Saturday, June 22, 2024

Red Lentil Crackers

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You only need a few ingredients and less than 10 minutes of preparation to make homemade lentil crackers / crisps. Your oven will do the rest for you and they are guaranteed to be crispy, and kept fresh for several days. They are naturally gluten-free, protein-rich and free of any grains. A fun and healthy way to enjoy some legumes. Feel free to experiment with other herbs and spices and have fun!

  • 140 g Red lentils
  • 1/2 tbsp Paprika powder
  • 1/2 tbsp Smoked paprika powder
  • 2 tsp Fresh rosemary, finely chopped (or 1 tsp dried rosemary)
  • 1 clove Garlic, chopped
  • Juice of a half lemon (about 1 1/2 tbsp)
  • Sea salt and black pepper
  • 1 tbsp Sesame seeds for topping (optional)
  1. Place the red lentils in a large bowl. Add water until all the lentils are well covered. Let it soak in the water for 3 at least hours or overnight. Drain and rinse the lentils again.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F. Place the drained red lentils, spices and lemon juice in a processor. Blend until smooth.
  3. Line a baking tray with baking paper and brush the paper with a little olive oil. Spread the red lentil paste evenly on the baking tray using a spoon or spatula. Sprinkle the sesame seeds over if using. Bake in the middle of hot oven for around 15 minutes.
  4. Remove from the oven and use a sharp knife or pizza cutter to cut into squares, rectangles or triangles. Return it to the oven for a further 15 minutes or until they are nicely crispy.

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  1. Now this is totally up my alley! I use tons of red lentils. But you can cut it before baking, just make indents with a knife, and then after baking just go through them again with a knife. I actually made my usual red beans and sunflower crackers this morning. You just mix one mashed can of red beans with a few spoons of their juice, a few spoons of oil, half a cup of ground sunflowers and a cup of ground oat flakes. Some salt (or vegeta), onion and garlic powder and you spread it on the paper with a spatula and cut it and 15 minutes baking. I put some sesame in it too.

  2. @DEZMOND Your recipe sounds great, Dezzy.

  3. These sound great, I'm always looking for a good cracker.

  4. Es la primera vez que veo galletas de lentejas rojas. Me gustaría probarlas desde luego porque no imagino su sabor. Te han quedado muy bonitas.

  5. Angie, your crackers sound great. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a happy weekend.

  6. I agree with the others, they sure look great and I'm sure they are so good!

  7. These look crispy and yummy. Happy weekend Angie.

  8. Anonymous22/6/24 16:30

    How easy, look great and must be very flavorful. Karen (Back Road Journal)

  9. What a great recipe for summer!

  10. I think this is a healthy and delicious recipe.

  11. The crackers look terrific! Great attraction for hungry kids during summer vacation!

  12. ...Angie, you seem to make just about everything.

  13. Oooo these sound good and not to complicated to make. Plus super pretty too. So bookmarking for fall.

    Allie of

  14. They look good.
    Many thanks for sharing this recipe.

    All the best Jan

  15. Original and aromatic appetizer!

  16. This is one of the most unique ways of using lentils and one of the most intriguing recipe for crackers I've ever seen. Awesome!

  17. Better protein for the crackers

  18. Anonymous23/6/24 02:46

    Those look fantastic, Angie! And it’s an easy one, as I have all the ingredients on hand. I’ll be making these for dinner tomorrow night, as I know our guests will love them. David (C&L)

  19. Gracias por la receta. se ve fácil de hacer. Te mando un beso.

  20. I want to try these! And for a change, I actually have ALL the ingredients on hand!

  21. They do look great, nice and crunchy.

  22. These look crispy and delish! 😋

    Happy Sunday, Angie!

  23. These would be great on a walk, replacing trail mix or power bars.

  24. I love crackers, these're the healthy ones, Happy weekend Angie

  25. I really love these crackers, I'm going to try them!

  26. Healthy crackers, how wonderful!

  27. They look delicious. I used to make black eye pea crackers. I need to try these.

  28. Inspired by your recipe, here is mine:
    Thanks for sharing!

  29. what a marvellous idea angie and so colourful.

  30. Anonymous14/8/24 14:05

    Hello I just made these delicious crackers. So so yummy and extremely filling. Thank you so much for sharing your delicious cracker recipe.
