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Featured Recipe: 35 Recipes to make the most of Asparagus Season

Stewed White Beans with Tomatoes and Winter Savory | © 2011 | | © 2011 |

Warming, filling, and delicious, this herb flavoured white bean stew is delightfully vegan and will definitely bring warmth on a cold winter day. If you don’t have winter savory, sage or rosemary would be the perfect substitute.

  • 200 g Dried white beans
  • 2 tbsp Olive oil
  • 1 clove Garlic, minced
  • 1 can / 400 g Plum tomatoes
  • 2 tsp Winter savory leaves
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  1. Put beans into a large saucepan, cover with 5 cups water, and let soak overnight. Bring it to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer until beans are tender, about 1 hour. Drain beans and set aside.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the garlic and cook briefly. Add the tomatoes, white beans, and winter savory leaves. Bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the sauce has thickened and the flavours have mingled, about 20 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Serve warm. | © 2011 | | © 2011 |


Rosa's Yummy Yums 30/1/12 19:25

A deliciously comforting and warming dish!



Anonymous 30/1/12 19:35

I need to make this asap, it looks amazing, Angie! Your photos are stunning, as always. Love that gold spoon, too. :)

Lenia 30/1/12 19:35

I adore beans!It looks mouthwatering!Kisses,dear!

Unknown 30/1/12 19:37

Looks delicious! And the pictures are amazing!

Crunchy Creamy Sweet 30/1/12 19:53

I love the color and the flavor combo of this soup! Makes me want to dig right in! Have a great week, Angie!

StephenC 30/1/12 20:00

I am a little overwhelmed by the plethora of wonderful dishes folks have been sharing, particularly in the last few days. These beans are definitely much like things I have done. Aren't they grand?

Belinda @zomppa 30/1/12 20:51

Hmm - and vegan too! My kind of soup!

Nisha 30/1/12 21:38

Such a nice, simple & easy recipe!
And oh dear, do you have a pressure cooker? It would save you time in letting beans get tender in 15 minutes instead of 1 hour! :)

SavoringTime in the Kitchen 30/1/12 22:28

This would be a perfect and delicious meatless meal, Angie. So healthy but warm and satisfying too.

Claudia 30/1/12 22:50

I do this with sage - would be fun to swap for the savory. Your opening photo - perfect!

PolaM 30/1/12 23:52

I love beans, and I love white beans the most. they are just so comforting.

Unknown 31/1/12 00:09

I've been thinking about making a white bean soup, I just love the tomatoes and herbs in your soup;-)

Heather S-G 31/1/12 00:47

This looks like such a wonderfully comforting dish. And the photos are so beautiful!

Ana Regalado 31/1/12 01:22

It looks delicious ! & such an easy and simple recipe ;) Lovely presentation as always !

Torviewtoronto 31/1/12 01:28

Healthy flavourful combination looks wonderful

Achu's Amma's Kitchen 31/1/12 03:40

I am new to here.Delicious and easy warming soup

Anonymous 31/1/12 03:47

Oh, Angie! This is another winner! I love beans and tomatoes together and yours is sheer brilliance!

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 31/1/12 04:23

AS I marvel from to the other this is another winner! BRAVO~

Lyndas recipe box 31/1/12 05:00

Beautiful bowl of beans. Beans are wonderful comfort food!

Edith 31/1/12 05:07

Angie, this bowl if filled with wholesome goodness. Yum.

Christy 31/1/12 06:08

Ooooh, I want some of this beanie goodness too; not to keep warm though as it's just HOT here :p

TasteHongKong 31/1/12 06:13

No doubt this is warming and satisfying. Also a good treat after the heavy meals during the Chinese New Year : ).

Honey Bee Sweets 31/1/12 06:25

Happy Lunar New Year Angie! Yum! I love beans stewed in tomato sauces, even the can ones! Now I can cook up a big pot for myself, nice! 😊

Kim Bee 31/1/12 06:28

This is such a wonderful recipe and your photos are just stunning.

Anonymous 31/1/12 07:30

What a hearty and flavourful meal Angie.
:-) Mandy

ping 31/1/12 08:50

Love, love beans, cooked any which way! Awesome pics, Angie. I'm going to make this to go with my biscuits. Thanks, perfect timing!

Three-Cookies 31/1/12 08:58

This sounds perfect, rich and flavourful

MyFudo™ 31/1/12 09:16

My dad will enjoy this dish. he loves white beans and tomato sauce but really hates the canned versions. Let me try this out and surprise him with this hearty stew. Thank you for posting this!

Unknown 31/1/12 11:46

White beans in tomato sauce looks very flavourful n tempting

vianney 31/1/12 12:20

comfort in a bowl, so yummy!!

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen 31/1/12 12:24

I adore beans and you've made these especially attractive Angie. We grew winter savory one year - what a lovely herb.

Lauren 31/1/12 12:34

So simple so good, what is savory similar to?

Barbara 31/1/12 12:47

Very few ingredients, easy to make and it looks comforting and delicious, Angie!

Joanne 31/1/12 13:11

Mmm this sounds so fresh and tasty. I'm thinking it would be perfect over polenta!

Biren @ Roti n Rice 31/1/12 15:16

Your bean stew looks really inviting and it is vegan too! BTW, the bowl with the handle is really cute!

Faith 31/1/12 15:19

Hi Angie, I just got back from vacation and am catching up on my blog reading! I love bean stews and this one looks fantastic -- I just pinned it! :)

sally 31/1/12 15:40

Looks perfect for cold winter nights, and so easy to make too!

Aarthi 31/1/12 15:50

This is my favorite..YUMMY


Eva 31/1/12 18:38

We just made navy beans (which are actually white!) for our skiing day. I just love how creamy beans get when they are cooked really slowly. And I love the plating, Angie.

Juliana 31/1/12 19:25

What a beautiful the creamy white beans...looks delicious especially in this cold weather Angie.
Have a great week :)

Unknown 31/1/12 20:06

This looks beautiful and I'm sure tastes delicious. What a comforting stew!

Elisabeth 31/1/12 20:27

Since I've been on my WW program, I've been eating a lot of grains, and beans, and will add your bean stew to my list of recipes that I want to make. This has to be on the top of my beans list! Yummmy!...healthy, and delicious:DDD

Kim 31/1/12 20:49

i really love white beans! this soup looks delicious! love how healthy and simple this is! :) have a wonderful week angie.

Priya Suresh 31/1/12 22:14

Seriously cant take my eyes from ur irresistible click,super tempting dish.

Delishhh 31/1/12 23:58

Perfect dish for the winder time - very nice!

Hotly Spiced 1/2/12 00:26

What a delicious looking soup and so good for you. The colour is so vibrant as well. And just perfect for a grey, wet, miserable day.

MaryMoh 1/2/12 00:55

Yes, love this too...cos of the tomatoes :D .It's so healthy.

TinaRBK 1/2/12 01:03

This is a wonderful looking soup! I have never seen this blend in a soup, but I do like white beans-so this gets a thumbs up from me!

chow and chatter 1/2/12 01:09

love this think I will make it tomorrow

Becki's Whole Life 1/2/12 03:18

I love what a simplistic recipe this is - yet so filling and hearty! Very pretty, too!

Noob Cook 1/2/12 03:29

a totally wholesome and comforting soup for the cold weather :)

Rosita Vargas 1/2/12 03:50

Un estofado reconfortante una delicia al paladar me encanta,abrazos hugs,hugs.

beti 1/2/12 04:35

this sounds simply amazing, it's been raining in here and this would be just great

Mary 1/2/12 05:17

This looks and sounds absolutely wonderful, Angie. I love simple recipes like this one. And soups make me so happy right now.

tania@mykitchenstories 1/2/12 06:07

This is so simple and I am sure very delicious..... but I just hate you look at the photos, they are just beautiful. Awwwww!

Kiran @ 1/2/12 06:11

Lovely lentil stew -- we love lentils and have it all the time :)

Anh 1/2/12 07:25

This is such a lovely dish! Totally delicious!

Katerina 1/2/12 13:57

We make something similar in Greece! I love your version too!

What's Baking?? 1/2/12 14:49

Beautiful color. Love your presentation.

Kristen 1/2/12 16:38

A simple, but delicious meal...perfect for a busy night's dinner.

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook 1/2/12 17:04

Looks like a very hearty and delicious dish. Great shots, I would love a bowl of it!

lisa is cooking 1/2/12 17:08

I love a slow-cooked bean dish like this! And, I love that it's vegan. Sounds fantastic.

Jill @ MadAboutMacarons 1/2/12 18:46

Perfect. I'm craving a succulent bean stew and this is just what I'm looking for. Looks melt-n-the-mouth-fantastic.

nancy at good food matters 1/2/12 20:06

Thanks for reminding me about Winter Savory---an herb not often used where I live, but adds a welcome herbal note to the beans. I have some wonderful Cannellini beans in my pantry right now---perfect for this recipe.

Tricia @ saving room for dessert 1/2/12 20:40

I love white beans! Especially in a soup or stew. This is a beautiful dish. You could teach classes on food art!

Geni 1/2/12 21:25

This soup looks so healthy, hearty and fabulous!

Katherine Martinelli 1/2/12 22:16

This looks so perfect right about now! It's been cold and rainy and I've been craving dishes like this. I love white beans but rarely eat them - need to try this!

angela@spinachtiger 1/2/12 22:42

We are on the same bean page this week. Your photo is great and beans and tomatoes are a great duo in January.

Kelly Mulcair Registered Nutritionist. Content © 2011 Trinity Nutrition. 1/2/12 22:49

I was admiring this very stew on Gawker (or Tastespotting) yesterday... so colourful and vibrant; beautiful.

Cucina49 1/2/12 23:26

This sounds delectable--one of David's friends is vegan and I never know quite what to feed him during the winter. This is perfect!

kitchen flavours 2/2/12 00:38

This look so comfortingly delicious! Beautiful bowl of stew!

kankana 2/2/12 03:08

Comforting and love the color! Perfect for this season.

Dawn @ Words Of Deliciousness 2/2/12 05:07

I love bean and this recipe would be a great one for me to try

Only Fish Recipes 2/2/12 06:06

lovely....liked the vibrant color of the dish....delicious !

FOODESSA 2/2/12 10:08

With a loaf of rustic, crusty bread...I couldn't resist this comfort.
Angie, legumes are eaten very often in my home...your recipe will come in very handy. Thanks ;o)

Ciao for now,

grace 2/2/12 12:26

marvelous, angie! stewed beans are my favorite thing to eat in the winter, no question!

easyfoodsmith 2/2/12 13:25

The soup looks fabulous and absolutely irresistible. great clicks!

Riceandcoconut 2/2/12 16:08

Yes the pictures always AMAZING,,,and the soup sound really Yummy !!

Asmita 2/2/12 17:02

Comforting and delicious!

Unknown 3/2/12 00:04

Ohhh that looks wonderful.

tigerfish 3/2/12 03:53

I wonder why but this reminded me of English breakfast that usually has tomatoey white beans by the side :)

Anonymous 3/2/12 13:16


I just found out your blog. I love your pictures. There are beautiful!!!

Ilke 5/2/12 03:44

That is one of my best comfort foods. We have a similar one with the addition of mint. I am not sure what winter savory herb is but I bet it tastes good with tomato sauce.

Magic of Spice 5/2/12 20:25

What a beautiful and warming dish...lovely flavors :)

Casey 12/2/12 16:50

Perfect for this cold weather.

Sarah 6/3/12 10:56

oh yumm... this perfectly fits the slow carb diet that I'm on! thanks

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