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Featured Recipe: 35 Recipes to make the most of Asparagus Season

Rigatoncini with Fresh Tomatoes and Chickpeas

A simple tossed dish of spelt pasta, fresh tomatoes, basil and Parmesan is satisfying, healthy and filled with natural flavours. The addition of chickpeas ensure a healthy and nutritiously balanced meal.

  • 100 g Wholemeal spelt rigatoncini

  • 1 tbsp Olive oil
  • 150 g Canned chickpeas, rinsed and drained
  • 1 clove Garlic, minced
  • 250 g Ripe tomatoes, diced
  • 10 Olives, pitted and chopped
  • Some fresh basil
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 tbsp Parmesan, grated
  1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Add the spaghetti to the boiling water and cook until tender, yet al dente, about 8 minutes. Drain.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add chickpeas and garlic, stirring frequently, until the chickpeas are just heated through. Add diced tomatoes, chopped olives, fresh basil, salt and pepper. Stir gently to combine. To serve, divide the pasta among 2 serving plates and top with sauce and Parmesan cheese.
Rigatoncini with Fresh Tomatoes and Chickpeas A big thanks to Claudia from Foodessa and Brian from A Thought For Food!


Finla 14/7/10 06:13

I have never seen spelt pasta here i sure would loo out for it. The pasta dish looks so so refreshing and light.

Jeannie 14/7/10 06:20

That plate of pasta sure looks good! I must try to incorporate chickpeas into my cooking, usually we only eat it steamed with some salt. Looks lovely, Angie:D

Pavithra Elangovan 14/7/10 06:31

wow wholemeal in a plate.. looks awesome, looking colorful and yummy yumm!!!

RV 14/7/10 06:57

This is nice summery dish.. Looks delectable...

Beachlover's Kitchen 14/7/10 07:19

I like this simple pasta .great idea for hot summer!!

kitchen flavours 14/7/10 07:37

wow, looks absolutely yummy!

denise @ quickies on the dinner table 14/7/10 08:01

Oooh Angie!! I am very very hungry and that looks very, very good!!! I love chickepeas but have never cooked them with pasta before. This is definitely something for me to try out soon!

Kitchen Corner 14/7/10 08:16

This healthy pasta looks really delicious! My friend gave me a packet of wholewheat penne pasta, I still haven't use it, is time to tuck it in I think! Thanks for your inspiration!

Elin Chia 14/7/10 08:18

I love the chickpeas in the pasta ! this is a great pasta dish....yum yum

MaryMoh 14/7/10 08:34

Delicious vegetarian dish! I love spelt pasta....healthier. Great idea to add chick peas into pasta. I would love to try that.

Magic of Spice 14/7/10 08:56

A perfect dish and great flovors:) Would be wonderful leftover and chilled too...

Krishnaveni 14/7/10 09:06

healthy and flavourful pasta, great

Sutapa 14/7/10 09:38

Awesome flavorful and great dish! Eye catching full of vibrant colors looks very healthy!

3 hungry tummies 14/7/10 10:17

Beautiful looking dish Angie! Perfect one dish meal for anytime of the day!

Cherine 14/7/10 12:11

A delightful dish! Love it!

Whats Cookin Italian Style Cuisine 14/7/10 12:20

I am always looking for more chick pea recipe and this one is perfect love the picture makes me want to eat this for breakfast!

My Little Space 14/7/10 12:30

Gosh, this looks amazing! Love the colour contrast of a little bit of everything. Salivating! Have a great day!
Cheers, Kristy

Sonia ~ Nasi Lemak Lover 14/7/10 12:33

what a beautiful and healthy dish!

Chef Dennis Littley 14/7/10 15:19

Hi Angie
what a wonderful pasta dish!! I bet it would even be great cold as a salad! I have never tried spelt pasta, but I do want to, I have been looking for a good source for splet and aramanth for my school!

Pari Vasisht 14/7/10 15:52

Hi. An awesome combination, can finish that bowl all by myself, no sharing.LOL

Mary Bergfeld 14/7/10 16:01

What a wonderful combination of flavors. It looks and sounds delicious. I hope you are having a great day. Blessings...Mary

Priya Suresh 14/7/10 16:10

Gorgeous and beautiful dish..very inviting..

Umm Mymoonah 14/7/10 16:11

Very healthy and filling salad, looks lovely.

ann low 14/7/10 18:32

WOW Angie! You're really good at this. Looks so colorful and delicious.

Unknown 14/7/10 18:46

THis looks absolutely yummy. I bet it tastes just as good hot as it does cold too. Its a great alternative to a sandwich for a packed lunch :)

Ivy 14/7/10 18:58

I can imagine how delicious and flavourful this dish is.

FOODESSA 14/7/10 19:10

Angie...I'll share something a little odd...I never ever want to buy the rigatoni pasta...I just was never a fan. Now, maybe the 'cini' part being a little small...just may change my mind ;o) I do appreciate that they are made of spelt...very nutritional. I'll have to lookout for it the next time I'm in the pasta department.
Great ingredients that you combined the pasta with.

Ciao for now and flavourful wishes,

Vrinda 14/7/10 19:25

Looks so colorful n tempting...

Cristina - Teenie Cakes 14/7/10 19:49

This rigatoni dish looks so good and the colors are vibrant and fresh! I'm thinking this may be dinner for this evening (just need to get some chickpeas/garbanzos)!

chow and chatter 14/7/10 20:08

wow so cool to add chick peas to pasta love it

Anonymous 14/7/10 20:39

I love what goes in to prepare looks so fresh.

Mythreyi Dilip 14/7/10 20:51

Excellent pasta recipe with tomatoes and chickpeas, perfect for this season:)

tasteofbeirut 14/7/10 20:54

A beautiful, colorful and altogether immensely satisfying dish!

lisa is cooking 14/7/10 21:00

I love making a big bowl of pasta like this and enjoying the leftovers for lunch the next day. Sounds delicious!

Stella 14/7/10 22:07

Rigatoncini!?! I love the name of that pasta. And this sounds just like a dish we used to make at a Trattoria we worked at in Atlanta-the dish was so good. I'm bookmarking this, Angie!

Sook 14/7/10 22:08

Wow, this pasta looks delicious with chickpeas! Genius idea! I am bookmarking it.

Xiaolu @ 6 Bittersweets 14/7/10 22:22

This looks so delicious and healthy, Angie. Chickpeas are among my staples for quick and hearty vegetarian meals.

joy 14/7/10 22:52

That looks great. I liked that you used chickpea in the recipe.

Claudia 15/7/10 02:02
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Claudia 15/7/10 02:04

This is definitely my dinner tomorrow - love the tomatoes and the chickpeas all covered with earthy Parmesan - how can you not love it? Summer-delicious!

Reeni 15/7/10 02:37

I never heard of this type of pasta Angie! But it looks insanely delicious! Just the kind of food I like to eat during the summer. So light and nutritious.

Carla and Michael 15/7/10 03:27

Rigatoncini? Spelt? Not in my local markets here. Darn. Love the chickpeas, tomatoes, and cheese.

Brian Samuels Photography 15/7/10 05:11

Spelt pasta sounds like a wonderful idea! I love dishes like this... so simple yet they work wonderfully in this hot weather. Another fantastic recipe!

TasteHongKong 15/7/10 08:48

I was thinking to crave some simple pasta dishes. Yours wholewheat rigatoncini looks awesome, pity that the supermarkets nearby don't seem to stock such, I believe I have to go farther.

Bakericious 15/7/10 10:09

the dish is so beautiful :)

pigpigscorner 15/7/10 11:07

Toss pasta is really refreshing and so delicious!

Belinda @zomppa 15/7/10 13:40

I agree about the addition of chickpeas. It's such an easy way to more nutrients in...gorgeous especially for these hot nights!

Joanne 15/7/10 14:07

The fresh flavors in this pasta are something I am definitely craving!

Jo 15/7/10 14:45

Awesome dish! The addition of chickpeas gives the entire dish so much flavour and texture.

fimere 15/7/10 15:53

parfait pour ces jours très ensoleillés
ça me met en appétit
bonne journée

Cynthia 16/7/10 01:51

You know, I seen the pasta and chick pea combo so often and even had it once, yet whenever I want to cook pasta, I never seem to remember that chick peas would be a good addition. Your presentation, as always, is inspiring.

Velva 16/7/10 03:46

As always, a delicious dish! The fresh tomatoes send me over the edge. I love this time of year.

Katie@Cozydelicious 16/7/10 04:14

This is my ideal everyday food. Perfect for a quick weeknight supper. I love chick peas but have been trying to brnach out, and I bet cannellini beans would be yummy here too.

Mama Yéti 16/7/10 11:36

Hello! Just discovered you blog via Fimere's one. I find it very nice and attractive. Thank you for sweet your recipes! When you have time, step by my blog : I have just cooked an italian recipe you might like.

Heather S-G 16/7/10 14:06

What a great dish, Angie! Healthy, delicious and packed with great, simple flavors =)

MONONOKE KITCHEN 16/7/10 15:55

Just beautiful!
That's all I can say!

Rosa's Yummy Yums 16/7/10 16:56

An amazing recipe! That dish looks heavenly!



Honey Bee Sweets 16/7/10 17:38

Thanks Angie for this lovely recipe! Will make it on days when I am eating vegetarian. ;)

Lazaro Cooks 16/7/10 18:22

Beautiful spelt pasta dish. Colorful and lovely presentation.

tigerfish 16/7/10 18:23

Oh, I enjoy a quick easy pasta salad anytime! The flavors you have incorporated are superb.

mr. pineapple man 16/7/10 18:28

the grated paremsan on top makes it look even better!

Justin 16/7/10 18:41

i love the idea of putting chickpeas in pasta -- i'm not sure if i've tried that at home before

Juliana 16/7/10 22:06

Wow, what a beautiful pasta the idea of using whole wheat healthy and yet tasty :-)

Christine Ho 17/7/10 01:39

Again, a healthy and quick meal, good for my today's lunch.

♥peachkins♥ 17/7/10 02:39

I haven't tried chickpeas and pasta. This looks awesome. I'll try it out. Thanks for the recipe,Angie.

Cheah 17/7/10 02:49

That's a nutritius and healthy pasta! And your pics say it all!

Carol 17/7/10 04:47

Your recipe looks so fresh and so delicious! Great ingredients, chickpeas and tomatoes, such a great combination! Bet it's great hot or cold!

Mother Rimmy 17/7/10 04:57

I love the simplicity and freshness of this pasta dish!

Chef E 17/7/10 15:23

I am thinking this could work if I left the pasta out for my veggie eating! I love chickpeas, added it to potato soup pureed in place of cream and it rocked!

This looks so beautiful- hmmm chickpea piccata might work too! Love it!

OysterCulture 17/7/10 18:10

This dish sounds so tasty and refreshing. I love adding chickpeas to my pastas. Cannot wait to give this a whirl.

Lucia 17/7/10 20:45

Che blog originale! Bellissimo, complimenti :-)

Heather 19/7/10 17:28

This is exactly the kind of meal that I love. Simple, delicious, and nutritious. :)

This is my first visit to your blog, and I love it.

grace 19/7/10 22:39

what an interesting pasta--i'd like it very much. the shape is perfect to combine with the chickpeas and tomato dices. lovely dish, angie!

Michelle 29/7/10 05:52

With our tomatoes ripening daily, this dish is definitely on my menu for next week. Looks fabulous and so pretty!

Unknown 25/11/13 23:30

I made it the other day.. I added a small fish fillet and some caper-berries, and I also used normal pasta instead of wholemeal. It was very tasty and light, I loved it! :D Plus, the ingredients are very healthy and very easy to find in groccery-stores.. Thanks for the recipe!

Anonymous 6/3/15 22:58
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Anonymous 1/7/16 01:22
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Anonymous 25/7/16 19:43
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