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Traditional German Hard Rolls Broetchen

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They are known in Germany as Brötchen, Semmeln, Broodje, Schrippen, Wecken or Rundstücke depending on the region. Brötchen can be found in small bakeries all over Germany. They have a crunchy crust and a soft interior.

  • 280 g All-purpose flour
  • 175 ml Warm water
  • 3 g Active dry yeast
  • 1 tsp Sugar
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • 1 Egg white
  • 2 tbsp Milk
  1. In a small bowl, mix yeast, sugar, and 35 ml water. In a large mixing bowl pour into flour and form a well in the center. Pour the yeast mixture into the flour well but do not mix with the flour. Cover the mixing bowl and let stand for 10 minutes.
  2. Add in remaining water and mix at the low speed for 2 minute. Sprinkle in salt and blend at low speed. Increase the speed and continue to knead the dough until smooth. Put dough in a lightly greased bowl and cover with a plastic wrap. Set aside for 45 minutes in a warm corner. Turn out the dough and lightly press to flatten out the large air bubbles. Fold four sides of the flatten dough over into the center. Round up and place the dough back in the bowl and 45 minutes later, repeat the folding. After folding, let the dough rise covered until doubled in the bowl.
  3. Divide the dough into 6-9 equal portions and form into oval rolls. Place on a baking tray with parchment paper dusted with some flour. Cover with kitchen towel and let rise until doubled in volume, about 40 minutes. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F. In a small bowl, lightly beat the egg white with the milk to make the egg wash. Lightly brush the risen rolls with the egg wash. Just before baking, make a cross in top of each bun by snipping dough with scissors. Bake for about 18 minutes or until the tops are golden brown. Remove to a wire rack and cool.


Anonymous 1/8/11 00:07

Hello Angie, I spent some time in Germany and truly enjoyed the hard rolls but have never tried making them myself. I have a question about the measurements of the ingredients listed in your hard rolls recipe. When I convert the flour amount (280g) to US standards, I get 9.8oz. Is this a measure of volume or weight? If it is volume, I have to wonder about the amount. 9.8oz isn't very much flour, a little over a cup...Just wondering?
Thanks, Dan Wagoner ~ Bloomington, Indiana

Angie's Recipes 1/8/11 06:41

Hallo Dan
1 cup of water is 240-250grams, but 1 cup of ap flour is about 115g. So, that would be about 2-1/2 cups.

Anonymous 22/10/11 16:39

35 ml isn't enough water to make the flour into dough. It is just enough to pitch the yeast. Should there be more water listed in the recipe?

Angie's Recipes 23/10/11 08:31

Sorry that I forgot listing the 2nd part of liquid. Liquid should be about 65% of dry ingredients.

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