Monday, May 04, 2009

Strawberry Mousse Cake topped with Italian Meringue--Celebrating Mother’s Day

My contribution to the event "Celebrating Mother's Day" organized by Ivy.

Should we need a specific calendar day to celebrate, cherish and honour our parents? No. we shouldn't. May 10th is just one of the 365 days and appreciation can be shown in many forms throughout the year. Be having a cup of tea with your mom, or finishing the dish she cooked for you, listening to her blah-blah, watching one fav. soap TV series with her, or something, anything that might brighten her daily life. Even just being there would cheer her up.
I remember when I still lived at home with my mum and my brother, I didn't need to worry about the food, all I had to know was when the meal would be ready.
I believe this light dessert-like strawberry moussecake would really make her day, a mother's day. I now live 9000 kilometers away from her and cannot really give her the cake in person, but I will call and thank her for taking such a challenging role as a full time mother in life.
Mother's Day was not celebrated in China until the year 1997, when the day was set to raise money to help poor mothers. Since then, it has gain its popularity in the country.
The flower image I have found through google.

The flower for the Mother's Day is called "orange daylily" in English, or Wang You Cao (忘忧草) in Chinese, literally meaning "forget worries & strife plant". Still the most sold flowers are carnation.
Happy Mother's Day to All Mothers!

Strawberry MousseItalian Meringue
  • 2 round Chiffon cake, 7-inch
  • 2 tbsp Strawberry jelly
  • 1/2 tbsp Water
  • 500 g Fresh strawberries
  • 2 tbsp Inverted sugar syrup
  • 2 tbsp Caster sugar
  • 60 ml Water
  • 1 tbsp Lemon juice
  • 8 Gelatin sheets
  • 300 g Whipping cream
  • 100 g Golden yellow sugar
  • 45 ml Cold water
  • 4 Egg whites
  • 1/3 tsp Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla extract
  1. Soak gelatin sheets in a bowl of water and lemon juice for 5 minutes. Stem and rinse the strawberries. Place 2/3 of the strawberries, caster sugar and inverted sugar syrup in a blender and puree. Warm the softened gelatin with a pot of simmering water until clear and dissolved. Stir it into the strawberry puree mixture. Chill the mixture to the consistency of raw egg white.

  2. Whip cream until the soft peaks are about to form. With a rubber spatula, fold the cooled strawberry mixture into the whipped cream to blend completely. Microwave the strawberry jelly and water in a small bowl for 10 seconds.
  3. Place an 8-inch moussecake ring on a cake board or a serving plate. Place one disc inside the cake ring. Brush lightly with prepared glaze. (if desired, place strawberry halves or slices around the cake.) Pour half of the mousse over the cake, letting it spill over the sides. Spread the mousse in an even layer. Place second cake layer on top of mousse and brush with glaze. Pour the rest of the mousse on top and spread evenly. Chill for at least 4 hours or overnight until firm.
  4. Half an hour before serving time, start to prepare the meringue topping. Dissolve the sugar in water over medium heat. Increase the heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Once the mixture starts to boil, beat the egg whites with the salt and lemon juice until stiff peaks form. Once the syrup temperature reaches 118C/245F, pour into the whites in a thin stream, taking care not to let it run onto the whisk. Continue beating the egg whites until it has cooled to lukewarm and meringue is thick and shiny. Flavour with the vanilla extract.
  5. Remove the moussecake from the fridge. Spoon Italian meringue into a pastry bag fitted with a star tip, and pipe meringue on top in a decorative manner. Brown the meringue with a kitchen torch at a 90-degree angle a few inches from surface of meringue. Lift the cake ring off. Slice and serve.


  1. It is really difficult to read the post as there is squares on the side from tinypic the image has been remove.
    Will come back tommorow to red the recipe as i love this cake and would love to make them.

  2. @HappyCook
    Thank you for the infor. I just uploaded the pic. again.

  3. lovely cake your mom must be proud of you lol

  4. Your discussion of Mother's day is as inspirational as the recipe.

  5. This cake looks great! I like the literal translation of the orange day lily in Chinese - I'm going to see if I can find some of those to send my mom!

  6. I am sure your mum will be very happy to read what you have written about her and the strawberry mousse cake sounds amazing.

  7. awesome cake..looks mouthwatering..want to try this..Happy mothers day angie!!

  8. thanks for sharing your thoughts about Mother's day and this beautiful cake as well. Send a piece my way, my girls are still too small to bake for me

  9. Beautiful cake - any mother would be proud!

  10. Wow-what a beautiful cake.I'm sure your mother would appreciate the thought:)

  11. This is a gorgeous cake! Such a sweet post about your Mom. You'll be with her in heart and spirit!

    Moon says hi - Meow! Moon just went to the vet two weeks ago and he weighs a whooping 24 pounds!!
    He is a big boy, and is on a diet now. The vet would like to see him get down to 20 pounds!

  12. Your cake looks incredible! Deliciously light and fruit-filled. Gorgeous meringue.

  13. Anonymous5/5/09 18:46

    Beautiful strawberry mousse cake and the meringue is just gorgeous! My daughter made a cake with my mom's help while I was away this weekend and decorated it with the word "Mom". It wasn't Mother's day and I didn't actually get to eat the cake but I loved the thought and the photo of her holding this cake. For the Mother's day itself - it's my daughter's birthday so definitely more important :)

  14. My dear foodie friends, thank you so much for your constant support and encouragement.
    @5 Star Foodie, would love to see the cake your daughter made for you and look forward to reading the entry about your daughter.
    @Reeni, 24 pounds! Moon is a giant! My fat cat is about 8 kilos, and the vet said that he at least gotta shake 2 kilos off. Oh, easier said than done.

  15. my first comment here...
    Beautiful outlooks...mouthwatering..;) I love cakes....Happy mother's day...
    visit me back if you don't mind :)

  16. Simply delicious and comforting cake!! yumm yuvat a sweet post about ye mom :D

  17. Anonymous1/6/13 02:12

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