Monday, January 31, 2011

Orange and Poppy Seed Friands

A Friand, originally from France, is traditionally made mainly with ground almond, melted butter and only a small amount of flour. In this recipe, the ground poppy seeds together with blood orange zest were added to enhance the flavour and aroma of those truly wonderful friands. Orange syrup is not a necessity, actually I find it too sweet.

  • 160 g Butter
  • 3 Blood oranges
  • 50 g Plain flour
  • 180 g Icing sugar
  • 150 g Almond meal
  • 50 g Poppy seeds, ground
  • 5 Egg whites
  • 100 g Caster sugar
  1. Preheat oven to 200C/400F. Grease 7-8 rectangle friand pans. Melt the butter in a saucepan over a medium-low heat, then simmer for 5 minutes until golden brown. Cool slightly.
  2. Finely grate the rind of two blood oranges. Combine the flour, icing sugar, almond meal, ground poppy seeds and grated orange rind.
  3. Whisk the egg whites until frothy. Add to the dry ingredients together with the butter. Stir until just combined. Divide the batter into the pans. Bake until golden brown, about 20 minutes.
  4. Zest rind from remaining orange then juice the oranges. Place zest, juice and sugar into a small saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring, for 5 minutes or until mixture comes to the boil. Reduce heat to low. Simmer for 5 minutes or until mixture thickens slightly. Allow to cool. Place friands onto serving plates. Drizzle with orange syrup and serve.


  1. this love divine angie! i would love to have a piece!

  2. Delicious! That is one awesome combo.



  3. Cute and delicious looking

  4. you are amazing! and its so funny when these cute little loaves are put into perspective - until I saw the pan I had no idea how big or small they were....

  5. new to me, looks so good and as always beautiful click

  6. So simple and delicious...



  7. Looks so so delicious and i love the pictures.

  8. Love poppyseed loaves, and this with blood orange is amazing!

  9. These sound and look delicious! I love ground almonds in baked goods but never tried it with this combo of flavors!

    Consumed: My Culinary Adventure

  10. Looks really delicous!!


  11. Your friands are delightful and I'm so happy that I actually have enough of the ingredients to make them! The only thing I am missing is the really cute pan. The closest I have is a muffin tin... is that too much a travesty?

  12. yummy loaves looks wonderful

  13. These look lovely! I would always go with the orange syrup - I have a real sweet tooth! :D I bet it tastes delicious and smells great with the orange! Great recipe as always, Angie. You never disappoint!

  14. Delicious! this is a great combo!!

  15. Wow wow That looks so so cute and beautiful recipe as well Angie... Love to try this soon. Hey by the way did u get my reply about joconde Imprime.. i am not sure whether u got it or not.

  16. wow, those are simply amazing..nice combo and always love your presentation :)

    US Masala

  17. I've never seen those molds before but like the idea.

  18. Friands looks utterly delicious,yummy..

  19. They're beautiful - I lovem them brightened by the citrus. I am having the worst time trying to get almond flour this year!

  20. This looks delicious! So friand is a kind of loaf bread? I've never heard of that before.

  21. Oh wow, this sounds SO GOOD! I love poppy and put some out on my counter the other day to remind me to make something with it:)

  22. Lovely pics! Friands look absolutely yummy..

  23. The addition of orange and poppy seeds to these beautiful friands was brilliant! They're absolutely gorgeous!

  24. What beautiful little cakes. I love the flavors in these!

  25. Angie-I'm loving these gorgeous little loaves of poppyseed, and blood orange goodness!, I'm for sure getting the mini loaf pans, they are so adorable, and make perfect gifts. No ordinary loaves here! Just amazing yumminess!
    I was so thrilled that you liked the award! After all, we are all "sisters" in the world, and now sharing our best of the best foods, we can offer!

  26. What a cute loaf pan! And now I know what a friand is - love the flavors of blood orange and poppy seeds and these must be very light and moist with the beaten egg whites. Great recipe, Angie!

  27. They look delicious! Besides such fabulous recipes, your photography is amazing!

  28. I like that this is pairing orange with poppy seeds. Too often lemon is used - this is a nice change!

  29. I have never made friands but I have so many egg whites in the freezer I really need to find a use for them. This looks perfect! Thanks for the recipe!

  30. Poppy seeds and orange - what a wonderful combo. These friands (had never heard of before) look amazing!

  31. I am a big poppy seed lover and these are such cute little friands! I would love one with a pot of tea! One for you and one for me.

  32. Those are so cute! I love poppy seeds and the idea of combining their flavor with blood orange sounds delicious. Your photos are absolutely beautiful, too. I love the one with the orange syrup and shavings on top, such a delicate and exquisite touch.

  33. Looks very good! Can imagine the fragrant smell emitting from your kitchen when you are baking these:)

  34. I had my first taste of friands few days back and gosh, they are really sweet.

  35. These are so pretty! I'm not familiar with friands, but anything with orange in it has to be awesome!

  36. Anonymous1/2/11 10:38

    I love anything with poppy seeds. Your friands look fabulous.
    :-) Mandy

  37. I have a confession: I have never heard of Friand, thanks for the introduction! They sound delightful. As always Angie I love your photos, they are always perfect!!

  38. Anonymous1/2/11 12:41

    These teeny loafs look absolutely irresistible! Great flavours.
    *kisses* HH

  39. Thanks very much for explaining what friands are. I always wonder what it is and yet never find out...strange huh. Love the orange smell and taste added to it.

  40. I have really been craving poppyseed infused baked goods recently and these look fantastic!

  41. Look at their beautiful rise! It's so unique and looks so delicious..(did i mention I love to eat the cracked top ?haha)

  42. Those sound so wonderful...and they look so delicious. I would take one of those loaves off your hands if I was closer!!

  43. Anything with poppy seeds is a winner in my book :) Your friands look amazing - I think I would've probably added the orange syrup only because I love a citrusy kick in any dessert.

  44. Looks so delicious..Beautiful pictures gal!!

  45. Wow! This is lovely! Gong Xi Fa Cai, Angie!

  46. You and your recipes are, as always, EXTRAORDINARY! How do you do this? And the photos make me want to jump through the screen.

  47. orange et graines de pavot un mariage qui me tente beaucoup j'en raffole
    une belle réalisation
    bonne soirée

  48. Citrus and poppy seeds are meant to be together in my opinion 8). In fact, my next post has both these flavors as well. Your friands are adorable and must be absolutely delicious.

  49. I LOVE friands and they're one of my mama's favorites. I just adore how you added poppyseeds. The idea of using blood orange zest is genius, I would have never of thought of that! :)

  50. That looks amazing! Great job.

  51. i love orange and poppy seed dessert:) and those mini pans are just adoreable!

  52. Angie, poppy seed and orange, what a lovely combination, looks delicious :-)

  53. The zest finishes it off so beautifully. I just love the little pot bellies on each of these. Each so proud of their little punch of flavour bursting out of the pan is an arrogant little puff! YUM!

  54. I like the combination of orange and poppy seeds in these sweet little mini cakes. The thin slices of orange rind looks perfect on top. The photos are beautiful and I wish I could try one of these;-)

  55. Poppy seeds and almond flour? Looks like a yummy combo. The blood oranges too. I've got to try these. Really a nice recipe, Angie!

  56. Angie, this is too coincidental...I'll explain.
    I just got a pan to make friands in place of a donut pan that had never arrived at the store. Hence, now I have my first recipe to try out in my new tray ;o) Thanks.

    Flavourful wishes,

  57. I always love the aroma of orange citrus in bakes :)

  58. This is the best friand yet! The poppy seed and orange addition makes it uniquely delicious. This is my next recipe to make. Thanks for sharing!

  59. Wow! you always surprise me with the innovative ingredients and the unusual molds that you use in your baking! And this recipe is one such. Lovely click, Angie.

  60. looks delish and Wish you and your family a Happy Lunar New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  61. I love this French dessert, that's what I usually get at my bakery when I'm craving for one. Thanks Angie.

    Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  62. This looks like a more sophisticated and delicious version of a poppyseed muffin. I love how you highlighted the orange in this recipe...I'm sure that burst of citrus adds so much! Thank you for sharing with me, my sweet friend. I hope you are staying safe and warm. It is even too cold in my part of the country...and I'm in Austin!

  63. I love using almond meal in my baked goods. These friands look fantastic, I love the orange! I love your pans too! ;)

  64. I have plenty of leftover egg white from the CNY cookies. Maybe I should bake this. Wishing you and your family Happy Chinese New Year!!

  65. I will be making these friands soon, they are just too good to pass up!

  66. nice combinationand amazing looking so fantastic

  67. This is the mail i sent you.. As i did not have ur mail id i am pasting here. Read and delete if you want.
    Let me explain how I did. First put the design using the decor paste in the silicon mat and put it in the fridge for just 10 minutes( it will just set) or until u prepare the Joconde Batter. Now spread the Batter over the design and bake it. Just keep an eye cos mine was ready withing 7 to 8 minutes time. Now take out of the oven cool it , just it takes 3 to 4 minutes for cooling. Flip it over the cooling rack now the silicon mat will be in the top side, slowly remove the mat like peeling the sticker. Your cool design is ready.. Hope You are clear ..Please let me know if you are unclear with anything. I will be happy to help you.

    Have Great Weekend !!!


  68. oh wow these look amazing adore French cakes and citrus :0)

  69. Anonymous2/2/11 22:59

    Beautiful! Love the flavor combination and the humps -- remind me of madeleines.



  70. I love 'friand', Angie! Almond and butter concoctions with low flour ratio are always so amazingly wonderful. I really should make things like this more often. Yours look so perfect. Yum!

  71. Lovely cakes for breakfast or tea.
    Happy New Year, Angies!

  72. Oooh, these look fantastic! I love poppy seed anything. I have a bunch of clementines, I wonder if I could use them instead of blood oranges.

  73. These really look delicious. Your photos are especially nice today and your cakes are quite beautiful. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  74. Delightful! What grand flavors, and where on earth did you find that pan? Grely would fall over for one of those :)

  75. I love friands, but never tried one with poppy seeds. These look very tempting! Must try it if I get my hands on poppy seeds - they are a bit difficult to find here....

  76. I see this cake everywhere when blog hopping..wish to try one now!!look good! Gong Xi Fa Cai to you and family!☺

  77. Anonymous3/2/11 15:36

    These sound fantastic with blood orange zest! Excellent!

  78. looks really yummy! Would love to give this one a try-

  79. Looks and sounds like just what I need to go with my tea. Love all the extra almonds in the mix.

  80. I've bookmarked this. They look lovely and I like Friands too!

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