuisine went there as a kid but wasn't turned into the food scene then

Torviewtoronto 20/6/12 05:13

looks wonderful lovely presentation

Cass @foodmyfriend 20/6/12 06:54

Yum! Looks amazing Angie. Potatoes are my favourite food!

Noob Cook 20/6/12 08:48

your potato salad is so beautifully presented here.

fimere 20/6/12 12:02

c'est bien appétissant, j'adore
bonne journée

Sanjeeta kk 20/6/12 13:27

Love the green color coated potato slices..such a healthy and yum salad!

Hotly Spiced 20/6/12 15:16

That is a brilliant potato salad. I love the colour of it and the flavours must be amazing. I will try this! xx

Debra Eliotseats 20/6/12 15:19

I am imagining this salad at our next cookout, especially if we make pulled pork. I think that combo would be delicious! I am saving this, definitely!

Faith 20/6/12 15:19

Looks like the perfect dish to bring to a summer BBQ -- yum!

Devaki 20/6/12 16:33

It looks like pesto/mojo is in the air! I love this cilantro-almond based pesto and can see it would be stellar in so many things Angie and using it over potatoes is some kind of special :)

chow! Devaki @ weavethousandflavors

Pam 20/6/12 16:45

Unique and delicious recipe!

Foodie Stuntman 20/6/12 19:57
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Riceandcoconut 20/6/12 22:00

I never seen potato salad like this,so flavorful with great spices ingredients in it,unique post,welldone !!

Karen (Back Road Journal) 20/6/12 22:39

This is such a pretty potato salad and so different. It sounds terrific.

rita cooks italian 21/6/12 00:31

cilantro garlic lemon and Ex Virgin Olive Oil is my favourite potatoes dressing. Next time I should add cumin as your delicious canarian recipe suggests!

Ivy 21/6/12 06:49

Love potato salad with cilantro. I have recently made a similar one with a few different ingredients. Thanks for reminding me to post it.

Amy 21/6/12 07:26

This potato salad sound wonderful. I'm not familiar with the Canarian cuisine and it's good to learn more. I love the green color from the cilantro, so pretty.

Catherine 21/6/12 07:26

Dear Angie, this sounds like a delicious change to the traditional potato salad. Blessings my dear, your friend, Catherine xo

Unknown 21/6/12 12:04

I love your recipe! I would love to try it, bookmarking!!! Thanks for sharing :-)

Beth 21/6/12 16:00

I first read the title as "Canadian" potato salad, and I couldn't figure out what made it Canadian! (This Canadian would love it, though.)

Jessica | Cajunlicious 21/6/12 19:37

This potato salad looks so delicious!

Juliana 21/6/12 20:13

Angie, this potato salad looks great...since I love cilantro...this is perfect for me...great as a side dish for any BBQ...yum!
Hope you are enjoying your week :)

Velva 21/6/12 22:37

You can really enjoy a salad like this one-Delicious.

In Latin America, especially in the Caribbean island of Cuba. Mojos are used often to flavor meats. As soon as I saw your post, I felt like I could connect to it immediately.


lisa is cooking 21/6/12 23:36

What a great potato salad! I have to try this for our next cook-out.

Unknown 22/6/12 00:46

Perfect Summer salad! I'm actually growing cilantro in the garden so I've been thinking about the ways it could be used and I like your recipe using cilantro in a potato salad;-)

Vicki Bensinger 22/6/12 05:27

I've never had this potato salad but the combination of ingredients sounds fantastic and the color looks like summertime. Thank you for sharing this recipe. I will be sure to try this.

Saraswathi Ganeshan 22/6/12 06:09

Fresh and appetite...Love the color too. Bookmarked it.

Miriam 22/6/12 06:22

What a cool potato salad! Awesome idea! Miriam@Meatless Meals For Meat Eaters

Unknown 22/6/12 10:05

You guys out there are performing a great job.

Terra 23/6/12 05:21

I love finding new, fun potato salads! This recipe has unique flavors that sound wonderful together:-) Hugs, Terra

Daphne Elliot 23/6/12 22:37

What a beautiful potato salad! I love the emphasis on fresh herbs. Well dne.

My Little Space 24/6/12 03:08

Oh boy, another mouthwatering side dish! Not just nice to look at...also very tempting. Slurpppp....

Fresh Local and Best 25/6/12 03:44

This looks like a very interesting potato salad! I like the strong flavors from the herbs and spices.

Admin 26/6/12 22:43

this looks so yummy..would love to try it one of these days..thanks for sharing Angie!

best regards from me and my blogs..
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Patty 1/7/12 17:21

Looks delicious! I gotta try making this for 4th of July!

[Reply] 2/7/12 14:55

I lived there as a little girl....

Caroline Taylor 16/8/12 17:09

This is stunning, I love the colour!

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